Last July, we premiered “Indifference,” the first music video by anti-genocide activist and songwriter Robert Park. For those who missed it, head on over to Collapse Board, where the video’s director, Erika Meyer, powerfully recounts Robert’s brave actions on behalf of the North Korean people, his 43 days of imprisonment and torture by that regime, and the intensely emotional recording session with Chris Newman of Napalm Beach and Mike Lastra at Smegma Studios in Portland, Oregon.
In contrast to the unrelenting assault of “Indifference,” “In Love/Ascent” is heavyhearted and somber. The track, which features Park on guitar and vocals and Newman on bass and drums, is incomplete; the session was aborted prematurely due to Park’s inability at the time to endure the intensity of the sentiments conjured by the music.
The video, compiled and edited by Esther Lee and Erika Meyer, presents never-before-released footage side by side with news clips from the mass media of one of Park’s closest friends, Seong Ho Ji, a prominent North Korean defector and rights activist, together with harrowing video and images concerning the North Korean humanitarian emergency.
Big Takeover is deeply honored to have the opportunity to support Robert Park.
완전한 행복 뮤직비디오 링크 클릭!
(유투브 조회수가 많아지면 정식 음반으로 발매될 확률이 높아진다 합니다.
우리님들 뮤직비디오 링크를 클릭해주세요)
첫댓글 로버트박 선교사님의 뮤비를 미국 음악 잡지인 빅 테이크오버에서 소개했군요.
기타도 직접 연주하신건지 몰랐네요. 얼른 정식 레코딩이 됐으면 좋겠어요.
계속 화이팅 하세요 선교사님!!
음악/미디어계에 성령의 역사를 허락하소서!
유투브 조회수가 올라가면 레코딩될 확률이 높아진다합니다. 유투브 링크를 클릭해주세요
하나님의 마음을 받으신 분.. 2년쯤 전엔가 듣기로는 길거리에서 지내신다고 들은거 같은데 요즘은 어디서 어떻게 지내시는지 혹시 아시는분 계신가요..?
선교사님 위해 기도하고 있습니다.
그 무엇보다 깊이 어루만지심을 입으시도록... 주님이 깊이 사랑하십니다.
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