If a Garmin serial device is not recognized by your computer, there are some common reasons and troubleshooting steps listed below.
Click here for a list of Garmin serial devices
- Serial devices are not compatible with any Garmin application for Mac OS X.
- Verify the interface setting on the device is set to Garmin or Garmin Serial mode. See the device's owners manual for steps.
- Ensure you have the appropriate drivers1 for the RS232 serial converter cable installed to the computer
- Check the connection of the RS232 cable between the computer and the device. It is possible the cable may be damaged and needs replacing.
- Communication with the device has stopped because it was interrupted or has timed out. Restart the computer with the device plugged in and turned on.
- Certain non-Garmin processes monitor the serial ports for connected devices and can interfere with detecting the Garmin device. Close or end the processes in the Task Manager:
- Right click the System Clock in the bottom right corner of the screen
- Click Start Task Manager
- Click the Processes tab
- Press and hold the CTRL key and left click on any of the processes in the list:
- Activesync, HotSync, BBDVMonitor, Besmonitor, Intercept, LVCOMM, Tablet, UPS, WCESComm, WCESMgr, WeatherPak, x10net, ZUNE
- Release the CTRL key
- Click End Process
- Click End Process again to confirm
Note: Processes return after restarting the computer.
- If using a serial port on the computer, it may be damaged. Try another computer with a serial port that is known to work.
The serial device should now communicate with the compatible application.
1If you purchased the RS232 cable from Garmin, the drivers needed are not supported by Garmin in a 64-bit environment, which is most newer computers. You can attempt to get the updated drivers from the cable manufacturer, Magic Control Technology Corp, at their website found here (look for drivers with model U232-P9). Garmin cannot guarantee the functionality of these drivers or assist with the installation.
If you purchased the RS232 cable from another retailer, check the cable itself for the name of the manufacturer. You can then search online for the manufacturers website to download the drivers, or contact them for assistance.