Bodhidharma & Jesus
by D.J. YOON
Bodhidharma sailed across the Yangtze River
On a single reed, like in a dream
And yet he stayed dry, without a fall
Not a single drop touched him at all
Jesus walked on the Sea of Galilee
Just barefoot
And yet he never sank, not a small slip
But only slightly wet the soles of his feet
Some people call it magic or miracle
But it’s not just like that
Anyone who has emptied his mind,
A peaceful mind
Can cross the Yangtze River
Anyone who has emptied his mind,
A peaceful mind
Can cross the Sea of Galilee barefoot
달마와 예수
달마는 양자강을
갈대잎 한 장에 몸을 싣고 건너 갔다
양자강에 빠지지 않고
아니 물 한 방울 묻히지 않고
예수는 갈릴리 호수를
아예, 맨발로 건너갔다
갈릴리 호수에 빠지지 않고
발바닥만 살짝 적시고
기적이라 말하는 사람도 있지만
그건 기적이 아니다
마음을 비운 사람은 누구나
갈대잎 한 장에 몸을 싣고 양자강을 건널 수 있고
맨발로 갈릴리 호수를 건널 수 있다
Appreciation Reivew 感想
This poem beautifully connects Eastern and Western wisdom, showing the power of a clear and peaceful mind.
The images of Bodhidharma and Jesus moving across water feel magical, yet the poem suggests it’s not just a miracle — it’s about inner calm and emptiness.
The simple words and smooth flow make the message easy to understand, while the idea itself is deep and thought-provoking.
It leaves the reader with a sense of wonder and inspiration.
#댤마 #예수 #양자강 #갈릴리 호수
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