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역사학도의 시사토론 글방
카페 게시글
BBC 동영상 뉴스 스크랩 7월 19일 BBC 뉴스/ [중동 위기] 레바논을 떠나는 피난민 행렬
역사학도 추천 0 조회 10 06.07.20 02:49 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


Bombed suburb of Beirut
At least 40 civilians are killed in the latest Israeli air strikes in the south and east of Lebanon.

The death toll in the Java tsunami rises to at least 520, as questions grow over why no warning was given.
A plan to create rapid reaction border guard teams is put forward by the European Commission.


BBC News with 

  BBC Video News with Caption (최근 BBC 동영상 뉴스 기사/원문 보기)  
