미국계 위생 및 클리닝 솔루션 제공업체에서 Procurement Specialist 경력자를 다음과 같이 모집합니다. 본사는 서울이고, 이 Position의 근무지는 경기도 안산입니다. Chemical 관련 제조업체 경력자 출신 분들 선호합니다.(남녀 성별 무관). 이 점 참고하시고 지원해 주시기 바랍니다.
[업무내용] *To co- manage the cost by developing annual budget and cost saving projects with Korea procurement manager (자금계획) *To co- develop material sourcing plan with Korea procurement manager (자재 구매기획 및 전략수립) *To understand suppliers and market situation for the sourcing plan development (공급시장분석) *To understand business plan and the needs for material volume planning (Raw materials, Packaging materials, Imported Finish goods and Third party sourced goods etc.) and the volume forecast. *To build strong business relationship with key stake holders *To develop cost management report (Monthly/savings/forecast report, new product cost analysis etc.) *To support agreement management (outline agreement and purchase order etc.)
[Key stakeholders] *Korea procurement team including Shanghai Procurement administration group *Local supply chain (Ansan plant and Yangsan plant) *Local Business team (Sales and marketing) *Local Finance team *Suppliers including third party production sites
[자격요건] * Educated to university degree level * 5+ years experience in procurement organization * Indirect and/or direct procurement experiences * Business level of PC skills * Understanding of financial evaluation preferred * Business level fluency in English preferred * Chemical 관련 제조업체 경력자 출신 분들 선호합니다.(남녀 성별 무관) * 근무지가 경기도 안산이므로 출퇴근 용이한 분.