정향(Clove) 2
생리활성(약리효능) 작용을 인용하면,,,,,,,,,,
(Indian medical plants 5권 p.221)
The cloves are acrid, bitter, aromatic, refrigerant 해열/냉각, ophthalmic[afθǽlmik] 안약, digestive 소화제, carminative 구풍제, stomachic 소화제, stimulant 각성제/자극성, antispasmodic 경련방지/진경제, antibacterial 항균성, rubefacient 발적제, aphrodisiac[ӕfrədíziӕk] 미약/최음제/성욕촉진제, appetiser 식욕상승. expectorant 가래배추/객담배출. emollient 피부세정/진정. anthelmintic[ӕnθelmíntik] 구충제 , sialagogue[saiǽləgὰg] 타액분비촉진, rejuvenating[ridʒúːvənèitiŋ] 회춘/회복/젋어지다/활기띠다, galacto- purifier 유즙분비, diuretic[dàiərétik] 배뇨촉진/이뇨제, febrifuge 해열제/청량음료 and tonic 강장제/기운을 돋우는.
They are useful in halitosis 구취제/악취제거제, odontalgia 치통, ophthalmopathy 안질환, flatulence 위장내 가스배출, colic 결장/복통/산통, gastropathy 위장질환, anorexia 신경성 식욕부진/거식증, cough 진해/기침, asthma 천식, vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta.
burning sensation 화끈거림/상기(上氣)/작열감/타는 듯한 느낌.
skin diseases 피부질환. helminthiasis 기생충/연충병.
agalactia 모유결핍, impurity of breast milk 모유불순(이물질 섞임), strangury 배뇨곤란/배뇨통, fever 열병/발열성, cephalalgia 두통, neuralgia 신경통, lumbago 요통, nostalgia 향수병, dental caries 충치/치아부식증, hyperacidity 위산과다, vomiting 구토. adipsia[eidípsiə] 무음(無飮)증/갈(渴)감각 결여, hepatopathy 간장장애. general debility (心身) 쇠약/중증장애 and tuberculosis 결핵증상.
The oil is useful in catarrh 코점막 염증, cough 진해/기침, bronchitis 기관지염, vitiated conditions of vala, gastrohelcosis. flatulence 장내까스. colic 결장/복통/산통, skin diseases 피부질환, dyspepsia[dispépʃə] 소화불량, vomiting 구토, odontalgia 치통, dental caries 충치 and cephalalgia 두통.
Externally 外治用 the oil is used as rubefacient 발적제 and counterirritant 반사 자극제 등.
Cloves (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle | Nutrient value | Percentage of RDA | Principle | Nutrient value | Percentage of RDA |
Energy | 47 kcal | 2% | Minerals |
Carbohydrate | 10.51 g | 8% | Calcium | 44 mg | 4% |
Protein | 3.27 g | 6% | Copper | 0.231 mg | 27% |
Total Fat | 0.15 g | 0.5% | Iron | 1.28 mg | 16% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% | Magnesium | 60 mg | 15% |
Dietary Fiber | 5.4 g | 14% | Manganese | 0.256 mg | 11% |
Vitamines | Phosphorus | 90 mg | 13% |
Selenium | 7.2 μg | 13% |
Folates | 68 μg | 17% | Zinc | 2.32 mg | 21% |
Phylo-nutrients |
Niacin | 1.046 mg | 6.5% |
Pantothenic acid | 0.338 mg | 7% | Carotene-B | 8 μg | -- |
Crypto-xanthin-B | 0 μg | -- |
Pyridoxine | 0.116 mg | 9% | Lutein-zeaxanthin | 464 μg | -- |
Riboflavin | 0.066 mg | 5% |
Thiamin | 0.072 mg | 6% |
Vitamine A | 13 IU | 0.5% | |
Vitamine C | 11.7 mg | 20% |
Vitamine E | 0.19 mg | 1% |
Vitamine K | 14.8 μg | 12% |
Electrolytes |
Sodium | 94 mg | 6% |
Potassium | 370 mg | 8% |
항노화 미병의학, 2021, 한국 약초 대학, 신삼기
(연재물의 무단복제는 저작권보호를 위하여 절대 금지함)