,,다들시험 잘 보셨나요?
시험중간이 비가 많이 내려서
빗소리 나구,,part 진행 될수록 난이도가 있어서
어렵게 느껴지셨을 거 같네요~~
그래도 힘들 내시고,,
답 맞춰 보시기 바래요,,
팟 1 정답 후기 입니다.
1. 사람들 네 명이 건물 안에 줄지어 서 있습니다.
a. People are standing in a doorway.
b. People are climbing over the ropes.
c. The people are smiling at each other.
d. People are standing in a line. @
2. 한 남자는 선 채로 카메라를 보며 사진을 찍고 있고, 또 한 남자는 쪼그리고 앉아서 무엇을 적고 있습니다.
a. The men are painting a picture.
b. The men are clearing a path.
c. One of the man is taking some notes.@
d. One of the man is lying on the grass.
3. 한 남자가 회의실 같은 곳에서 발표를 하고. 앞에 5명 정도가 열심히 청중하고 있습니다.
a. Some people are listening to a speaker.@
b. One man is handing out papers.
c. Some people are setting up a projector.
d. One man is placing his hand on the desk.
4. 한 여자가 앉아서 종이 위에 무엇을 쓰고 있고. 종이들이 펼쳐져 있습니다.
a. The woman is setting the table.
b. The papers are spread in front of the woman.@
c. The woman is ordering some tea.
d. The table is covered with a cloth.
5. 정장을 입은 한 여자가 양 손을 쫙 피고 제스쳐하며 말하고 있습니다.
a. She is holding a cup of water
b. She's gesturing with her hands.@
c. She's paging through a folder.
d. She's passing a book to a colleague.
6. 사다리가 나무에 기대어져 있고 한 남자는 그 사다리를 오르고 있으며 또 한 남자는 건물 쪽으로 걸어가고 있습니다.
a. They're fixing the windows.
b. One man is climbing the tree.
c. They're moving a large machine.
d. The ladder is leaning against the tree.@
7. 노부부가 벤치에 앉아서 쉬고 있습니다. 앉은 방향을 등이 보이게 앉아 있습니다.
a. They're resting on a bench.@
b. They're moving a bench around.
c. They turn their backs to each other.
d. They had their backs to the seat.
8. 나무들이 줄지어 서 있고 그 앞에 개울에 그림자가 비칩니다.
a. The river had overflowed its banks.
b. The hill leads down to the river.
c. The trees bend over the water.
d. The trees are reflected in the stream.@
9. 큰 파라솔 아래로 여러 개의 그림들이 전시되어 있습니다.
a. Some painting are hanging on a wall.
b. The unbrellas are have been displayed for sale.
c. Some paintings have been set out under the umbrella.@
d. The railings are being installed at the art museum.
10.한 여자가 클립 보드 위의 종이에 무언가를 쓰고 있습니다.
a. She's typing up a document.
b. She's holding a radio.
c. She's writing on a clipboard. @
d. She's looking at a computer monitor.
11. 카운터에 두 남자가 서 있고 그 사이에 캐리어 짐 가방이 서 있습니다. 접수처에 여자가 있구요.
a. The suitcase is standing upright between the men. @
b. One of the man is holding a suitcase behind him.
c. The people are tying tags on the baggage.
d. One of the people has made the bag on the counter,.
12. 할아버지가 tv 위의 전축 같은 것을 살펴보고 있습니다.
a. He's lifting the television set
b. He's turning on the equipment. @
c. He's opening the blinds.
d. He's looking for an eletrical outlet
13.건물 가운데에 분수대에서 물이 흘러나오고 있고 뒤에는 자전거들이 몇대 있네요.
a .The shower curtain is open
b. Water is falling into a pool
c. People are stepping into the pond.
d. The fountain has been turned on. @
14.한 여자가 로프줄을 감고 있습니다. 뒤에는 배와 바다가 보입니다.
a. She's securing a boat to the dock.
b. She's boarding a large ship.
c. She's gathering up the rope. @
d. She's throwing a rope into the water.
15.공사장에서 지상에 한 사람, 지하에 두 사람이 작업중입니다.
a. Some people are working underground. @
b. Workers are digging a deep hole.
c. The people are puting on a hard hat.
d. The workers are going down the stairs.
16.가게 밖으로 샌달들이 쌓여 있고 몇 몇 사람들이 구경중입니다.
a. The women are deciding which juice to buy.
b. There is a pile of sandals outside the store. @
c. There are several people gathered in the doorway.
d. The man are trying on pairs of shoes.
17. 사람들이 버스 정류장에서 줄지어 버스를 기다리고 있고,
문이 닫힌 버스 한대가 앞에 있습니다.
a. The conductor is collecting them tickets.
b. Passengers are exiting the bus.
c. People are waiting at a bus stop. @
d. Several cars are parked in front of the building.
18. 여자는 사진같은 거 2장을 들어서 보고 있으며 남자는 두 손을 주머니에 꽂은채,
여자 옆에 서서 같이 보고 있습니다.
a. The man is standing beside the woman. @
b. The woman is handing the man some cards
c. The man is pouring something to drink
d. The woman is refilling the coffee pot.
19.가지같은 야채들이 널려져 있고 한 할아버지가 가지들을 봉투에 담아서 양손에 들고 있습니다.
a. The food is being weighed on the scale .
b. The table is has been cleared of all products.
c. Some vegetables are being picked in the garden.
d. Some vegetables have been sorted and bagged. @
20. 상자들이 창고 같은 곳에 막 쌓여 있구요. 두 남자는 상자들을 쌓고 있네요.
a. The top of the boxes is out of the man's reach.
b. Some boxes have been stacked up several rows high.@
c. The curtains are being arranged on the shelves
d. Some workers are filling up the boxes.
Part 2
21. Who gave you that new watch?
a. It was a present from my wife. *
b. Sorry but I wasn't looking
c. Here you are.
22. Have you scheduled our work on the survey yet?
a. To get an information
b. I'm working on it now. *
c. An interesting report.
23. Why didn't John get the promotion?
a. He just wasn't qualified.*
b. In the conference room.
c. About 2 weeks ago.
24. We really made great progress, haven't we?
a. No, no problem at all.
b. I'm sorry I can't
c. I think so.*
25. How did you find out about Mr. Suzuki leaving?
a. At the end of this month.
b. Someone from work told me.*
c. The exit is over there.
26. What's the best place in town to get office furniture?
a. That's a difficult question. *
b. I think you should go in the corner.
c. I'm sharing the office
27. Let's take a break until after lunch, ok?
a. It's delicious
b. There's one right here.
c. That sounds like a good idea.*
28. Should we send the shipment out today or wait until tomorrow?
a. I waited for several hours.
b. Better do it as soon as possible.*
c. While you were gone.
29. Do you think we can finish the report on time?
a. I'm not confident that we can.*
b. Check the file in the canbinet.
c. He's stuck in traffic probably.
30. Isn't this the monitor that breaks down every week?
a. on Tuesday.
b. I can use a rest too.
c. No, this is a different one.*
31. When should I call you back?
a. He forgot to back of the files.
b. This afternoon would be good.*
c. All right thank you.
32. Who owns the blue car parked out front?
a. That sounds like it could be Mr. Harden's.*
b. It's looks not tired
c. The park has beautiful trees.
33. Didn't you like the movie?
a. No, the actors were terrible.*
b. I'll try it's pretty heavy.
c. Sure how about this weekend?
34. Should I order you plastic cups or paper ones?
a. Yes, it should be paied for.
b. I'm not finish thanks.
c. Either would be fine.*
35. Why are you here?
a. To pick up a package for Dr. O'Brien.*
b. In the directors office
c. For 6 hours.
36. We feel that the bid is too low, don't you?
a. I put it on the top shelf.
b. No, it's perfectly acceptable to us.*
c. Yes, they can be fine.
37. I've been on hold for ten minutes.
a. Yes, it's very convenient
b. I'm sorry, our lines are busy today. *
c. Here, let me take them for you.
38. Do we have enough toner to last the week or do we need more?
a. this week.
b. Yes, this grown a lot
c. It's best to order more in any case.*
39. What's the main requirement for the new job in publishing?
a. No, that isn't the requirement.
b. For almost 5 yeas.
c. Some experience with layout and design.*
40. How did those product tests come out?
a. The results are promising.*
b. Yes, production for salaray
c. Probable next week.
41. You'll get me that price quote before Monday, won't you?
a. It's hanging in the closet.
b. You'll have it Friday.*
c. I bought the ticket already.
42. Kim's going to be transferred to our Barcelona office.
a. Yes, but not until next month.*
b. taxes only
c. No, this is a direct chage
43. Why don't we clean up the office a little?
a. no, the big building on the left
b. Go ahead and lean against the wall.
c. Sure, right after I finish this letter.*
44. Where can I buy tickets for tonight's performance?
a. It costs 13.50.
b. Stand in line over there.*
c. Here come back tonight.
45. What are you going to design next?
a. I believe you're gonna first.
b. I can read it from here.
c. I'll be doing a company logo.*
46. Is it possible to get someone to come and fix my computer?
a. Thanks are being so quick
b. Why? Is there a problem with it?*
c. I'm not sure if it would fit.
47. Would you like to join our group?
a. Put them in files on the table.
b. Sure, if that's ok.*
c. Sorry I dont' have any.
48. Why isn't Mr. Chang coming to the staff picnic?
a. No, he was away on business.
b. Yes, that's help enjoyed it.
c. He already has other plans.*
49. When should we expect to receive payment?
a. Because of the price.
b. When the credit start.
c. By the end of the week.*
50. Do you have an updated map of the city?
a. No, let's go buy one.*
b. Today is Friday the 23
c. I think it's okay