The book's title is "Welcome to the Fan Club!". I read this book~~,~~ and I very highly recommended recommend this book to my friend because~~,~~ my friend likes Harry Potter series the Harry Potter series. And I think Ava is amazing for creating new stories, because my dream is to be a writer~~,~~ and I think it is difficult to write new stories. And I think I'm jealous of Ava's popularity through her posts. But I think it would be difficult to become more popular here there.
Score: B+
- '매우 추천하다'는 영어로 'highly recommend'라고 해요.
- '해리 포터 시리즈'는 'the Harry Potter series'라고 써요. 'the'를 잊지 마세요.
- 긴 문장은 접속사로 연결하거나 마침표로 나눠서 쓰면 좋아요.
- '~에게'라는 뜻으로 'to'를 사용해요. 예: 'recommend this book to my friend'
- 마지막 문장의 'here'보다는 'there'가 더 자연스러워요. 왜냐하면 팬 페이지에 대해 이야기하고 있기 때문이에요.
- 왜 이 책을 추천하는지, 어떤 점이 좋았는지 더 자세히 설명해 보면 좋겠어요.