3/6 |
Navigation surgery for the maxillofacial bone reconstruction |
방강미 |
Facial Allo-transplantation |
장아렴 | |
3/13 |
Orbital and lower eyelid reconstruction |
이주환 |
Subtotal and total nasal reconstruction |
유충규 | |
3/20 |
Peri-implantitis and bone loss |
이용권 |
Microthread of dental implant |
유명숙 | |
3/27 |
Reconstruction of the midface |
조세형 |
Reconstruction of the fronto-orbital region |
김광호 | |
4/3 |
Functional reconstruction of oral cavity |
가톨릭ENT pf.김민식 |
4/10 |
대한구강악안면학회 제50차 종합학술대회 | |
4/17 |
Molecular analysis of healing at a bone-implant interface |
김지연 |
Genetic susceptibility to dental implant failure |
박주영 | |
4/24 |
Reconstuction following extended maxillectomy |
이인우 |
Reconstruction of maxillary sinus wall |
정한울 | |
5/1 |
근로자의 날 | |
5/8 |
Reconstruction of the anterior mandibular arch |
권민수 |
Reconstruction of the posterior mandible |
박성수 | |
5/15 |
Use of BMP in peri-implant bone defects |
옥용주 |
BMP coating on implant surface |
김항진 | |
5/22 |
Reconstruction of the tongue and mouth floor |
김태운 |
Reconstruction of the buccal mucosa and cheek |
최재평 | |
5/29 |
PDGF-B gene therapy in dental implant osseous defects |
pf.설양조 |
6/5 |
Use of growth factors for alveolar bone formation |
이지호 |
Comparison between PRP and Plasma rich in growth factors in dental implant |
이의룡 | |
6/12 |
Reconstrucion of the palate including oronasal fistula |
민승기 |
Reconstruction of the lip |
양훈주 |
장 소 : 서울대학교 치과병원 임상연구동 3층 305호 세미나실
일 시 : 금요일 오전 7시