2009학년도 경희대학교
작년부터 경희대학교의 어휘문제의 출제비중은 매우 높아졌다. 동의어 문제가 15문제/ 문장완성이 10문제 총 25문제가
어휘 관련 문제로 출제되었고 전체 60문제 중 41% 가 어휘문제인 것이다. 하지만 그 수준은 그리 높지 않고 평이한 수준
이었으며 100% 보카바이블의 범위 내에서 출제되었다. (보카바이블 적중률 보기항, 정답 포함 100%)
독자님들의 합격을 기원 드린다. - 보카바이블/이디엄바이블 저자 허 민
[1-15] [동의어] 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 비슷한 단어나 표현을 고르시오.
1. The committee member have not decided which of the two strategies they should adopt to successfully complete
the task.
① expedite[D2113,R084]
② employ[F0944]
③ manipulate[F1835]
④ abandon[표제어0111,F1444]
【해설】adopt 채용하다, 채택하다 [D0252,D0225,F2333,R007]
2. In her speech, she offered several compelling examples to support her ideas.
① controversial[D2813,F0554,F1141,R127]
② illusionary[D1414]
③ doubtful[F2354]
④ unavoidable[P13]
【해설】compelling 강제적인, 칭찬하지 않을 수 없는 [D0935,F4353]
3. By 1844, Darwin had convinced himself that species are not immutable, but worked on to get further evidence.
① equitable[D1954]
② ineligible[D1831]
③ edible[1815]
④ changeable[F3043]
【해설】immutable 불변의, 변하지 않는(=unchangeable) [D3334, F0932, F2022]
4. The people are completely indifferent as to who wins the local election since there has been so
long a struggle between the major and minor parties.
① unfettered[F1235,F2711]
② not interested[F1041]
③ undifferentiated[1535,F1031]
④ not knowledgeable[F3115]
【해설】indifferent 무관심한(=not interested), 냉담한[표제어2823] * 동의어 그대로 출제
5. Thousands of products become obsolete in the electronic industry every year.
① beneficial[F1342,F3922,R032]
② available[F1523,R124]
③ outmoded[S0355,F0931]
④ updated[B43]
【해설】obsolete 낡은, 구식의(=outmoded)[표제어3415] * 동의어 그대로 출제
6. Regardless of the increasing import!ance of women in the labor field and the campaign for equal rights, it is
interesting to note that women in some countries still consider homemaking the most import!ant of their
① to make it up
② to put down
③ to write up
④ to be aware
【해설】note 적어두다, 알아차리다 [F3353] (=be aware[기출필수표현I-32])
7. Virtual reality holds exciting potential for exposure therapy,' in which patients are encouraged to relive traumatic
① painful[F4242]
② puerile[H31]
③ hallucinatory[H21]
④ drastic[1745,F4355]
【해설】traumatic 외상 치료의, 정신적 충격이 큰 [H40]
8. The American auto industry, the epitome of arrogance to customers, is an awful candidate for a bailout.
① expectancy[R110]
② essence[F2433]
③ protocol[B28]
④ pronoun
【해설】epitome 줄거리, 발췌, 요약; (the) 전형(=essence)[D1953, F1534]
9. Parents should taken in their stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure.
① be anxious[S2654] about
② not deal with
③ be more concerned[F1612] with
④ not be upset[D1621,F3433] by
【해설】take in one's stride 냉철하게 대처하다; 어려운 일을 무난히 해결하다 [이디엄바이블 162p]
10. Reckless distribution of complicated derivative products throughout the global market, detached from the real
economy, put the global financial market into crisis.
① unoriginal[F1643,F3532]
② disingenuous[F0632,R043]
③ foreign[F2021,F2132]
④ speculative[D4042,R110]
【해설】derivative 파생적인(=unoriginal) [F3633, H14]
11. Stronger commitment was promised for digital technologies, particularly services and devices to speed the
convergence between broadcasting and telecommunications.
① congregation[D1043,R047]
② optimum[B21]
③ union[F4342]
④ renovation[F2854]
【해설】convergence 집중성(=union), 수렴[표제어 1151]
12. Harold Pinter ended his Noble Prize acceptance speech with these words. "I believe that, despite the enormous
odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determinations as citizens to define the real truth of our
lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is, in fact, mandatory."
① compulsory[D0935,D2712,F4353,R085]
② charitable[B05]
③ arbitrary[표제어0443,F2235]
④ commendable[F3231]
【해설】mandatory 강제의, 의무의, 필수의(=compulsory)[표제어3231, F4353, R070] * 동의어 그대로 출제
13. The Korean economy has been going downhill for some time and econorric indexes have fallen to dire levels.
① deflated[S1135]
② extraordinary[F2134,F2911]
③ appalling[D2325,F2325]
④ tragic
【해설】dire 무시무시한(=appalling)[D2554, F3431]
14. The government will ease some "anti market" housing regulations soon, in a bid to stimulate the sluggish property
market, a top official said yesterday.
① retrograding[F1542,F3851]
② morose[H27]
③ hazardous[D2523]
④ listless[B16,F2823]
【해설】sluggish 느린, 완만한(=listless)[표제어 4022]
15. Time was, notional crises stimulated saving. But thrift today has a negative, miserly[B19,F0925,F2914] connotation.
① misfiring[B19]
② stingy[F0544,F2124]
③ ominous[표제어3431]
④ generous[D0845,F2423,R043]
【해설】miserly 인색한, 몹시 아끼는[B19, F0925, F2914]
[16-25] [문장완성] 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것은?
16. Annual investments in genetic engineering firms down slightly this year to the world's economic recession.
① went
② reduced[F0724,F1315,R027]
③ declined[표제어1333,R020]
④ jumped
【정답】① go down (물가 등이) 내리다, 줄다 [이디엄바이블 286p]
【해설】 * recession (불경기, 경기침체)와 어울리는 단어는 "경기가 하락하다"이지만
reduce와 decline 이 답이 안되는 이유는 down이 있기 때문이다.
17. The forensic team took blood from the suspect to send it to the national science lab.
① selection[F1831,R062]
② model[F2121,R076]
③ sample[R110]
④ example[R110]
【해설】법의학수사팀은 용의자로부터 추출한 혈액샘플을 국립과학연구소에 보냈다.
* example이 답이 안되는 이유는 example과 model의 의미는 "그 무엇의 모범이 되는 것, 전형적인 예"의 의미
이기 때문이다.
18. Throwing a litter from cars is by law and you will be fined heavily when caught.
① forbidding[B12]
② permitted[D0142]
③ prohibited[F2845,R050]
④ admitted[D0235,R075]
【해설】차에서 쓰레기(litter: F2345)를 버리는 일은 법에 의해 (①금지된다(현재분사여서 틀림)②허용된다
③금지된다 ④ 인정된다)
19. The things that we would like to avoid like pain, despair, and ongoing disputes are the reality that we must
undertake, and the things that we would like to live with, like wealth and money, are those that we must .
They are the shadows of desire.
① induce[표제어2832,F1025,R027]
② release[B30,R061]
③ compel[표제어0935,F2712,R085]
④ perpetrate[F3524]
【정답】② release 석방하다, 해방시키다, 방출하다, 면제하다, 개봉하다 [B30]
【해설】우리가 피하고 싶은 것들인 고통, 절망, 분쟁 들은 우리가 떠 맡아야 할 현실이다. 그리고 살면서 가지 고 싶은 부나 돈 같은 것들은 우리가 털어버려야 할 것들이다. 그것들은 욕망의 어두운 그림자이기 때문이다.
20. The president-elect, who has struggled to give up cigarettes, still sneaks and occasional smoke.
That cigarettes can ensnare someone as disciplined as Obama speaks to their .
① addiction[D0231]
② capacity[표제어0811,F0752,F2144,R012]
③ delusion[D1414,R069]
④ contagion[D1122]
【정답】② capacity 능력, 재능, 수용력, 정원[표제어0811,F0752,F2144,R012]
【해설】담배를 끊으려고 분투했던 대통령 당선자는 여전히 슬쩍 슬쩍하거나 때때로 담배를 핀다.
오바마만큼이나 훈련받은 누군가를 유혹할 수 있는 그 담배들은 그들의 재능에 대해 거론한다.
21. Methane is made by decaying plants or found in the burps, belcher and other of animals termites
to cattle and people.
① assault[F0453,R097]
② fusion[F1541,R042]
③ cataracts[F0821]
④ emissions[D1541,F1011,R075]
【해설】 emission 방출, 배출 [D1541,F1011,R075]
22. Intel Corp, the world's biggest maker of semiconductors, said fourth-quarter profit dropped 90 percent after
the recession demand and forced the company to write down the value of its investments.
① curbed[D1514,F1235]
② vilified[F4443]
③ churned
④ emissions[D1541,F1011,R075]
【정답】① curb 억제하다, 재갈을 물리다[D1514,F1235]
【해설】세계에서 가장 큰 반도체 생산자인 인텔사는 경기침체가 수요를 억제하고 기업이 자신들의 투자의 가치를 평가절하할 수 밖에 없게 된 후부터 4/4분기의 이익이 90% 급감했다고 발표했다.
23. Congress laid the foundation for an economic recovery plan, clearing the way for a new of bailout
cash for the financial industry.
① withdrawal[B44]
② deposit[F0953,F4245,P12R089]
③ infusion[F1541,R042]
④ transplant[F4151,P16]
【정답】③ infusion 주입, 불어 넣음[F1541,R042]
【해설】의회는 금융 산업을 위한 긴급구제자금의 투입을 위한 새 활로를 모색하면서 경제 회복 계획을 위한
기반을 마련했다.(매우 시사적인 지문입니다.)
24. Refugee flows are up after years of decline as violence in hot spots around the globe.
① derails[F1525]
② deregulates[S0323]
③ frustrates[D2041]
④ flares[D2245]
【정답】④ flare 불타 오르다, (싸움등이) 돌발하다 [D2245]
【해설】* refugee 피난민[F2352]
25. Just as China's economic boom fueled a roaring demand for raw materials across the world, so too did
it a frenzy for recyclable paper, plastic and metals.
① exceed[표제어2042,F1013,R013]
② contain[R116]
③ spur[F2412,F2723]
④ extinguish[D2124,R112]
【정답】④ spur 박차를 가하다, 고무하다, 자극하다 [F2412, F2723]
【해설】중국 경제의 붐은 전 세계를 걸쳐 원자재에 대한 활발한 수요를 자극했고, 또한 재생가능한 종이, 플라스틱, 고철 등에 대한 열광을 자극했다.
* fuel 연료를 보급하다, 자극하다[B12] / roaring 활발한, 떠들썩한 [B32] / raw material 원자재[B29]
frenzy 격분, 격앙, 열광[표제어2343]
26. Super-industrialism, the next stage of eco-technological development, requires even higher since
masses of workers have to constantly move again to new places for jobs whenever necessary.
① settlement[표제어3951]
② mobility[B19,F3821,R079]
③ demand[F3825,R070]
④ responsibility[F3143]
【해설】constantly move again~으로 보아 움직임과 관련이 있는 mobility가 정답이다.