FPV 드론 포함 모든 종류의 무인기를 2024년 1분기에는 월 2만대를 받았는데, 지금은 월 20만 대를 받고 있다고 합니다.
수송, 지뢰제거, 부상자 운반 등의 임무에 투입하기 위한 지상용 무인로봇도 도입하기 위해 노력하고 있다고 합니다.
2024년 12월 말 우크라이나 국방부 장관 루스템 우미에로프는 2024년 우크라이나 기업이 우크라이나군이 사용할 UAV의 96.2%(FPV 드론 150만 대)를 제조했다고 발표했네요. 2024년 10월 젤렌스키 대통령은 우크라이나가 연산 400만 대의 드론을 생산할 수 있는 역량을 갖췄다고 밝혔고, 2025년에 최소 3만 대의 장거리(=대형?) 드론을 생산할 계획이라고 밝혔다고 하네요.
In 2025, the Ukrainian Defense Forces started receiving about 200 thousand drones per month - Militarnyi
9 February, 2025Ukrainian military with DJI Mavic 3 drones, 2024. Photo: 117th Motorized Rifle Brigade
In 2025, the Ukrainian Defense Forces started receiving about 200 thousand drones per month
Ministry of Defense UAV Ukraine Weapons purchase
In 2025, the supply level of unmanned systems to the Ukrainian Defense Forces, primarily FPV drones, increased to about 200,000 per month.
First Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Havryliuk said this.
“If we take unmanned systems, especially FPV drones, which are used to defeat the enemy. We started the first quarter of 2024 with 20 thousand per month. Today, this figure is about 200 thousand per month and is on the rise,” he shared.
However, he emphasized that this regards not only FPV drones but the entire range of drones, including systems received as part of international assistance.
Hromylo UAV. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
The Deputy Minister emphasized efforts to introduce ground robotic systems. They are used for logistical tasks, mining and demining, and evacuating the wounded.
When performing such tasks, the military is forced to move to open areas where they are in the greatest danger. Therefore, it is planned to transfer these functions to ground robotic systems as soon as possible.
At the end of October 2024, the Ministry of Defense reported that in 10 months, the agency, together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, had contracted 1.6 million UAVs of various types for a total of over UAH 114 billion. These include long-range, FPV kamikaze, reconnaissance, and wing drones, as well as attack copters and aircraft. Out of this amount, suppliers have already completed orders for 1.28 million unmanned aerial vehicles worth over UAH 81 billion. At the same time, another 366,940 units of drones were scheduled to be delivered by the end of the year.
By 2025, the Ministry of Defense had already contracted 155,205 units of unmanned aerial vehicles worth UAH 32.33 billion.
Infographic of drone supply sources for the Defense Forces of Ukraine in 2024. Photo credits: Rustem Umerov
At the end of December 2024, Rustem Umierov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine, reported that in 2024, Ukrainian enterprises produced 96.2% of all UAVs for the Ukrainian Defense Forces. In particular, more than 1.5 million FPV drones were manufactured.
In January 2025, Herman Smetanin, Minister of Strategic Industries, announced that the Ukrainian defense industry had delivered more than 30,000 bomber drones to the Defense Forces in 2024.
A bomber drone with cluster munitions in service with the Magyar Birds unit, 2023.
In October 2024, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated at the opening of the Second International Defense Industries Forum that Ukraine is already capable of producing a total of 4 million drones annually.
In November 2024, the President announced that in 2025, Ukraine plans to produce at least 30,000 long-range drones.
첫댓글 월 20만대면 거의 포탄처럼 소모하네요.
저 정도면 분대급에서도 드론 써먹으면서 정찰이나 정밀타격을 하지 않을까 싶을 정도입니다.
갑자기 적 지정사수나 저격수 조지는데 FPV 드론이 쓸만할 수도 있겠단 생각이..
재작년 12월의 기사인데, 우크라이나에서 FPV 오퍼레이터를 양성하던 민간인이 주장하길, 군대가 100만이면 FPV 오퍼레이터가 1만 명은 있어야 한다고 했네요. 이상적인 건 모든 병사가 개인화기처럼 드론을 운용하는 거라고...
>Berlinska estimates the country needs 10,000 FPV pilots in its one million-strong military.
>Everyone, though, needs to have some level of familiarity with FPV drones, said Berlinska. “Ideally, every soldier could use a drone like they could a rifle.”
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