The title of this story is "Theseus and the Minotaur."
Long ago in greece anciant ancient Greece, the Minotaur was born as a result of a curse was born from a curse because King Minos broke his promise to Poseidon.
King Mino Minos built the labyrinth to hide the Minotaur.
The Minotaur ate people in the labyrunth labyrinth.
The Theseus decided to kill Minotaur, but he had problem because the labyrinth is maze. Theseus decided to kill the Minotaur, but he had a problem because the labyrinth was like a maze.
He used threat thread to kill the Minotaur and escape.
I think this book is interesting because Ariadne's idea was very nice.
Score: A-
문법 및 표현 수정:
- "These" → Theseus (제목 철자 오류 수정)
- "greece anciant" → ancient Greece (순서와 철자 수정)
- "Mino" → Minos (이름 철자 오류 수정)
- "labyrunth" → labyrinth (철자 오류 수정)
- "threat" → thread (뜻이 다르므로 주의: threat(위협) → thread(실))
- "the labyrinth is maze" → the labyrinth was like a maze (시제와 표현 수정)
내용 추가 추천:
- Ariadne가 왜 실을 주었는지 설명하면 더 좋아요.
- Theseus가 어떻게 Minotaur를 찾았는지 추가해 보세요.
- 마지막에 Theseus와 Ariadne가 어떻게 돌아갔는지도 짧게 넣으면 이야기가 완성돼요.