DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS)(OC): And finally, tonight, the Discovery Channel will look at the secret lives of mysterious and rare animals, particularly one species, the black rhino, thought to be one of the most solitary creatures on earth. But a special new camera is about to reveal what we never knew was happening by the light of the moon. ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi has a sneak peek.
l 신비하고 희귀한 동물들의 비밀 생활
l 지구 상에서 가장 독립적인 생활을 하는 것으로 알려진 동물들 중 하나
l 특수 카메라 덕분에 우리가 전혀 몰랐던 그들의 은밀한 생활이 드러날 것이다
SHARYN ALFONSI (ABC NEWS)(VO): It is a peek into a secret world we've never seen.
l 우리가 한 번도 보지 못한 비밀 세계를 내밀히 들여다 본다
SHARYN ALFONSI (ABC NEWS)(VO): Giraffes, in a knockout battle for domination. And then, the black rhino, a notoriously solitary animal, or so we thought. Watch as rhinos secretly gather at a waterhole at night, a mother emerging with her calf. Their vision is poor, but their sense of smell is sharp. They greet each other with surprising gentleness.
MIKE GUNTON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF AFRICA): Nobody knew about it because you can't see it.
l 치열한 서열 다툼
l 혼자서 사는 것으로 유명한 동물
l 코뿔소들이 밤에 은밀하게 샘에서 모이다
l 시력이 나쁘다
l 후각이 발달했다
l 서로를 너무도 부드럽게 맞이하다
SHARYN ALFONSI (ABC NEWS)(VO): Mike Gunton is the executive producer of the new Africa series for Discovery. He says there have been legends of such secret gatherings, but until now, no one's ever been able to film it.
MIKE GUNTON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF AFRICA): The only way you could do it is by using a special camera, which we developed to see just under the star light.
l 비밀 회합을 한다는 전설 같은 소문
l 아무도 그 장면을 카메라로 잡은 적이 없다
l 별빛만으로도 보다
SHARYN ALFONSI (ABC NEWS)(VO): But there was more. Microphones hidden under rocks revealed a secret language of black rhinos, too. No one knows for sure, but it's believed this is a friendly sound, an overture from the normally cagey rhino. Animals that have been around for millions of years, still able to surprise us. Sharyn Alfonsi, ABC News, New York.
l 바위들 밑에 숨긴 마이크 덕분에 검은 코뿔소의 내밀한 언어도 드러났다
l 다정한 소리
l 대개는 (조심성이 강해서) 자신을 좀처럼 드러내지 않는 코뿔소의 (대화 시작을 알리는) 제스처
[(ABC 3-6) 듣기& 영한 통역] UNDER FIRE: TOO BIG TO JAIL
DIANE SAWYER: And also in the news tonight, millions of American families rely on the bank HSBC for everything from checking accounts to mortgages. But today, the bank agreed to pay a record amount to the United States government, nearly $2 billion. The government says the bank did business with known drug lords, Iran, even banks associated with al Qaeda. As Brian Ross reports, many are asking tonight, how did the bank manage to avoid criminal charges?
l 수백만 미국 가정이 이용하는 HSBC 은행
l 일반 예금 계좌부터 주택 담보 대출에 이르기까지
l 이 은행이 유명한 마약 조직들과 거래를 했다
l 심지어 알카에다와 연계된 은행들
l 어떻게 했길래 형사 기소를 모면했을까?
BRIAN ROSS (ABC NEWS)(VO): When the most ruthless of the Mexican drug cartels wanted to hide their money, they went to HSBC. So did terror groups including Hamas and al Qaeda, along with Iran and other countries on the US financial blacklist, all customers of a bank known well around the world.
l 멕시코 마약 조직들 중에서도 가장 폭력적인 조직
l 미국 금융 제재 대상에 오른 나라들
BRIAN ROSS (ABC NEWS)(VO): Today, US authorities said they were finally holding the British-based bank accountable. HSBC had agreed to pay a record $1.92 billion dollars in fines and forfeitures.
l (미 당국이) 마침내 그 영국계 은행에 책임을 물을 예정이다
l 무려 19억 2천만 달러를 벌금과 (부당 이익) 몰수 조로 지불하다
BRIAN ROSS (ABC NEWS)(VO): But given much less prominence in the announcement was a "deferred prosecution agreement" with HSBC, in effect meaning there will be no prosecution of the bank or its top executives, despite more than a decade of dealing with criminals and terrorists.
LANNY BREUER (ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL): This is a very just, very real and very powerful result.
l 이번 발표에서 일반의 관심을 훨씬 덜 받은 부분
l HSBC와의 “형사 기소 유예 합의”
l 그 은행 및 고위급 임원에 대한 형사 기소 조치가 없을 것이다
l 10년이 넘게 범법자 및 테러분자들과 거래
BRIAN ROSS: You don't think the bank got off easy?
LANNY BREUER (ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL): No, and I don't think the bank thinks it got off easy.
l 그 은행이 쉽게 법망에서 벗어났다고 생각하지 않으시죠?
BRIAN ROSS: But with $38 billion in profits over just the last two years alone, HSBC can easily afford its $1.92 billion payment.
JACK BLUM (INTERNATIONAL BANKING EXPERT): This is a signal to other banks that if you do this kind of stuff, you'll get a parking ticket, you'll pay the fine and you'll move on.
l 380억 달러의 이득을 챙겼으므로
l HSBC는 19억 2천만 달러는 쉽게 마련할 수 있다
l 그런 짓을 해도 주차 티켓도 받고, 벌금도 내고 그러면서도 (아무런 징계 조치 없이) 계속 사업을 할 수 있다
BRIAN ROSS: Since this summer when HSBC executives ducked questions from ABC News, the bank's lawyers have argued that a successful prosecution of HSBC could have put the bank out of business in the US, costing lots of jobs and disrupting financial markets.
l 질문들을 회피했다
l HSBC를 기소할 수 있게 되면 그 은행은 미국에서 사업을 접게 될 수도 있고, 동시에 많은 일자리들이 사라질 수도 있다
l 금융 시장의 혼란을 유발하다
BRIAN ROSS: And in the end, US officials apparently agreed that in many ways, HSBC became simply too big to prosecute. The bank said today it is profoundly sorry, but for small percentage of its yearly profits, HSBC has demonstrated how big banks can get away with crimes that would send others to prison for years and years. Diane?
l HSBC은행은 너무 (덩치가) 커져서 형사 처벌할 수 없다
l 매년 수익의 일부만으로도
다른 기업 같으면 상당한 기간 동안 감옥살이를 하게 될 범죄를 저지르고도 무사방면되다