출처: ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣ 원문보기 글쓴이: 유샤인
Mr. Bannon,.. thanks for being here at this undisclosed location in Texas. It's Steve. Steve Steve. It's good good to have you here, Thanks for being here, Glad to be here. You know you're here very specifically to talk with me about something that you and I study very very intently and it's China and I'd love to just start right off the bat with asking you, what do you think China's true intentions are in kind of their, in their grand strategy. Their grand strategy is very simple it is to be a hegemonic world power. I mean you see through one be lt one road you can see through made in China 2025, you can see through everything they're doing in their strategy of being like the East India Company and sub-Saharan Africa, what they 're doing the Caribbean now, what they're doing in Latin America, the economic war, that all what we call all forces of government, right all areas of government focus on the economic war against the United States, their military buildup, they're basically trying to close the South China Sea. What China is doing is with One Belt One Road trying to basically connect the old Silk Road all the way up to Italy. We saw in the paper today the Italian government the the guys in the five-star de Maio came back from Beijing. They had a huge thing about hey we want to end we want to end the One Belt One Road in Italy Marco Polo essentially left.
We had a vote this week in the Maldives which really rejected what they're trying to do in the Mahon's strategy of taking all the naval bases and choke points throughout the world and then Speakman, what they're trying to do is force the United States which has been a Pacific Power off of the landmass through what they're doing the South China Sea, and what they're doing around Taiwan. I said they want to push us back to Guam. So listen, they're the most, people have said for years to kind of cover this. A lot of Wall Street and City of London and Frankfurt crowd have kind of said oh well, you know, they're not territorially ambitious. They've never been an expansionist power. Okay listen I think it's the you know since time immemorial the the access to the Chinese market kind of this mystery the Chinese market has always drawn in the West right whether is the British coming there at first with the East India Company or later the the China you know the China schooners from the from the United States right the China trade. I was always this thing about China what we've seen and I happen to believe that the Chinese economic system is built on a house of sand. And I think it's going to lead us to a greater financial debacle than 2008 ever was in the same culprits the exact same culprits that led to the financial crisis in 2008, the investment banks the commercial banks the hedge funds the government entities, right the same elites that led to that financial crisis and got bailed out and had no responsibility no accountability have been the same exact actors that have exacerbated this situation in China. And so yes the reason the world's elites, the party of Davos, the people on Wall Street, what I call,the IR Department of China. which are the investment banks particularly Goldman Sachs and some commercial banks the lobbyists for China which is the basically the 25 or 30 largest corporations that deal in China today their lobbyists in Washington DC. These are all about the big private equity guys like Schwartzman. these guys they're all going to have to be held accountable for what went on in China what China was able to do in basically coordination with the elites in the West was de-industrialized the industrial democracies of the West both the Europe in the United States that's why brexit in 2016 are inextricably linked. What it is is the exporting of Chinese overcapacity and Chinese deflation in basic industrial goods. and so China has and from the Chinese point of view has been quite brilliant . They've essentially taken 350 million of their people from kind of working poverty to middle class and 400 million people from abject poverty to working poverty. So essentially two-thirds of their of their population because their population I really think is closer to 1.3 or 1.4 billion than what they say in 1.1. So what they've done is heroic in 30 years okay, from from a from a strategy point of view, but that has been exacerbated by the elites in the West who basically kind of finance it and brought it along it. In fact what drop the recent Trump was I think so special he said hey this is not the way the world has to be. it can be very different we've basically financed the rise of China. We've built China and while he heard for years and what you heard for years is no this is the what I call the second law of thermodynamics or this is a immutable law of physics the rise of China and what Trump says no. this is through human agency. It's the commercial banks the investment banks the corporations the kowtowed to the Chinese regime and one thing I want to make sure how I get from front this is not about the Chinese people. I have been.I served as a naval officer over in China in the Western Pacific in the 7th fleet on a destroyer in the late, of mid 70s, I think. 76 77s first time I went to China I've been involved in China virtually all my life. I've owned businesses over there. I've lived in Shanghai for a while in the French Concession. I have a great not just admiration but a deep love for the Chinese people. In fact they have a saying over there called old hundred which is basically the common man because the hundred last surnames in China so old hundred names essentially the deplorables, right? Those in the old hundred names is a sense of common decency. The grit the determination what they've been through as a people is nothing short of heroic. What we have, the problem we have is we have a totalitarian regime of the Chinese Communist Party, and quite frankly the leadership the the elite leadership of the Chinese communist party that are really in business with the party at Davos, which is no kind of scientific engineering managerial financial cultural elite, that I say kind of emanates from the from the World Economic Forum in Davos, but really is in London in New York Washington DC Silicon Valley. right etc And do you think do you think the way that they've ingratiate themselves into let's say the Davos man as is commonly referred to the way that they've gotten there is, Is it through economic coercion? Is that is it through investing in our universities our think tanks our lobbyists as you said, and our corporations and even the people that are US citizens looking to make profits in China. Is that how they control that narrative? And how do they get there? And Let's go back to in one week in January 2017 when we had two seminal speeches. Okay we had the Davos speech from President Xi, okay which was a high Hosanna to globalism. Yeah and it was to me repulsive repulsive how the mainstream media and Davos man just sat there and and bought it all, and said what a great leader, what a great humanitarian, what he's what he's going to lead us through about climate, you know on the world's environment, what he's going to do you know for globalization, or for the economy. And then you saw Donald Trump's you know inaugural address was, I think three days later and what he said. hey, we're getting back to the nation-state, and America is going to start to focus on our sovereignty and other nations to start thinking about their sovereignty but this globalization of what's coming out of Davos it's stripped our sovereignty from us and we're gonna reassert that and two years later which happened this week was Mike Pence's speech a bout the new strategy of the United States. It happened last night. It has really been going along for quite a while, which is now kind of engaging China right an engagement with China but not like Henry Kissinger and not like this acidities trap crowd and I know you did this seminal interview with Graham Allison but not what those guys want which is the kind of us stumble along and play along with China. This is a you know this is a direct confrontation with China to say we're not going to take it anymore. You've been an economic war with us and we're going to reassert us. Your question about how they ingratiate themselves They're the guys who wrote the biggest checks. They wrote checks to the universities they wrote checks they've essentially bought off the City of London, in Wall Street and the corporations you know. I say this in a sense of kind of anger. The the great investment banks in London and in in New York became the Investor Relations Department for this regime okay? In the pursuit of profits. In the total pursuit of profits, And corporations became their lobbyists when Li Hu, deputy came to the United States a bout four weeks ago, when they had this kind of last round are trying to put something together than a trade deal, there wasn't much going on, but he sent his deputy in a small contingent to see Stephen douche and the guys at Treasury. They went to the very first stop, they made was to the day before they went to Treasury. They stopped and they had a meeting with I think it was fifteen or twenty a large corporations the heads of government affairs. and I think the president's not the CEOs because the guy wasn't high enough and he basically said hey boys you have a problem right and you have to figure out how to help us fix it okay another thing they had you know Wang Qishan announced this kind of financial advisory pane. Being on their back foot by the Trump strategy.they kind of said hey we need a financial advisory panel to help us understand what the United States wants and what the United States needs and it was named you know Paulson and Schwartzman and all you know all these characters. And it's interesting when they need somebody to kind of come over and you know help intermediate with the United States. they go to the same guys have been profiting on this. My understanding is that people came back and said hey the ung you know the UN General Assembly is happening. Its Opera season in New York my schedules is full and and Wang QiShan said hey boys I don't think you're listening. We're having a meeting I want everybody show up. This is this is General Quarters. And so know I think that I I think when we look back on this it's going to be a people are gonna be absolutely stunned when they see how the elites right of the Western democracies and the United States went along with China and exacerbated exacerbated a situation when it was quite evident they were economic war with us Yeah Going back on this one issue the the way that the influence is being pushed through the corporations you know we know we at our firm know that there are several there's a couple of handfuls of corporations that each have more than a billion dollars in capital that they're trying to get back from China and they've been unable to get a dime out of China since November of 2016 when China closes capital account completely when you were in the administration did you interface with any of these companies that were going through a lot of part in the pond red tape trying to get their money out of China. Did they come appeal to you? Listened the very first thing ... Yeah I think this would be a big shocker to people. Remember when Trump won a complete you know upset that nobody saw coming, and particuarly you have this post-war liberal democratic rules based order? Okay the Chinese have done nothing but gamed the system from day one on every set of rules the rules are what they determine they are. yeah okay and nobody calls them on it because everybody think s they're too weak, and so in the corporation's I think I think... Are the corporations afraid to call them on it? Absolutely 100%. because they know if they say that we can' t get our money out they shall be shut down? Shut down There's a quid pro quo Shut down shut down there's absolutely fear it. I xxx look at when they came back on this whole, by the way on the entire situation with the tariffs ,and tariffs is just not about tariffs and not about protectionism. That's why Trump 's done it at such a scale. Remember before Trump got here, people talking a bout 25-30 billion dollars of tariffs. It is like, oh my God, that's so huge. Trump's program is a half a trillion dollars in tariffs righ to tariff goods because he knows that Chinese can't respond, Correct! and here's why they can't respond. People in the United States have to understand one thing. The Chinese look at us as a tributary State. That let me explain that China's been around for 4,000 years, right? They've had good runs and they've had bad runs, okay? But one thing they know and the reason they're still organized as a nation over four thousand years, right they know how to handle allies. They know how to handle bad guys okay? Now what they've done is they got this system called barbarian management and they know how to manage barbarians. The way they manage the barbarians is they take the leaders of the barbarians and they give them a taste of the good life. And you're going to be you're going to be something special you're going to get a special deal. Now what happens back into the tributary state is whatever happens that's your problem okay, So you remember in the United States what they have done for 25 and 30 years is played us as a barbarian State. Barbarian management, okay they incentivize our elites and our elites de-industrialized particularly the Upper Midwes of this country. It's the reason Donald Trump's president. The audience should understand one thing is important is that you know JD Vance the great guy from Yale who wrote hillbilly allergies is the best sociological study of the Trump voter and it was JD Vance who told me says hey those studies that come out of MIT and Harvard show that there's a direct correlation between the factories of left for China, the jobs are left with them in the opioid crisis. It's actually logic. It's not about tariffs what this is about is human dignity and self worth. Those factories went. Wall Street made the money the corporation's benefit from it for lower cost and devil catch the hind most on the workers and so this is what Trump is kind of totally reversed now. What China seizes has is we're a tributary state. We send them natural resources, soy beans beef cattle, Boeing Airlines, and Apple products. Oh, excuse me we don't send Being Airlines and Apple products. You know why because they forced Boeing to do a joint venture and they forced Apple to make its products over there. So all we, we're Jamestown to their Great Britain okay? That's why the tariffs at the scale that Trump put them up at. They can 't respond to okay? What's interesting is, let's assume we put 25 per cent on five hundred twenty billion, we're literally talking about a little over a hundred billion dollars yes, I know that's a lot of money (yes) but our economy's 19 trillion, (yes) it's still not that functionally meaningful to us in my opinion, (Yes) but I do think it's a leveling of a field to your point. It's converging They've been fighting a trade war with us since 2001 and we just haven't fought back Okay the average compounded growth of the United States of America from 1946, the end of World War two to 2000 was 3.5%, okay? It's the reason we became a superpower that economic engine that was unlocked and grew every year three and a half percent, through good times and bad on average ( yeah ) since China joined the World Trade Organization sure that's when they joined they got most favored nation, the growth of the United States is 1.9 percent o k 1.9 percent and there's a lot of factors that but the central beating heart of it is China. That's what because we deindustrialized which Center we sent our manufacturing over there. Yes the tariffs in and of themselves on a nominal number an absolute number, are not huge but we look at the convergence of everything, what Trump has done is said hey we 're at economic war and we're going to hit back over there, We're gonna hit back with a 301s to stop the force technology transfers. We're gonna put these tariffs into the scale they've never seen before. We're gonna have the ability if we so desire to liquidate companies like ZTE to basically cut them off from their component parts in the West. They'll be out of business in 90 days. Also the new things about investments about these limitation and investments at the surface. The CFIUS Reform. The CFIUS Reform. that people are talking about. You bring all forces of government together on that and the stopping of intellectual property you have something. What Trump is done and this is why NAFTA was so important. You know people mocked and ridiculed Trump. There's a book out called Fear that Gary Cohen the president Goldman Sachs you know great Goldman Sachs . The book opens where he's taken the NAFTA deal right early on in the deal on Korea. He actually takes him off the desk because in his judgment right the president wasn't smart enough to understand what he was doing. Well here's what Trump's done. The new NAFTA deal that he's he's created is basically setting up a geostrategic manufacturing base to counter East Asia okay and Japan is is very quickly going to be part of that, a bilateral deal not some TPP deal or just one among many. A direct bilateral deal with Japan as a partner. We've got one with Korea we're updating and then the EU Juncker has already told Trump his all right already indicated that they're gonna be a part of this too. What Donald Trump has done in less than two years against the second law of thermodynamics right the immutable law of the rise of China ( right ) What he's done is reorient the entire world' supply Chain away from China and this is going to have economic growth opportunities that are going to be incredible. And he's done that kind of single-handedly against against the fighting of the the corporatist Lobby, the fighting of the Wall Street Investor Relations Department etc.. So that's what I think it's really heroic It's that policy is one that it's interesting at the timing if you look at just the let's say the the economic laws of China were already slowing down before w e decided to fight back. It just so happens to be that this pushback from a tariff or whether the most elegant idea was the board adjustable tax, which is immediately killed by you and I both know. I love, I love that one. that was perfect in my opinion now by the way John I I am I am a huge believer that and I'm you know Paul Ryan I've had our differences' when I first he first walked me through that I said that 's the solution exactly that's a solution It's kind of an egalitarian way of going at it. I think I think and we all know I get crushed (yeah) p> I think that that is something that should be brought back up in and very quickly in future years. We could do away with tariffs if we imposed a border adjustment tax. Well, by the way, let's talk about tariffs for a second. President Trump-- remember the G7 when he was lectured by his betters-- Merkel and McCrone on the first day you know about this whole thing about tariffs right? He came back the next day for breakfast and what Trump you know what Trump told told the in the g7, he said okay I thought about it last night how about this no tariffs absolutely no ta riffs, but no subsidies (yeah) People have to realize that the White House put out this document, I think, it's over two months ago now. The 50 things that China is doing in its economic war with us. It's kind of its kind of what > That's the deal you stop that we're all good. When you look at that it's not just a tariffs, it 's it's it's the investment in state- owned industries. Remember they had.. Free land, free electricity. Free land, Look at what they've done with steel aluminum throughout the world. Look at you have done with ship building. You could go every heavy industry. They've got it they've got it at Western Europe and they've got it at the United States and they continue to do that. Purposefully Purposely and they're also by the way, there 's ZTE showed you this. They have to create a thing as some number of 11 million jobs a year. They're under enormous internal economic pressure to create those jobs. They can't afford to have 150,000 high value-added jobs as ZTE just go away. Same thing with the steel. They' re kind of caught on the wheel now. They're the first to admit they have to keep adding capacity so I think that that's why the Chinese model and all this happy talk that come s from the West yeah about the Chinese model when you really look at it, I know you are one of the world's handful of experts I think it looked at it it looks at the numbers as they really are an d not what people hope they are and not how they're spun by China because every number comes out of China to me has to be questioned verified you know trust but verify. It has to be questioned verified and then verified again. You've got to get a belt and suspenders and that's why I think we're we may be hurdling to another financial crisis driven by this financial model of China that can't withstand you know can't stand up on its own right. Well the good news about that is if we're righ about China we're right about there bill incredible bill the reckless build of credit coupled with the fact their economy slowing down coupled with the size of their banking system their GDP- if we're right a bout all those things the good news is their banks aren't inextricably linked ours the way that ours were to Europe and Asia is back during the our financial crisis. They're not they're not but you use t he word they're reckless, and I think that this is you know this is what upsets me about the lack of accountability and responsibility by the world's elites. We just went through the worst financial crisis in history, Not one CEO went to jail and not any body significantly gave up any equity, Okay? What they did is basically inflate, no people got to remember on September 18th of 2008 when Bernanke and Paulson walked into the Oval Office with Bush and he sent him up to Capitol Hill, the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve was 880 billion dollars. On the day that Donald Trump took the oath of office on January 20th the 2017 it was four point five trillion dollars. All we did in in in the Bank of England ECB Bank of Japan did the same thing. and th PBOC PBOC. What they did to save the elites was to turn on the spigots of liquidity. So if you owned assets, real estate, stocks, or intellectual property, you've had the greatest 10-year run in history. If you're a working class schmendrick, wages are flat. The whole burden of it this is what's unfair and this is where the anger that's driving the populist movement. The whole burden comes down on the little guy to finance these deficits with his taxes, That's right and then his kids get sent everywhere in the world to defend this. That's what's got to stop you use a word reckless it is reckless disregard what the elites have done this time, because all they've done Chinese banks what the American banking system has 19 trillion dollars of assets on it. And I would respectfully submit and you're ten times smarter than me on this, I would respectfully submit that ll of those assets are not good okay? Maybe let's say ten percent or more could be written off today. That's the American banking system. The Chinese banking says that things has 49 trillion dollars of assets. Correct me if I' m wrong I think 45 trade have been put on the books since 2008. This is completely reckless now thank God they're not interconnected through the Swift system with the rest of the banks Or through derivatives the reason is-- and this is another tell-- because none of the investment banks or none of the guys want to say, Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we can't hook up with China right because they all stop themselves from doing it, they 're all limited their exposure to understand when it implodes they don't wanna be they don't be taken down in the first couple of minutes. That being said, those banks are going to implode no body can put those kind of assets on okay and have and have a great banking system here. This is a total and complete sham, and in the Economist, and the Financial Times of London, all the elites, all the conference's they have, you know you had Richard Haass on this morning on Morning? Joe Richard Haass from the council foreign relation and all he's doing is beating up Mike Pence and Donald Trump from Pence's speech list. You know what he's saying, you say hey all my Chinese all my Chinese colleagues all my buddies in China they're telling me they don't know what the United States wants. You know they kept you know they came over here they they want a deal and they want to be our partner but they we keep moving the goalposts that is that is reckless for him to say, that he fully understands what the issues are okay and he sits there on a show, a general news show in the morning that you know basic voters watch, he starts putting this stuff into their minds is unacceptable, I gotta tell you Kyle that's what I think what you' re doing here what you're doing with your work and other things. There are a number of people like your self they're sitting there going this can't continue and people are going to be held accountable with this. If the elites think they 're gonna skip on this one it's not going to happen. The reason Donald Trump's president the reason you're seeing these populist revolts whether it's in Italy Germany France throughout the world in Brazil this weekend okay in Argentina in Pakistan is the reason is the little guy is fed up with a group of elites that know better right into into and to take care of themselves, they will play ball with anybody. You 're right Continues in the section 2. |
배논 님... 밝히지 않은 이곳 텍사스에 함께 해 주시니 감사해요. 그냥 스티브라 불러요. 스티브, 스티브, 좋네요, 당신을 모실수 있어서. 와 줘서 고마워요. 나도 잘 왔다고 생각해요. 여기 온 목적은 그동안 당신과 제가 아주 열심히 공부해온 중국에 관해서 이야기하려는 거 아시죠. 단도직입적으로 중국의 거대한 전략의 진짜 의도는 무엇이라고 생각하는지 묻는 것으로 시작하고 싶은데요. 그들의 대(大)전략은 어떤 거지요? 그들의 거대한 전략이란 아주 간단하지요. 그거 세계 패권국이 되는 거지요. 일대일로에서 뚤어 볼 수 있고 중국몽 2025년에서도 볼 수 있지요. 그들이 하는 모든 일에서 뚤어 볼 수 있지요. 동인도 회사나 사하라 인근의 아프리카에 하는 그들의 전략을 보면, 그들이 지금 캐리브해안에서 하는 일이며 라틴 아메리카에서 하는 것들을 보면, 경제적인 전쟁이지요, 그들은 정부의 전 힘을 다 동원해서, 맞아요, 정부의 모든 분야의 초점을 미국을 향한 경제 전쟁으로 밀고 가지요 , 그들의 군비증강, 그들은 기본적으로 남 중국 해를 봉쇄하려고 들지요. 그것은 우리가 여태껏 보아온 중 지정학적으로 가장 야심적인 전략이지요. 아주 구체적으로 말한다면, 지정학엔 3개의 대 이론으로, 아세아의 광활한 땅덩어리에 관한 맥켄덜의 이론이 있고, 세계의 대양을 분리하는 요충, 관문 이론이 있고, 적을 아세아 땅덩어리에서 멀리 떨어져 있게 하는 스피이크만의 이론이 있지요. 중국인들은 이 3가지 이론을 동시에 다 해내려는 인류 역사상 유일한 세력이지요. 아시겠지만, 나폴레옹, 히틀러, 등등은 유럽 아시아의 땅덩어리를 먹으려 했지요. 다른 나라들, 즉 대영제국과 오늘날의 미국제도는 마혼의 해상전략으로 전략을 짜고 있지요. 그런데 스피미크만의 이론은 20세기 초에 썼던 이론이지요.
저들은 지정학적으로 팽창주의 세력이지요. 그것 참말로 대단하지요. 그들은 그 일은 하고 있는데 그것도 동시에 하고 있지요.
나는 2008년 때 보다 더한 경제적 낭패가 올 것으로 생각해요. .2008년에
경제적 위기로 우리를 끌고 갔던 바로 그 동일한 범인들에 의해서, 투자 은행, 상업 은행, 헤지 펀드, 정부 자체에 의해서. 맞지요? 경제 위기로 끌고
간 동일한 귀족 계급들(엘리트), 그들은 책임에서 벗어나 아무 책임도 지지 않았지요. 무책임이지요. 그들은 중국 상황을 약화한 바로 동일한 그
장본인들이지요. 그런고로 세상의 귀족 계급, 다보스 족들, 월가의 사람들을 저는 중국의 정보통 부서라고 부르지요. 그들은 투자 은행들, 특히
골드만 싹스와 서너 개 상업은행들로, 중국을 위한 의안 통과 운동자들이지요. 기본적으로 오늘날 중국에서 거래하고 있는 25개 내지 30개의
거대한 회사들은 워싱톤 디시의 중국 의안 통과 운동가들이지요.
그리고 이거
하나 확실히 하고 넘어가고 싶은데 카일, 난 대 놓고
하는 말인데 이건 중국 사람들에 관한 게 아닐세. 나는 지난 70년대 중반에 중국 서부 태평양에서 해군장교로
7함대 구축함에서 복무했었네. 76-77년도가 내가 중국에 처음 간 해라고 생각하네. 나는 내인생 거의 전부를 사실상 중국과 연관되었었네. 나는
그곳에서 여러 기업을 소유했었고, 상하이 프랑스 영역에서 잠시 살았네. 나는 중국인들에 향한 대단한 그저 존경만이 아닌 깊은 사랑을 가지고
있네. 사실 중국인들의 속어엔 오래된 100 가문이란 말이 있는데 그들이야말로 근본적인 평민들이라네. 중국의 그 100개의 가문이 아주 오래된
성이지만 그들이야말로 개탄할 사람들이지, 안 그런가? 이들 오래된 100개의 가문은 그들만의 평범한 예절, 배짱,
그리고 결의의 지각이지. 한 민족으로 그들이 겪어낸 것은 영웅적이라 해도 과언이 아니지. 우리가 당면한, 문제는 중국 공산당이라는 전체주의
행정부에 있을 때 중국에서 그들의 돈을 가져오려고 형식적인 관료 요식을 격고 있는 회사와 연관 있은 적 있어요? 그들 당신에게 호소하러 온 적
있어요? 보상이 있었던 거지요? 페쇄, 페쇄, 그들은 그것을 끔찍이나 두려워했던 거지요. 그들이 돌아왔을 때를 되 볼아 보건데.. 그건 그렇고 관세에 관한 전반적인 상황을 말하자면, 관세는 그저 관세하자는 것이나 보호 정책을 하자는 것도 아니고, 그게 왜 트럼프가 그런 규모로 한 이유지요. 기억하는지 트럼프가 등장하기 전에 사람들은 20에서 300억 딸라의 관세를 말하고 있었죠. 그것은 말하자면, 맙소사, 아주 거대한 거지요. 트럼프의 계획은 반 조원을 상품 관세로 먹이는 것이지요. 바로 상품들에 부과하는 관세로. 그는 중국인들은 반응할 수 없을 것이라는 것 알기 때문이죠. 맞아요!
청중은 한
가지 중요한 것을 이해해야 하는 데 제이디 반스 아시죠 예일 나온 대단한 친구, 두메산골 촌뜨기 알레르기라는 책을 쓴 친구, 그는 트럼프
선거자들에 관해 사회학적인 연구를 젤 잘한 친구지요. 그 제이디 반스가 내게 말해 주던데, 엠아이티와 하버드에서 나온 연구들은 중국으로 떠나간
공장들과 그들과 같이 떠난 일거리들은 아편과 같은 오피오이드 위기와 직접적인 상관관계가 있음을 보여 준다고 하더군요. 왜냐면
이것은 관세에 관한 것이 아니기 때문이지요.
우리가 초
강대국이 되게 된 이유지요.
제 생각에 그거 완벽했지요. 그런데 나는 대단한 지지자였는데.. 난 폴 라이언과 견해를 달리 했었는데 그가 처음 했던지 내가
처음 했던지 그 문제를 자세히 들여다보았을 때 내가 말했었죠, 이게 해결책이다. 참말로 이게 해결책이다라고 중국 은행제도는 그 가치가 49조
달러 된다고 말하지요. 내가 틀렸다면 정정하세요. 내가 보기에 2008년 이래로 45조를 장부에 올렸다고 생각하지요.
이거 이제 완전히 무모한 일이지요. 하나님께 감사하게도 그들은 SWIFT 제도(금융업체들이 쓰는 메세지 제도)를 통해 나머지 은행들과 상호 연결되어 있지 않지요. 당신 말 맞아요. |