[ABC NEWS 3-7/3-8] 북한 공격 위협 고조
DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS)(OC): And now, we head overseas tonight, more angry propaganda and a menacing video from North Korea which claims to have moved into, quote, combat posture, to strike at the United States. ABC's senior global affairs correspondent, Martha Raddatz is on her way to South Korea and reports tonight from Kabul.
l 한층 수위를 높인 선전 선동
l 위협적인 내용의 동영상
l “전투 태세”에 돌입했다
MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC NEWS)(VO): In the newest propaganda video, the North Koreans threatening a massive rocket and artillery attack on South Korea, with thousands of follow-on troops invading the country.
l 북한이 한국에 대해 미사일 및 포 공격을 퍼붓겠다고 위협하는 내용
l 이어서 대규모 병력을 남한에 투입하다
MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC NEWS) (VO): It comes as North Korea has ordered all its strategic rockets and long-range artillery units put on the highest alert, ready to hit American military targets they say, in South Korea, where the US has more than 28,000 troops.
MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC NEWS)(VO): In Guam, where there are more than 6,000.
MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC NEWS)(VO): And even in Hawaii, where nearly 115,000 American forces are based.
l 북한은 모든 전략 미사일과 장사정포 부대들을 최고 경계 태세에 돌입시켰다
l 미국 군사 목표를 타격할 준비를 갖춘
l 거의 11만 5천만 명의 미군이 주둔하고 있다
MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC NEWS)(OC): One person tracking these threats closely told me tonight this could turn into a real crisis and America could find itself in the kind of conflict with North Korea it has long tried to avoid. Diane?
l 북한의 잇따른 위협을 면밀히 주시하는 한 전문가
l 현재의 위협이 실제 위기로 전환될 수도 있다
l 미국이 오랜 동안 피하고자 했던 북한과의 분쟁 상황에 돌입할 수도 있다
DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS)(OC): Thank you. Martha again on her way to South Korea.
[ABC NEWS 3-8] 아이 컴퓨터 천재로 키우기
DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS)(OC): So what if your child's maddening little hobby is actually a highway to genius? What if it leads to a multimillion-dollar payday and he's still in high school? ABC's Cecilia Vega asked his parents to help crack the code on raising a teenage prodigy.
l 여러분 자녀가 몰입하는 취미
l 천재가 되는 지름길
l 그 취미로 인해 수백만 달러를 받게 되다
l (그런데 그 아이는) 아직도 고등학생이다
l 10대 자녀를 천재로 키우는 비법을 파헤치다
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): Nick D'aloisio's road to success started with a simple book his parents gave him.
NICK D'ALOISIO (FOUNDER OF SUMMLY): I was given a book how to program in C, C for dummies.
l ‘초보자를 위한 C 언어’
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): Nick took that book and in his London bedroom, taught himself to write computer codes. By the way, he was just 12. By 15, he created a newsreader app. Now at 17, the computer wiz with the boy band looks sold that app to Yahoo, ABC News's partner, for millions. He says he grew up like any other kid.
NICK D'ALOISIO (FOUNDER OF SUMMLY): I played video games. You know I had a PS, a Play Station 3. That wasn't really my main focus. I think I always like creating things.
l 컴퓨터 프로그램을 만들기 위해 독학했다
l 꽃미남의 외모를 한 컴퓨터 천재
l 다른 아이들과 똑 같이 자랐다
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): He's been called a prodigy, a boy wonder, but for one woman Nick is one thing, son.
l 신동이라고 불리기도 했었다
l 한 여성에게 닉은 그냥 단 한 가지, 즉, 아들일 뿐이다
DIANA D'ALOISIO (MOTHER): Approximately 10 years, maybe 11, he was asking for, you know, a Mac notebook. It was all technology. He loved technology. We were queuing in the Apple iStore all the time.
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): He got that Macbook but his parents used it as a teachable moment.
DIANA D'ALOISIO (MOTHER): I remember we made him sign a contract at that young age, to say what he would use this for.
l 그의 부모님들은 (맥북을 아들에게 사준 것을 계기로) 무언가를 가르칠 수 있는 기회로 이용했다
l 아들이 아직 어린 나이였지만 우리는 아들에게 (우리에게) 계약을 하게 했어요
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): He was soon writing programs that baffled his parents.
DIANA D'ALOISIO (MOTHER): We always supported him in what he wanted to do even though we didn't quite understand it.
l 닉이 곧 그의 부모도 깜짝 놀랄 프로그램을 만들기 시작했다
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): So, what's the secret to raising a genius?
DIANA D'ALOISIO (MOTHER): I just trusted in him. He's only 17. And I think he'll just keep climbing that mountain and he'll keep achieving.
l 자식을 천재로 키우는 비법은?
l (아이를) 그냥 무조건 믿었어요
CECILIA VEGA (ABC NEWS)(VO): Nicks mom says the best is yet to come. Cecilia Vega, ABC News, New York.
l 아직 닉의 미래가 더욱 기대된다