만약 내가 어렸을 그 아이와 같은 행동을 했더라면 아버지는 크게 화를 내셨을 게 분명하다. 아마 내 엉덩이를 발로 걷어차셨을 것이고 매를 내리신 후 어서 내 방으로 들어가 있으라고 하셨을 것이다.
I"m certain that my father would give my hips the foot along with a whipping and he would order me to go to my room right away if I ever acted the way like the boy acted.
If I had done that when I was a child, my father would have been very angry. He would have kicked my butt! I would have been spanked and sent to my room immediately.
나는 아이들을 매로 다스려야 한다고 생각하는 사람은 아니다. 그러나 3~5살 적에는 부모가 말하는 것을 잘 들을 리가 없다. 보통 아이들은 자신들이 하고 싶은 것들을 왜 하면 안 되는지를 이해하지 못한다. 설사 이해하더라도 대개의 경우는 부모가 하는 말들을 그냥 무시해 버리곤 한다.
I"m not the person who thinks we have to manage the children with a whip. But at the age of 3 to 5, they can"t take what their parents say. Normal children can"t understand why they can"t do what they want to do. Even though they understand it, in most cases, they ignore their parents" words as it is.
I am not a big fan of punishing children by hitting them. But when you are three to five years old, you are not likely to listen to what your parents say. Children rarely understand why they shouldn"t do the things they want. And even if they do, they just ignore what their parents say most of the time.
그러나 비록 구식이기는 하지만 매라는 효과 있는 방법으로 아이를 협박할 경우 상황은 달라지게 된다. 아이들이 이해를 하게 되는 것이다. 매라는 것은 세 살짜리 아이들도 이해할 수 있는 언어이기 때문이다. 요즘 어린 아이들은 버릇없는 행동들을 곧잘 한다.
But in case you threaten your kids with a rod, an old-fashioned but effective way, it will make lots of difference. Kids come to figure it out. A rod is a language even three-year-old children are able to understand. Nowadays, little boys and girls show a tendency to act in a rude way.
But when you threaten children with a good old-fashioned spanking, things are very different. They understand. You are speaking a language that even a three-year-old can understand.
Bad behavior by children is very common these days.
한국 부모들이 아이들의 버릇을 다스리지 않기로 결심이라도 한 것일까? 부모들은 아이들이 인생에서 성공하는데 열심히 공부만 하면 된다고 생각하고 있는 것일까? 부모에 의해 버릇없게 자란 아이들 치고 나중에 인생에서 성공을 거두는 사람은 없다. 자녀에게 버릇을 가르치고 다른 사람들을 존경하는 법을 가르치면 결국 아이들을 예의 바르고 생산적인 사회 구성원으로 변모시키게 되는 것이다.
Does it mean Korean parents made up their minds not to discipline their children"s bad behaviors. Do they think all their children have to do for their successful life is only studying? No child who was raised as a brat by parents was succeessful when he grew up. I f you discipline your kids how to be good mannered and respect others, in the long run you will make them change into good mannered and constructive members in our society.
Have Korean parents decided not to discipline their children"s Do they believe that making them study enormously hard is enough to make them succeed in life? Children who are spoiled by their parents rarely succeed in life. When you discipline your children and teach them to respect others, you are turning them into polite and productive members of society.
내 개인적으로는 대학에서 4년간의 공부가 내가 ‘진짜 세상’을 살아가기 위한 준비를 하는데 전혀 도움이 되지 않았다고 생각한다. 오히려 아주 어릴 적 집에서 어느 것이 옳고 그른지에 대해 조부모님들께 받은 가르침이 현재의 나를 있게 했다고 볼 수 있다.
In my personal opinion, I think I didn`t learn anything from four year-education in a college to cope with the real world. My grand parents taught me about what is right or wrong when I was a little kid at home. That lesson brought me what I am now.
영역:For me personally, four years studying in college did absolutely nothing to prepare me for life in the "real world."Learning right from wrong at a very early age and the discipline I received at home from my great parents has made me the person I am today.
확인 사살
For me personally, four years studying in college did absolutely nothing to prepare me for life in the "real world". Learning right from wrong at a very early age and the discipline I received at home from my great parents has made me the person I am today.
이것이 오늘날까지 내가 모든 일과 결정들의 초석이 돼 왔다. 아이들은 부모로부터 많은 것을 배워야 한다. 부모는 아이들이 학교에서 배울 수 없는 것을 자녀들에게 가르쳐야만 한다. 안타까운 일이지만 아시아 지역에는 고등 교육을 받았음에도 불구하고 무능력한 젊은이들을 많이 만났다.
Until now it has been the base of all the things and decisions. Children should learn lots of things from their parents. The parents should educate their kids about the things that they can"t learn at school. I feel pitiful that I met incompetent young people a lot in spite of their higher education in Asia.
It has been the foundation of every business and life decision that I have made to this day. Kids need to be taught many things by their parents. Their parents need to teach them the things that they don"t learn in school. It"s a shame, but I have met too many highly-educated but incompetent young people in Asia.
It has been the foundation of every business and life decision that I have made to this day.Kids need to be taught many things by their parents. Their parents need to teach them the things that they don"t learn in school. It"s a shame, but I have met too many highly-educated but incompetent young people in Asia.
이제 현실을 직시해야 한다. 세계는 하루가 달리 작아지고 있다. 이 세상이 원하는 것은 좀 더 사려 깊고 친절한 인류이지, 남의 아침식사에 대고 기침하고 소리 지르는 것을 통해 남의 관심을 끌려는 경솔한 아이가 아니다.