On Writing Poetry
by D.J. YOON
I squat on the toilet and think while taking a shit
If only I could write poetry like taking a shit
How good it would be
Taking a shit has no formality
Everyone becomes pure when taking a shit
Have you seen a guy who pretends to take a shit?
Have you seen a girl who sprays mousse and combs her hair while taking a shit?
Taking a shit is unbearable
How refreshing it is after taking a shit once
If I could write poetry about things I can't bear
How good it would be
However, no republic has ever let me write poetry about things I can't bear
No, up until now
No Korean modern poets have had the courage to write poetry about things they can't bear
Pure is taking a shit
Strong is purity
No fear about it
If only I could write poetry like taking a shit
How good it would be
화장실에 쭈그리고 앉아
똥누다가 생각한다
시도 똥누듯이 쓸 수만 있다면
얼마나 좋을까
똥누기는 격식이 없다
똥눌 때만큼은 누구나 순수해진다
똥누면서 폼잡는 놈 보았나
똥누면서 무스 뿌리며
빗질하는 년 보았나
똥누기는 마냥 참을 수 없고
똥 한 번 누고 나면
얼마나 시원한가
참을 수 없는 것들을
시로 써 보면
얼마나 좋을까
하지만 지금까지
어느 공화국도
참을 수 없는 것들을
시로 쓸 수 있도록
내버려 두지 않았다
아니 지금까지
한국 현대 시인들은
참을 수 없는 것들을
모조리 시로 써 볼
용기를 지니지 못했다
똥누기는 순수하기만 한데
순수한 것은 강하다는데
두려움이 없다는데
시도 똥누듯이 쓸 수만 있다면
얼마나 좋을까
Appreciation Reivew 感想
"On Writing Poetry" is a bold and honest poem that makes readers think deeply by breaking traditional rules of poetry.
Comparing writing poetry to taking a shit, the poet shows how both are natural and freeing, without any need to pretend.
The poem uses humor and relatable ideas while also criticizing the limits and taboos in modern poetry.
It encourages readers to think about being true to themselves in both art and life.
Simple, brave, and very human, this poem shows how powerful honesty and vulnerability can be in creativity.
#똥누기 #시쓰기 #순수함 #시원함
첫댓글 simple, brave and very human
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