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깨움선교회(γορηγορησατε )
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마지막 시대를 살아가는 성도의 자세와 분별 스크랩 백신을 맞을거냐, 아님 포기할 거냐, 그것이 문제로다
조정훈목사 추천 0 조회 39 17.02.06 17:45 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

백신을 맞을건가 아님 맞지않은건가는 - 더이상 문제가 아니다!

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? That Is No Longer the Question!


충격뉴스 : 폴란드의 동료로써, 유명한 자연치유사 저지 지에바 naturopath Jerzy Zieba는 내가 쓰려고 노력하고있는 주제에 대해서 완전히 판을 바꾸는 놀라운 정보를 방금 보내왔다. 이것은 "독일연방 대법원의 판사가 홍역 바이러스가 존재하지 않음을 판시했으며, 홍역 예방접종이 의심할 여지가없는 수백만명의 독일 시민들에게 사악한 이유로 주사되었을 가능성이 있음을 확인했다."

수많은 백신 회의론자들이 수년 동안 예방접종 프로그램의 진실성에 대해서 심각한 의구심을 표했던 것이지만, 대법원이 이 문제에 대해 판결을 한 것은 이번이 처음이기에 이것은 정말 폭탄급 사건이다.

전 세계적으로 수백만 명의 어린이가 잠재적으로 존재하지않는 바이러스에 대해서 예방 접종을 받는 일이 있을 수 있는가? 그것은 분명히 10년 세월에 달하는 의료사기라고 할 수 있다. 이 무고한 아이들의 정맥으로 어떤 물질이 옮겨졌던가?

이제 여러분을 위한 놀라운 아래 보고서를 읽기 바란다.

Breaking News: a Polish colleague, renowned naturopath Jerzy Zieba, just sent through a complete game-changer piece of information on exactly the subject I am endeavoring to write about. This is it “Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court have confirmed that the measles virus does not exist and that the measles vaccination may have been injected into millions of unsuspecting German citizens for sinister reasons.” This really is a bombshell, because although many vaccine sceptics have, for many years, expressed grave doubts about the veracity of vaccination programmes, this is the first time a High Court has ruled on the issue.

Can it be that millions of children worldwide have been potentially immunized against a virus that does not exist? It could surely be the medical scam of the decade. What substances have been transferred into the veins of these innocent children?

Please read this dynamite report for yourselves.

나는 전통적인 질병예방 및 치료의 평판좋은 길로서 재래식 의약품을 팔고자하는 기득권층의 거대한 선전술이 가리고 있는 큰 그림의 문제를 탐구할 것이며, 더 넓은 조사를 위해 전체 주제를 공개한다.

40 년 동안의 유기농을 고집해온 나는, 모든 의약품 '치료법'이나 비유기농의 사용을 회피하며, 다음과 같은 심리적, 생리적 요구를 표현하고 촉진하는 자연적인 식단 및 생활 조건을 매우 명확하게 말할 수 있다:

그런 방식은 지각이 있는 동물 (및 식물)은 질병없는 생활을하는 데 최소한 90 % 가량 기여한다.

So, where to go from here.. I would like to open-up the whole subject for wider scrutiny, exploring the bigger picture issues that hover just under the surface of the status-quo's giant propaganda exercise to sell conventional pharmaceutical medicine as the on ly reputable road to protection and cure of known diseases.

After some 40 years as an organic farmer who shunned the use of all the pharmaceutical 'cures' recommended by non-organic practitioners and vets, I can say quite categorically: a natural diet and living conditions that express and promote the psychological and physiological needs of sentient animals (and plants) go at least 90% of the way to producing a disease free life. 


이제 나는 농장에서 목격했기에 이 체험을 말하는 것이다. 우선 결과에 놀랐음을 보고해야 한다. 일단 낙농떼, 육우, 돼지 및 닭들이 스트레스 및 독성이 없는 환경에서 자연적인 성향을 유지하기 위해 필요한 라이프 스타일을 제안 받으면 모든 것이 제자리를 잡았다. 나는 약리학적 약품이나 백신 접종 또는 모든 비상 재활 치료를 위해 수의사를 부를 필요가 전혀 없었다.

Now I say this because I witnessed it on my farm ? and have to report that I marveled at the results. on ce my dairy herd, beef cattle, pigs and chickens had been offered the life-style that each needed in order to live-out their natural propensities in a stress and toxic-free environment, everything fell into place. I never had to call the vet to administer pharmacological drugs, vaccinations or emergency revitalization remedies of any description. 

그런 자연 낙농의 관점에서 오늘의 축산농가를 보자면 : 현대 농화학적인 agrichemically  농업 관행은 병을 방지하고 그것을 치료하려고 모든 종류의 제약과 수의학 보조기구가 넘쳐난다.

낙농 젖소, 돼지 및 암탉의 집약적인 축산농가에서 가축의 병은 풍토병으로 고질적이다. 항생제는 슈퍼마켓에 계란, 가금류 및 돼지 고기를 공급하는 실내 대량축산에서 일상적인데 이들의 사망을 피하기 위해 사료에 예방적으로 사용될 정도이다. *


To put this in perspective: modern agrichemically assisted farming practices are awash with pharmaceutical veterinary aids, to both prevent sickness and try to cure it. Sickness in intensive farming of dairy cows, pigs and hens is endemic; antibiotics are used prophylactically in the feed to avoid almost certain death in the indoor mass production units that supply the supermarkets with eggs, table poultry and pig meat.* 

인류의 딜레머   The Human Dilemma

이제는 여러분은 이런 의문을 제기할 수있다, "좋아요, 그게 축산에서는 다 잘된거야, 하지만 인간은 어떨까?"라는 의문이지요. 그리고 나의 반응은 이것이다 :

인간도 동물이며 비슷한 여건 속에 있지만, 인간은 의식적이며 (노력을 하며) 추가된 능력으로 축복을 받는다. 또 자유 의지와 합리적인 분별력을 갖춘 계몽된 존재를 누린다. 그들은 건강이 단순히 병이 없는 것을 의미하는게 아니고 적절한 생활스타일을 뜻한다.

그래서 인류의 진정한 건강은 긍정적인 생각, 창조적인 행동, 그리고 이 지구를 함께 차지하는 동료 생물/ 인간에 대한 공감을 포함하는 역동적인 것이다. 그것은 육체, 정신 및 영에서 나타난다.

Now you might be thinking “Yes, that's all very well, but what about humans?” And my response is this: humans are also animals and have very similar needs, but are blessed with the added capacity of (with effort) becoming conscious and enlightened beings capable of free will and rational discernment. However, the road which enables us to express such attributes depends upon adopting an appropriate life-style. on e which sees 'health' as much more than just the absence of disease. Real health is a dynamic, which incorporates positive thinking, creative actions and an empathy for fellow creatures/humans who co-occupy this planet. It manifests in body, mind and spirit.

일부 국가에서는 출생시부터 시작하여 어린이에게 백신을 접종하는데, 이런 관행은 질병 예방을 위해 동물용 의약품을 집중적으로 투입하면서 기른 농장의 축산 동물에 비유할 수있다. 그들은 질병이 없는 경우에도 강제적으로 미리 투약을 하는데 아이를 기르는데도 똑같이 약과 처치에 절은 관리적 의료행위를 한다.

축산에서는 그렇게 해야만 가축 질병으로인한 농가의 수입 실패를 방지한다고 말했지만, 인간에게는 그런 설명만이 아닌데, 그보다 더 고도의 사회적 압력이 가해지기 때문이다. 인류사회는 의료업계가 보통의 시민보다 훨씬 우월한 권한을 가지고 백신을 강제접종하는 관행을 형성했으며, 정부와 언론은 이를 여과없이 따라주기 때문이다. 과연 보통 시민이 이런 관행을 거부하고 자기만의 선택을 할수있는가? 이들이 건강생활을 영위하려면 어떻게 해야하는가? 그 물음은 인류가 의료권과 건강선택권 사이에 딜레마를 겪음을 보여준다.

Pharmaceutical vaccinations administered to children, starting at birth in some countries, can be likened to intensively raised farm animals being prescribed veterinary drugs as protection against disease; even when the disease is not present. Conventional chemical assisted agriculture takes this view about 'the management of nature'.

Why is this? Because it knows that the animals and plants being raised under its punishing regime have to be pushed beyond their normal tolerance levels in order to produce enough milk, meat, eggs and wheat to provide a significant profit for the farmer and the corporations who provide the medications, pesticides and other field operational inputs. Pharmaceutical drugs are just 'props' to keep animals on their feet while intensive stress laden programmes are relentlessly pursued, for profit.

In exactly the same way, children being raised within the demands of an intensely competitive status-quo, are deemed to need prophylactic medical treatments (including vaccinations) so as to 'protect' them against certain diseases capable of manifesting themselves within the society.

The parents of these children have some important thinking to do. Do I want my children to be subjected to the standard stresses and strains inherent within our neoliberal, competition led, materialistic and increasingly barren urbanized societies? Do I, their mother or father, even want this kind of life for myself? What options are there for setting out on another route altogether? A route which would be the human equivalent to a low stress pro-ecological, free-range farm; as opposed to a high stress, intensive, chemically assisted factory farm.

거대 제약사 - 거대한 문제     Big Pharma ? Big Problem

예방 접종을 위해 백신을 대량 사용하는 것은 결코 '해결책'으로 간주되어서는 안된다. 질병의 진정한 치료 - '쉽지 않음'-는 원인을 조사하고 치료하는 것인데, 병의 증상을 근절하는 것이 아닌 것이다. 진짜 치료는 총체적이고 상식적인 건강 관리의 기본 원칙이다. 진실을 찾기 위해서는 항상 더 깊이보아야한다.

대형 제약사 (Big Pharma)와 그들의 통제하에 있는 다양한 보건부 관리들은 상식적인 전체론적 사고방식을 승인하지 않는다. 이러한 방식은 수익성이 높은 제약사업에 대한 위협이 되며, 또 각자는 사업의 수혜자가 되기를 갈망하는 동기에 잡혀있다. 제약 업계는 지구 인류를 영구적인 질병 상태로 유지하기를 원한다. 이로 인해 수십억달러의 그들의 은행 계좌가 지속적으로 성장한다.

The mass use of vaccinations should never be considered 'a solution'. Because the true treatment of disease ? 'dis-ease' - is to explore and treat the cause and not to simply try to eradicate the symptoms. This is a fundamental principle of holistic, common sense health management. on e always has to look deeper to find the truth.

Big Pharma, and the various government health ministers under its control, do not approve of common sense holistic thinking. Such thinking presents a threat to the highly lucrative empires each aspires to be the beneficiary of. The pharmaceutical industry wants to keep the population of the planet in a state of permanent sickness; as this ensures the continuous growth of its billion dollar bank account.

백신 접종에 관해서, 국가는 '건강 정책'의 관리가 다양하다. 영국에서는 디프테리아, 파상풍, 백일해, 소아마비 및 인플루엔자 (유형 B)를 1 회 주사로 2 개월 만에 첫 예방 접종을 실시한다. 미국에서는 출생시 B 형 간염주사로 시작한다 ; 

내가 현재 일하는 폴란드에서는 출생시 첫 번째 주사를 주고 의무적인 예방접종 프로그램을 제공한다. 이 정권하에 있는 대부분의 어린이들은 2 세까지 15 ~ 20 회의 예방 접종을 받게된다. 이게 말이 되는가 정말 큰일이다.

이 문제를 알고 서 강제 접종을 거부하려해도 아주 대단한 압박에 시달린다. 그들은 이것을 어떻게 이겨낼 수있나...


Concerning vaccinations, countries vary in the administration of 'health policies'. In England the policy dictates that the first vaccinations are administered at the age of two months: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and influenza (type B) all in on e injection. In the USA, the recommendation is to start at birth with a hepatitis B jab; another on e month later, and a third at two months. Then the 5 in 1 regime kicks in, as in the UK. In Poland, where I presently work, they also give the first jab at birth, and under a 'mandatory immunization programme'. Most children under this regime will have received between fifteen and twenty immunizations by the age of two.

The complexities of these arrangements can be viewed on the net. However what is not complex is the fact that the administration of mass vaccination programmes is either mandatory or psychologically so close to mandatory, that many feel scared to confront the doctors who are paid to convince on e to accept the treatment.

This is the factory farm approach. The animals must be immunized. The alternative is 'irresponsible'. You are risking the lives of those under your care. Vaccinations have wiped out Smallpox, so they can wipe out all other similar threats. Don't argue. Don't be selfish. Don't take needless risks. It's all perfectly safe. Well, that is what you are likely to encounter if you feel uneasy about the mass vaccination agenda and express such unease to your mainstream doctor.

Eradication ? Drone Technology

Some vaccination programmes are reported as having succeeded in their chosen goal of 'eliminating' disease. But what are we to believe now we know that the measles vaccine was a complete scam? Most viral diseases were associated with poor hygiene and substantial improvements in this arena already had the majority in manageable check. Pharmaceutical interventions have not been anywhere near the 'great success' that they are claimed to be.

No on e can deny that there have been severe health reactions in innumerable cases. The problem starts from the whole concept of 'eradication'. This is drone technology. 'Eradicate terrorism'! 'Eradicate cancer'! 'Eradicate weeds'! Wherever you hear this cry, be warned, it's totally antithetical to the reality of how nature works.

It is an example of the tunnel-vision Newtonian scientific paradigm which examines on e thing in isolation from the others to which it is related, and as a consequence, has done untold damage to our planet and its peoples over generations. An out of balance natural environment will produce out of balance manifestations. Disease. That is the law of nature. The solution is to rectify that which is out of balance as opposed to attempting to eradicate its symptoms - which is called 'putting the cart before the horse'.

It is an example of the tunnel-vision Newtonian scientific paradigm which examines on e thing in isolation from the others to which it is related, and as a consequence, untold damage is done to our planet and its peoples.

Whenever 'eradication' is practiced, that which is being attacked has a tendency to return again, twice as strong as before. There is a powerful lesson to be learned here, and Big Pharma is deliberately closing its eyes and ears to the truth.

In the USA the vaccination programme is a State run affair, and the rules vary. However, it is now common for a parent to be told that their child must be immunized if he/she is to be allowed to go to school. It's a world of threats and relentless pressures to conform, preval‎ent throughout our Western world ? and beyond. However, a few escape clauses do exist and typically involve persuading officials that on e has religious or philosophical beliefs that prevent on e following the official procedures.

Donald Trump has put a large spanner in the works by declaring a deep distrust in Big Pharma's domination of the immunization programme, and indeed the programme itself. He cites cases of healthy children sickened by their vaccination jabs. And the point should be well taken, because even when on e doesn't see the results straight away, the chances of a negative side effect emerging later in life have been borne-out. There have been accounts of debilitating conditions like autism and auto immune disease being directly attributable to mass vaccination programmes.

The adjuvants added to vaccination formulas are designed to stimulate the immune response system. But for a child straight out of the womb to be hit with such a shock doctrine is both brutal and dangerous. Our immune systems are sacred territory and need to be respected as such. Giving them the basic challenges that come with a diverse, natural and robust life style, is in all ways superior to the forced methods practiced in the reductionist halls of monocultural conventional medicine.

Freedom to Choose

Remember, we are talking about an industry. on e of the largest multinational corporate industries in the world. A conglomerate churning out a vast factory-fed conveyor belt of drugs capable of performing almost any distortion that might be deemed 'necessary'. The mind/body 'control system' starts here. It's a monster, and dependency upon it is a form of slavery unfit for intelligent human beings.

Would you willingly put yourself in the hands of a paid-up robot of the drug industry? Many doctors themselves feel uneasy about their role as dispensers of quick fix pharmacological solutions to minor ailments ? and so they should!

What is left of genuine 'freedom of choice' is under severe threat in many arenas today; it is a precious right and we need to exercise it - with discernment. My farm has transformed into a 'vaccination free zone' and my own health is robust enough to ensure that I haven't been to a allopathic doctor for more than 20 years. I have no doubt that you can achieve this in your lives and the lives of your children. Take my advice and get started now. Good luck!

Here are a couple of useful websites you may like to make reference to when making your mind up about what course of action to take.


Julian Rose is founder of the Association of Unpasteurised Milk Producers and Consumers (1989). He is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer and international activist. Julian is currently President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. He is also the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing Course for Life and In Defence of Life. Read more on www.julianrose.info.
