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중앙일보 교육연구소와 교육전문기관 엘리트 그룹이 급변하는 대입환경을 진단하고 팬데믹 이후 가속화될 교육변화의 미래를 예측하고자 2월 25일 목요일 오후 4시(서부기준)에 2021 제 1차 학부모 교육세미나를 개최합니다.
웨비나 형태로 진행되는 이번 교육세미나는 ‘미래형 하버드’로 평가되는 미네르바 스쿨 벤 넬슨 설립자와 엔터테인먼트미디어벤처(EMV)의 샌디 클라이맨 대표가 “교육의 미래: 학생과 학부모들에게 전하는 미네르바 스쿨이 해답인 이유(The Future of Education: How Minerva Schools Was Right About College—and What That Means for Students and Families)란 주제로 강연에 나섭니다.
참가 사전등록은 엘리트그룹 웹사이트 를 통해 신청 가능합니다. 하버드보다 입학이 어려운 것으로 유명한 미네르바 스쿨의 창립자가 전하는 교육의 미래와 오늘날 학생들이 넘어서야 할 치열한 입시경쟁의 현실과 도전과제를 듣는 귀중한 시간이 되시길 바라며 수험생 자녀를 둔 한인 학부모님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
Speaker Details
Ben Nelson - Ben Nelson is the Founder of Minerva, and a visionary with a passion to reinvent higher education. Prior to Minerva, Nelson spent more than 10 years at Snapfish, where he helped build the company from startup to the world’s largest personal publishing service. With over 42 million transactions across 22 countries, nearly five times greater than its closest competitor, Snapfish is among the top e-commerce services in the world. Serving as CEO from 2005 through 2010, Nelson began his tenure at Snapfish by leading the company’s sale to Hewlett Packard for $300 million.Prior to joining Snapfish, Nelson was President and CEO of Community Ventures, a network of locally branded portals for American communities. Nelson’s passion for reforming undergraduate education was first sparked at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, where he received a B.S. in Economics. After creating a blueprint for curricular reform in his first year of school, Nelson went on to become the chair of the Student Committee on Undergraduate Education (SCUE), a pedagogical think tank that is the oldest and only non-elected student government body at the University of Pennsylvania.
Sandy Climan - Sanford R. (Sandy) Climan is President of Entertainment Media Ventures, Inc. Founded in 1999 by Mr. Climan, EMV is active in media investment and strategic advisory work, with a particular focus on disruptive technologies and entities currently impacting the traditional boundaries of business, media and entertainment. He is an investor, producer, and considered a media visionary. Throughout his career, Mr. Climan has held senior management positions in the media and entertainment industry. Mr. Climan served as Corporate Executive Vice President and President of Worldwide Business Development of Universal Studios, where Mr. Climan oversaw corporate international strategy, strategic marketing, and five studio operating divisions. Mr. Climan was part of the senior management team at Creative Artists Agency for 12 years, where he was the founding head of CAA’s corporate practice and a senior talent agent representing such stars as Robert De Niro, Robert Redford, Kevin Costner, Danny DeVito and director Michael Mann, as well as many prominent film and television production companies.Notable achievements include: Executive Producer of the first digital live-action 3D feature film, “U2 3D,” and Producer of “The Aviator,” directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, for which Mr. Climan was awarded both a BAFTA and a Golden Globe for Best Film. Mr. Climan received an Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2018. Mr. Climan holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School, a Master of Science in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College.
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