Today's Reading
TO MARY WILLIS SHELBURNE, whose difficulties with her daughter and son-in-law continued: On the experience of forgiving; and on the tedium of dying.
6 July 1963
() one can say about Lorraine] is that if she is really so brainwashed /as
you think, she is then no more morally responsible
/than a lunatic. I
fully admit that as regards her husband you have been set as difficult a
job in the forgiving line /as can well be imagined.
* they set you a difficult job~ 4 형식
as 를 써야하는 관계로 as difficult a
job 이 됨
Do you know,
only a few weeks ago I realised suddenly that I at last had forgiven the
cruel schoolmaster //who so darkened my childhood. I’d been trying to do
it for years: and like you, each time () I thought () I’d done it,
I found,
after a week or so it all had to be attempted over again. But this time I
feel sure () it is the real thing.
And (like learning to swim or to ride a
bicycle) the moment () it does happen it seems so easy and you wonder why
on earth you didn’t do it years ago. So the parable of the unjust judge
comes true,
and [what has been vainly asked for years] can suddenly be
I also get a quite new feeling /about ‘If you forgive you will
be forgiven.’ I don’t believe () it is, as it sounds, a bargain.
forgiving and the being forgiven] are really the very same thing. But one
is safe /as long as one keeps on trying.
How terribly long these
days and hours are for you. Even I, who am in a bed of roses /now
compared with you, feel it a bit.
I live /in almost total solitude, never
properly asleep by night (all loathsome dreams) and constantly falling
asleep by day.
I sometimes feel /as if my mind were decaying. Yet, in
another mood, how short our whole past life begins to seem!
It is a pouring wet summer here, and cold. I can hardly remember when we last saw the sun.
Well, we shall get out of it all sooner or later, for even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.
Let us pray much for one another.
From The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume III
Compiled in Yours, Jack
The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 1950-1963. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Yours, Jack: Spiritual Direction from C. S. Lewis. Copyright © 2008 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.