[고등학생, 대학생, 직장인 1분 영어 회화 자막 동영상 강좌]
Lesson 65 English in a Minute: Hollywood Ending
* Hollywood ending 보통 못마땅함, 할리우드식 결말(현실성이 결여될 정도로 과장된 행복, 사랑 등으로 끝나는 영화나 소설 등의 결말) *
- An outcome considered to be typical of certain movies produced in Hollywood, California, in which all desirable results are achieved, with protagonists being rewarded, antagonists being punished or destroyed, and positive sentiments (love, happiness, peace) prevailing over negative.
Hollywood Ending, and it comes as a jolly repartee to his American critics.(할리웃식의 결말은 미국 비평가들에게는 유쾌한 재치가 나오게 한다.)
Like Hollywood Ending? It pokes fun at self-absorbed directors and studio executives.
(헐리우드 결말처럼, 그것은 자아도취된 감독과 영화제작 중역들을 조롱하고 있다.)
For a moment, anyway, it was a real Hollywood ending.
Film Threat Long before the ending of Hollywood Ending you're likely to find yourself amazingly bored.
Hollywood Ending seems the latest installment of a long retreat.
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