Hebrews 12 The Message 히브리서 12장
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Discipline in a Long-Distance Race 장거리 경주에 있어서의 절제훈련
Do you see [what this means]
—all these pioneers //who blazed the way, all these veterans /cheering us on?
It means () we’d better get on with it.
Strip down, start running—and never quit!
No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.
* to see ; To become aware of or apprehend:
* 목적인 의문사절 what this means (목), 의문사=접속사=목적
* 앰댓시로 추가된 동격 명사구 —all these pioneers //who blazed the way, all these veterans /cheering us on = this
* blazed the way ;그리스도의 길을 따라가는 선구자 역할을 하다
그리스도께서 I am the way라 하셨기에 초대 기독교를 The Way라 불렀음
* 유사 숙어 blaze a trail - to explore new territories, areas of knowledge, etc, in such a way that others can follow
* to cheer on ; to encourage someone or a group to continue to do well, as by cheering.
* we’d better = we had better ; would be wise, sensible, etc to ~하는 것이 좋을 것이다 (충고나 제안에 씀)
* get on with something ; to continue doing, to give your time to something and make progress with it
* Something that is stripped down has been reduced to its simplest form:
* Parasitic - of, relating to, or being a parasite:
Parasites are organisms that live off other organisms, or hosts, to survive.
* 직독 해석
Do you see 아느냐 [what this means 이것이 의미하는 그것을]—all these pioneers 이 모든 선구자들
//who 그들은 blazed 탐구하는 the way 그리스도의 길을, all these veterans 이 모든 역전의 용사들인 그들
/cheering us on 우리를 응원하는?
It 그건 means 의미한다 (that) 절 내용을 즉 we’d better 우리도 get on with it 같이 편승하는 것이 좋다는 것.
Strip down 걸리적거리는 것을 벗고, start running 뛰기 시작하고—and never quit 결코 포기하지 마라!
No extra spiritual fat 필요 이상의 영적인 군살 없이, no parasitic sins 기생충 같은 죄도 없이.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished [this race () we’re in].
Study [how he did it].
Because he never lost sight of where he was headed
—that exhilarating finish in and with God—
he could put up with anything /along the way: Cross, shame, whatever.
And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.
* 삽입절인 형절/관대절/계속용법 who both began and finished [this race () we’re in]. 설명추가 역할
* 목적인 명사구 this race (that) we’re in (선행사 this race는 전치사의 in의 목적)
* 목적인 의문사절 how he did it 의문사=접속사=부사 역할
* LOSE SIGHT OF (phrase): forget important fact or aim;
* 전목인 의문사절 where he was headed—
* 형역 과분사 headed ; Going towards a certain direction 향한
* 지시 형용사로 쓰인 that
* exhilarating /iɡˈziləˌrādiNG 익 질러래이딩/ making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.
* put up with ... to tolerate or endure someone or something; to be able to stand someone or something.
* Along the way - during a process or series of events 과정에서
* 직독 해석
Keep 유지/고정하라 your eyes 너의 눈을 on Jesus 그리스도께, who 그분은 both began 시작도 and finished 끝내기도
둘 다 하신 분 [this race 이 경주를 (that) we’re in 우리가 참가한].
Study 연구하라 [how 어떻게 he 그분께서 did it 그걸 하셨는지를].
Because 왜냐면 he 그분은 never lost 잃지 않았다 sight 목표를 of where 방향의 he was headed 향하는
—that 그런 exhilarating 신명 나는 finish 끝내기 in and with God 하나님 안에서 하나님과 함께—
he could put up with 견딜 수 있었다 anything 어떤 것도 /along the way 진행 과정에서:
Cross 십자가, shame 수치, whatever 무엇이든.
And now 이제 he’s there 거기 계신다,
in the place of honor 존경받는 장소에, right alongside God. 하나님 바로 옆자리에
When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item,
that long litany of hostility () he plowed through.
That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!
* 목보인 분사구 flagging in your faith,
* flagging : 1. becoming weaker:
* go over · to examine or check something carefully.
* item-by-item : considered one item at a time;
* A litany is a long, repetitive list or series of grievances,
* 전목인 명사구 hostility (that) he plowed through.
* plow through sth ...1. Lit. to move through something such as snow or mud with a plow
2. to go through a substance or an area of something with difficulty:
* adrenaline (ə-drĕn′ə-lĭn 애드 럴너닌)
a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla upon stimulation by the central nervous system in response to stress,
* 직독 해석
When 그때 you 네가 find 발견할 때 yourselves 네 자신이 flagging 약해지는 상태로 in your faith 믿음에 있어서,
go over 잘 살펴보라 that story 그 이야기를 again 다시금, item by item 항목 하나씩 하나씩,
that long litany 그런 긴 목록 of hostility 적대적 행동의 (that) he 그분께서 plowed through 헤쳐 지나가신.
That 그건 will shoot 치솟게 할 것인 adrenaline 아드레날린 각성제를 into your souls 네 영혼 안으로!
즉 네 영혼을 각성/고무시킬 것이다
In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered /far worse than you,
to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed!
So don’t feel sorry for yourselves.
Or have you forgotten [how good parents treat children], and that God regards you as his children?
* All-out - made with maximum effort, using all one's strength or resources.
* to say nothing of ... Not even considering or mentioning the significance or impact of someone or something else;
* 전목인 의문사절 what Jesus went through (목), 의문사=접속사=목적
* GO THROUGH : examine or search something, experience something bad;
* 앰댓시로 추가된 동격 명사구 —all that bloodshed = what 절
* Bloodshed ; destruction of life, as in war or murder; slaughter.
* 부사로 쓰인 so ; Afterward; then: 그러니
* 목적인 의문사절 how good parents treat children 의문사=접속사=부사 역할
* and (have you forgotten) that God regards you as his children?
* 직독 해석
In this 이런 all-out 전력투구적 match 싸움에 against sin 죄를 대항한,
others 다른 이들은 have suffered 고난당했다 /far worse 한참 더 심하게 than you 너 보다도,
to say nothing of 언급할 것도 없지만 what 그것에 대한 Jesus 그리스도께서 went through 경험하신/당하신
—all that bloodshed 그런 모든 피비린내 나는 살육을!
So 그러니 don’t feel 느끼지 마라 sorry 불쌍하다고 for yourselves 네 자신이.
Or have you forgotten 잊어버렸니 [how 어떻게 good parents 좋은 부모가 treat 상대하는지 children 자녀들을],
and that 절 내용을 즉 God 하나님께서 regards 간주하신다는 것 you 너희를 as his children 그분의 자녀로?
My dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline,
but don’t be crushed by it either.
It’s [the child () he loves] that he disciplines;
the child he embraces, he also corrects.
* shrug off ; to shake off, To dismiss, ignore, or minimize the importance of someone or something.
물 묻은 개가 몸을 흔들어 물을 떨치는 모습과 유사함
* 부사로 쓰인 either ; Likewise; also.
* 비교 ; 형용사로는 each, one or the other ; either hand 이 손 아니면 저손 중 하나
대명사 either ; 둘 중 어떤 것
* 강조용법 it is~ that~
* 강조된 목적/명사구 the child (that) he loves
일반문 he disciplines the child (that) he loves
* (it's) the child he embraces (that) he also corrects.
* 직독 해석
My dear child 내 사랑하는 아이야, don’t shrug off 가볍게 털어내지 마라 God’s discipline 하나님의 훈육/훈련을,
but don’t be crushed 폭싹 꺼지지도 마라 by it 그것에 의해 either 역시도.
It’s [the child (that) he loves 그분이 사랑하는 아이를] that he 그분께서 disciplines 훈육하신다;
the child (that) he embraces 그분이 안아주는 아이를, he 그분께서 also 역시나 corrects 교정하신다.
God is educating you; that’s why you must never drop out.
He’s treating you as dear children.
[This trouble () you’re in] isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children.
Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves.
Would you prefer an irresponsible God?
* 보어인 의문사절 why you must never drop out. 의문사=접속사=부사 역할
* DROP OUT (phrasal verb): leave something before end; 중퇴하다/도중하차하다
* 주어인 명사구 This trouble (that) you’re in
* 형역인 동격 명사구 the normal experience of children = training
* fend for yourself ... to take care of and provide for yourself, without depending on anyone else:
* 직독 해석
God is educating 교육하신다 you 너를; that’s 그것이 why 이유다 you 네가 must never drop out 중퇴하지 않아야 하는.
He’s 그분께서 treating 대우하신다 you 너를 as dear children 사랑하는 자녀로.
[This trouble 이런 어려움은 (that) you’re in 네가 들어가 있는/결부된] isn’t punishment 처벌이 아니다;
it’s training 훈련이다, the normal 정상적인 experience 경험이다 of children 자녀들의.
Only irresponsible parents 무책임한 부모나 leave 내버려 둔다 children자녀를 to fend 알아서 기게 for themselves 그들 홀로.
Would you prefer 선호하겠느냐 an irresponsible God 무책임한 하나님을?
We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us,
so why not embrace God’s training /so we can truly live?
While we were children, our parents did [what seemed best to them].
But God is doing [what is best for us], training us to live God’s holy best.
* 부사로 쓰인 처음 so ; Used to preface a remark or signal a new subject: 그렇다면
부사는 주절의 일부로 쓰임
* 둘째 so는 결과 설명의 부사절 접속사 so 그래서
* why not...? ... used to make a suggestion or to express agreement:
* 종절 접속사로 쓰인 so ; 2. With the result or consequence that 3. With the purpose that 1. For that reason; therefore:
종절은 주절과 함께 쓰여야 함
* 접속사 while ; 2. In spite of the fact that; although: 비록 1. As long as; during the time that: 그동안에
3. And on the contrary: 반대로
* 목적인 의문사절 what seemed best to them 의문사=접속사=주어 ; 최선인 그것/그일
* 의문대명사 what ; Which thing, Which kind or which particular one of many, 어떤 것/종류 또는 여러 개 중 특정한 그것
* 불자 seem의 보어인 형용사 best
* 목적인 의문사절 what is best for us 의문사=접속사=주어
* 형역 분사구 training us to live God’s holy best. 현분사의 주체인 주어의 준동작/동시동작 설명
* 직독 해석
We 우리는 respect 존경한다 our own parents 우리의 부모를 for training 훈련에 관련된
and not spoiling 망치시기가 아니고 us 우릴,
so 그렇다면 why 왜 not embrace 포용하지 않느냐/포용하지 그래 God’s training 하나님의 훈육을
/so 그래서 we 우리가 can truly 진짜로 live 살 수 있도록?
While 비록 we 우리가 were children 자녀이지만,
our parents 우리 부모는 did 했다 [what 그것을 seemed best 최선으로 보이는 to them 그들에게].
But God 하나님께서는 is doing 하신다 [what 그것을 is best 최선인 for us 우리를 위한],
training 훈련하시면서 us 우리가 to live 살도록 God’s holy best 하나님의 거룩하신 최선책을.
At the time, discipline isn’t much fun.
It always feels like it’s going against the grain.
Later, of course, it pays off /big-time,
for it’s the well-trained //who find themselves [mature in their relationship with God].
* 접속사로 쓰인 like ; 1. In the same way that; as: 처럼 2. As if: 마치
* go against the grain ... contrary to the natural inclination or feeling, unusual (grain은 나뭇결)
* to pay off ; To result in profit or advantage; succeed:
* 부사로 쓰인 big time: to a very large degree
* the+형용사=복수 명사 ; the well-trained = the people who are well-trained
* for = because
* 강조용법 it’s ~ who~ ; the well-trained가 강조됨
* 5형식 구조 find themselves mature~
* 목적으로 쓰인 재귀 대명사 themselves (=복수 명사인 the well-trained)
* 목보인 형용사구 mature in their relationship with God
* 직독 해석
At the time 그때/시점에, discipline 훈육은 isn’t much fun 재미가 많지 않다/재미없다.
It 그건 always 항상 feels 느낀다 like 마치 it’s going against the grain 비정상적으로 가는 것처럼.
Later 나중에, of course 물론, it 그건 pays off 유익을 준다/성공한다 /big-time 엄청나게,
for 왜냐면 it’s the well-trained 잘 훈련된 사람들이기에 //who find 발견하는 사람은 themselves 그들 자신이
[mature 성숙한 상태라고 in their relationship 그들의 관계에서 with God 하나님과].
So don’t sit around on your hands!
No more dragging your feet!
Clear the path for long-distance runners
/so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle.
Help each other out.
And run for it!
* 부사로 쓰인 처음 so ; 그 결과로, 그러므로 (부사는 주절의 일부로 쓰임)
* sit around on your hands ; to do nothing, to be lazy
* 둘째 so는 주절의 결과 설명의 부사절 접속사 so ; 그래서
* run for it ... Fig. to run fast to get away or get somewhere.
* 직독 해석
So 그러므로 don’t sit around 앉아있지 마라 on your hands 네 손 위에/게으름 피우지 마라!
No more 더 이상 dragging 질질 끌지 마라 your feet 네 발을 즉 마지못해 하지 마라!
Clear 정비하라 the path 진로를 for long-distance runners 장거리 경주자를 위한
/so 그래서 no one 아무도 will trip 걸려 and fall 자빠지지 않도록,
so 그래서 no one 아무도 will step 발을 디뎌 in a hole 구덩이로 and sprain 삐지 않게 an ankle 발목을.
Help 도와라 each other out 서로를.
And run for it 도우려 뛰어가라!
Work at getting along with each other and with God.
Otherwise you’ll never get so much as a glimpse of God.
Make sure () no one gets left out of God’s generosity.
Keep a sharp eye out /for weeds of bitter discontent.
[A thistle or two /gone to seed] can ruin a whole garden /in no time.
* GET ALONG ; have a harmonious or friendly relationship, manage to live or survive.
* otherwise adverb (NOT INCLUDING) ... except for what has just been referred to:
* 부사로 쓰인 so ; To a great extent; to such an evident degree:
* so much as : but rather: even
* make sure. 1. To check something in order to confirm that it is true, correct, or is happening.
* 타동사구 Make sure 의 목적절 (that) no one gets left out of God’s generosity.
* 불자 보어인 형역 과분사구 left out of God’s generosity 과분사의 수동 주체인 주어 수식
* to leave out ; to not include someone or something.
* Keep a sharp eye on - to watch (someone or something) carefully.
* 주어인 명사구 A thistle or two /gone to seed
* 형역 분사구 /gone to seed 과분사의 피동작자인 A thistle or two 수식
* IN NO TIME (AT ALL) (phrase): very soon, or very quickly.
* 직독 해석
Work 일하라/노력하라 at getting along 화합하는데 with each other 서로 간에와 and with God 하나님과.
Otherwise 그렇지 않으면 you’ll 너는 never 결코 get 갖지 못할 것이다 so much as a glimpse 흘깃 보는 것조차도
of God 하나님에 관해.
Make sure 확실히 하라 (that) 절 내용을 즉 no one 아무도 gets left out 제외되지 않게
of God’s generosity 하나님의 관용에서.
Keep 유지하라 a sharp eye out 날카로운 눈을/조심하여 보는 눈을 /for weeds 잡초/잡것에 관련하여
of bitter discontent 쓰디쓴 불만의.
[A thistle or two 엉겅퀴 한두 개가 /gone to seed 씨를 퍼뜨린] can ruin 망칠 수 있다 a whole garden 정원 전체를
/in no time 순식간에.
Watch out for the Esau syndrome: trading away God’s lifelong gift /in order to satisfy a short-term appetite.
You well know [how Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing]
—but by then it was too late, tears or no tears.
* watch out for sb/sth ... to be careful to notice someone or something interesting:
* Syndrome - a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.
* 동격 동명사구 trading away God’s lifelong gift /in order to satisfy a short-term appetite. = the Esau syndrome
* trade away ; (transitive) To relinquish, to yield.
* Lifelong - lasting or continuing through life
* 부역전구 /in order to satisfy a short-term appetite.
* 목적인 의문사절 how Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing
* regretted의 목적인 명사구 ; that impulsive act
* and (how Esau later) wanted God’s blessing
* 직독 해석
Watch out for 경계하라 the Esau syndrome 에서 증후군을:
trading away 매도하기 God’s lifelong gift 하나님께서 주신 일평생 누릴 선물을
/in order to satisfy 만족시키기 위하여 a short-term appetite 단기간/순간의 입맛을 위해.
You well know 잘 안다 [how 어떻게 Esau 에소가 later 나중에 regretted 후회했는지
that 그런 impulsive act 충동적인 행동을
and wanted 원했는지 God’s blessing 하나님의 축복을]
—but by then 그땐 it was too late 너무 늦었다, tears or no tears 눈물 짜든 안 짜든.
An Unshakable Kingdom
Unlike your ancestors, you didn’t come to Mount Sinai
—all that volcanic blaze and earthshaking rumble—to hear God speak.
The earsplitting words and soul-shaking message terrified them and they begged him to stop.
When they heard the words—“If an animal touches the Mountain, it’s as good as dead”—
they were afraid to move.
Even Moses was terrified.
* 부역 부정사구 to hear God speak 감각동사 5형식 구조 ; 목보로 to 없는 원형 부정사구가 쓰임
* 형역 현분사 earsplitting, soul-shaking ; 명사 전치수식
* 사역동사 아닌 일반동사 5형식 begged him to stop
일반동사는 목적이 목보의 동작을 하는데 강제성이 없고 자발적으로 하기에 to 부정사를 씀
비교 make him stop. 그가 멈추게 강제로 만들다
* 직독 해석
Unlike your ancestors 너희의 조상과는 다르게, you 너희는 didn’t come 오지 않았다 to Mount Sinai 시나이/시내산에
—all that 그 모든 volcanic blaze 화산 불꽃과 and earthshaking 지축을 뒤흔드는 rumble 굉음에—
to hear 듣기 위하여 God 하나님께서 speak 말씀하시는 것을.
The earsplitting words 귀를 찢는 듯한 말씀과 and soul-shaking 영혼을 뒤흔드는 message 전언은
terrified 공포에 떨게 했고 them 그들을 and they 그들은 begged 에걸 했다 him 그분이 to stop 멈추기를.
When 그때 they 그들이 heard 들었을 때 the words 말씀을—“If 만약 an animal 짐승이 touches 접촉하면
the Mountain 그 산을, it’s 그건 as good as dead” 죽은 거나 마찬가지다—
they were afraid 두려워했다 to move 움직이기를.
Even Moses 모세조차도 was terrified 공포에 떨었다.
No, that’s not your experience at all.
You’ve come to Mount Zion, the city //where the living God resides.
The invisible Jerusalem is populated by throngs of festive angels and Christian citizens.
It is the city //where God is Judge, with judgments //that make us just.
* At all - in any way or respect : to the least extent or degree : under any circumstances. 조금도/전혀
* 동격 명사구 the city //where the living God resides. = Mount Zion,
* 대명사 it = The invisible Jerusalem
* 형절/관계부사 ; //where the living God resides.
* 전목인 명사구 judgments //that make us just.
* 5형식 구조 make us just.
* 직독 해석
No 아니다, that’s 그건 not 아니다 your 너의 experience 경험이 at all 전혀.
You’ve 너는 come 왔다 to Mount Zion 시온산에, the city 그 도시에
//where 거긴 the living God 살아계신 하나님께서 resides 주거하시는/계시는 곳.
The invisible Jerusalem 불가시적인 예루살렘은 is populated 거주되었다 by throngs 인파들로
of festive 축제에 들뜬 angels 천사들과 and Christian citizens 그리스도인 시민들로.
It is the city 그 도시는 //where God 하나님께서 is Judge 재판관이신 곳이다,
with judgments 판결로 //that 그 판결은 make 만드는 us 우리를 just 의롭게.
You’ve come to Jesus, who presents us with a new covenant, a fresh charter from God.
He is the Mediator of this covenant.
The murder of Jesus, unlike Abel’s—a homicide //that cried out for vengeance—became a proclamation of grace.
* 형역 동격 명사구 a fresh charter from God = a new covenant
* A charter is a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of an organization or group of people.
* 삽입구인 전치사구 unlike Abel’s = unlike the murder of Abel
* 강조상 앰댓시로 삽입된 명사구 —a homicide //that cried out for vengeance = the murder of Abel
* Homicide ; the killing of one human being by another. 살인 (법적인 용어)
* 직독 해석
You’ve 너희는 come 온다 to Jesus 그리스도께, who 그분은 presents 제시하시는 분 us 우리에게
with a new covenant 새 언약으로/을, a fresh charter 새로운 헌장 from God 하나님께로부터 온.
He 그분은 is the Mediator 중보자이시다 of this covenant 이 언약의.
The murder of Jesus 그리스도의 죽음은, unlike Abel’s 아벨의 죽음과는 다른
—a homicide 그건 살인이다 //that cried out 아우성치는 for vengeance 복수에 관련하여—
became 되었다 a proclamation of grace 은혜의 선포가.
* 영어 murder를 살인으로 번역하면 한글 습관/표현상 영어 문맥과는 다른 의미가 나옴
So don’t turn a deaf ear to these gracious words.
If [those //who ignored earthly warnings] didn’t get away with it,
what will happen to us /if we turn our backs on heavenly warnings?
* 부사로 쓰인 so ; Afterward; then: 그러니/그러므로
* turn a deaf ear (to someone or something) 듣기를 거부하다/말을 무시하다
To ignore or refuse to listen to someone or something; to fail to pay attention to something someone says.
* 주어인 명사구 those //who ignored earthly warnings 대명사+주격 관대절
* get away with something ; to manage to do something bad without being punished or criticized for it.
* what ; 2. Which kind, character, or designation:
* turn (one's) back on ; 1. 1. to turn your body so that your back is pointing towards someone or something.
2. To ignore, disregard, or exclude someone or something; to abandon, give up on, or forsake
* 직독 해석
So 그러므로 don’t turn a deaf ear 귀먹은 귀로 되지 마라/무시 마라
to these gracious words 이런 고마우신 말씀에/을.
If [those 그들이//who ignored 무시한 earthly warnings 이 땅/세상의 경고를]
didn’t get away with it 처벌을 피할 수 없다면,
what 어떤 일이 will happen 일어나겠느냐 to us 우리에게
/if 만약 we 우리가 turn our backs 등을 돌린다면 on heavenly warnings 천국의 경고에?
[His voice] /that time shook the earth to its foundations;
this time—he’s told us this /quite plainly—he’ll also rock the heavens:
“One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem to stern.”
* 부사적으로 쓰인 명사구 that time ; 그때/그 시간
* this time에서 this는 지시 형용사 he’s told us this에서 this는 직목인 지시 대명사
* 동사로 쓰인 rock 1. intransitive to move backwards and forwards or from side to side in a gentle way
* 쌍점 뒤에 온 목록 “One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem to stern.”
* stem to stern, from ... From beginning to end; entirely.
In nautical terminology the stem is an upright at the bow (front) of a vessel and the stern is the back end.
* 직독 해석
[His voice 그분의 목소리가] /that time 그때에 shook 뒤흔들었다 the earth 세상을 to its foundations 기초까지;
this time 이번에는 —he’s 그분께서 told 말씀하셨다 us 우리에게 this 이것을 /quite plainly 아주 명백하게—
he’ll 그분께서는 also 역시 rock 뒤흔드셨다 the heavens 하늘/우주도:
“One last shaking 마지막 한판 뒤흔들기, from top to bottom 상층에서 바닥까지, stem to stern 선미에서 후미까지.”
The phrase “one last shaking” means a thorough housecleaning,
getting rid of all the historical and religious junk
/so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered.
* 제한 동격 ; The phrase one last shaking 뒤에 온 명사구가 앞 명사를 제한 수식함 The phrase that is one last shaking
구절이 많지만 그중에서 최후 한판 흔들기라는 구절
비교; 비제한 동격은 콤마로 분리하여 설명을 추가함 a new covenant, a fresh charter from God.
* 동명사 shaking” means a thorough housecleaning
* 형역 분사구 getting rid of all the historical and religious junk 현분사의 주체인 one last shaking 수식
* 의도 설명의 부사절 접속사 so that
* to stand ; To be in a specified state or condition:
* 불자 보어인 형용사구 clear and uncluttered. 정리 정돈된
* uncluttered ; being simple and does not containing or consisting of a lot of unnecessary things. 단정한
* 직독 해석
The phrase 그 구절 “one last shaking 최후 한판 뒤흔들기”는 means 의미한다
a thorough housecleaning 철저한 집 청소를,
getting rid of 제거하면서 all 모든 the historical 역사와 and religious 종교적 junk 고물/쓰레기를
/so that 그래서 the unshakable essentials 흔들릴 수 없는 필수요소가 stand 남도록
clear and uncluttered 정리 정돈된 상태로.
Do you see [what we’ve got]? An unshakable kingdom!
And do you see [how thankful we must be]?
Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.
* see ; To take note of; recognize:
* 목적인 의문사절 what we’ve got (목), 의문사=접속사=목적
* (we’ve got) An unshakable kingdom!
* 목적인 의문사절 how thankful we must be 의문사=접속사=부사 역할
* 보어 역할인 형용사구 how thankful,
* Not only A, but B ; A만 아니고 B도
* but (we must be) brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.
현분사는 진행동작이 아니고 능동적인 현분사의 상태설명 즉 동적으로 넘쳐나는 상태
* 보어 역할인 형용사구 brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.
* 직독 해석
Do you see 보냐/아냐/인식하느냐 [what 그것을 we’ve got 우리가 가진]?
An unshakable kingdom! 그건 부동의 왕국이다
And do you see 인식하느냐 [how thankful 얼마나 감사하는 상태로 we must be 우리가 되어야 하는지]?
Not only thankful 고마워하는 것 말고도, but brimming 넘쳐나고 with worship 경배로,
deeply reverent 깊은 경외 함도 before God 하나님 앞에서.
For God is not an indifferent bystander.
He’s actively cleaning house, torching all //that needs to burn,
and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed.
God himself is Fire!
* for = because
* bystander ; a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. 방관자/구경꾼
* actively ... in a way that involves positive action:
* 형역 현분사구 torching all //that needs to burn, 현분사의 주체인 주어의 준동작/동시동작 설명
* it all = all of it
* 강조어로 쓰인 재귀 대명사 himself
* 직독 해석
For 왜냐면 God 하나님께서는 is not an indifferent bystander 무관심한 방관자가 아니시기 때문이다.
He’s actively 적극적으로 cleaning 청소하신다 house 집을,
torching 불 지피시면서 all 모든 것을 //that needs 필요한 to burn 소각하기가,
and he won’t quit 포기하시지 않으신다 until it’s all cleansed 전부 깨끗해질 때까지.
God himself 하나님 자신이 is Fire 불이시다!
* 진리를 방해하는 오타/오역을 발본색원합시다
첫댓글 12-13