저희 아이들이 5-14세 사이라면 꼭 받게 하고픈 교육인데 이미 때가 늦었습니다. 조건이 되시는 분이라면 한번 도전해보심도 좋으리라 싶어서 소개합니다.
Lions Quest Life Skills programmes are owned by Lions Clubs International and have existed in New Zealand since 1987.
Lions Quest programmes reach tens of thousands of young people in New Zealand, and millions of young people world wide, every school day.
The Lions Quest programmes, developed by a partnership of Quest International and Lions Clubs International, include material resources and training in life skills education, character development, drug and violence prevention and learning through service.
Our Vision
A world that values and nurtures the development of caring, character, and responsibility in all young people.
Our Mission
To empower and support individuals and communities as they nurture responsibility and caring in young people where they live, learn, work and play.
Lions Quest programmes involve families and caregivers, school staff and the community in supporting the healthy development of young people.
The programmes’ resources span the ages 5 through to 14 and aim to help children and young people develop positive behaviours such as self-discipline, good judgement, responsibility and the ability to communicate effectively and to resolve conflicts peacefully.
· that all young people have the innate capacity and right to develop their full potential as responsible and caring individuals
· that fostering the positive potential in all young people is a critical priority to be cultivated and strengthened by adults and institutions.
· that young people become personally and socially responsible and develop strong character by learning and applying essential life skills in meaningful contexts.
· The resources and training offer you the following:
o A resource that assists you in teaching the key competencies as highlighted in the Curriculum Stocktake.
o The opportunity and resources to strengthen the positive school climate/culture within the school community and classrooms
o The opportunity to use community service – service learning – within the context of the classroom leading to social action.
o A vehicle through which you may teach many of the objectives of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
o The opportunity to enhance the unity and teamwork that exists in the school – teaching and non teaching staff as well as parents.
o The opportunity to encourage and support parents/caregivers and community members as proactive partners in children’s learning.
o The opportunity for children to learn and practice essential life skills through activities appropriate to their maturity and skill level.
· that promoting healthy, responsible, caring behaviours requires that adults work together to build lasting foundations for positive learning experiences in all areas where young people live, learn, work and play.
· that the power and breadth of the Lions Quest mission can best be achieved through dynamic mutually beneficial relationships with other organisations and associations.
Lions Clubs International Foundation ( L.C.I.F.) assumed ownership of the principal Lions Quest programmes - Sills for Growing and Skills for Adolescence, on September 30, 2002.
SKILLS FOR ADOLESCENCE for New Zealand and Australia
The fourth edition of Skills for Adolescence has been rewritten and adapted for use in New Zealand and Australia, and is being used in training workshops.