Take a Deep Breath
Matthew 14:13
Musicians know that a song isn’t merely a series of notes.
[Deliberate beats of silence, called rests,] make up the melody as well.
Blending notes with rests, the musician creates a unique composition of harmony, melody, and depth.
As we go /through our unique life, sometimes we are actively “playing notes” and sometimes we are obligated to take rests. Consider the times /when we don’t get to do what we want, but instead have to take a break.
God is still with us.
Even unexpected disappointments are part of his plan.
Just like rests in a song, they have a purpose.
If we’re sidelined by a coach, we can accept the rest /with the attitude //that we will be ready /when we’re called on again.
If we miss a field trip /because of the flu, we can still appreciate the quiet time //that our body requires to get healthy again.
If you are forced to rest, don’t let a bad attitude get in the way of the future notes () you are to play.
Dear Lord, Even though I know you measure out the rests and the notes,
I am still disappointed /when I can’t participate /where I want.
Please help me get through it so that I will be ready when I can. Amen.
participate 자동사; 참가하다
intr.v. par·tic·i·pat·ed,
par·tic·i·pates 1. To be active or involved in something; take part: participated in the festivities.
2. To share in something: If only I could participate in your good fortune.