바사호 박물관을 나와 Nordic Museum(북구 박물관} 앞에서 버스를 타고 스톡홀름 시청사로 갑니다.

(18) 노르딕 박물관

왕립 연극 극장(Dramaten)을 지납니다.

Sheraton Hotel 과 KPMG 본사

Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

드디어 시청사(Stadshuset)에 도착을 했습니다.

Dala Horse
A large 30 feet tall Dala (dawla) horse, which is the most recognized Swedish symbol in the world, was dedicated by the Swedish Heritage Association on October 10, 2000.
These brightly colored horses have been carved in various sizes by Swedish craftsmen and take their name from the province of Dalarna where is has been a popular form of domestic art since the 1840s. Historical accounts vary in giving credit to woodsmen and to soldiers for originating the craft. It is certain that long autumn and winter evenings with little to do, coupled with the availability of wood scraps from the furniture-making trade of the area, fostered the development of the Dala Horse.
The first Dala Horses were plain wood, created as toys for children. A hundred years later, they took on their familiar bright colors and kurbit (flower-patterned) saddle and harness designs.

10:30 식사하러 가는 도중에 즐거운 쇼핑 시간을

11:00 맛있는 김치찌개로 고픈 배도 채우고 반가운 고향 후베도 만나서 맛있는 쿠키도 얻고

식사 후 버스를 타고 코펜하겐 행 페리를 타러 헬싱보리로 향함.

보튼 호수를 지나 북해의 해안선을 따라 왼쇠핑으로 이동

18:40 헬싱보리의 식당에서 중식으로 식사

19:45 남부 휴양도시 HALMSTAD의 QUALITY HOTEL에 투숙