In this lecture, the professor mainly talks about opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the real amount of value of one item which is forgone to choose another. To explain this, he gives one example. A few years ago, he was worried of choosing between building the new swimming pool and the new library. However, the university decided to build the pool, instead of the library. By building the pool, the swimming team and the diving team could get the right spot for practicing. In contrast, students could not get enough place for studying and conducting researches. It was the lost benefit of building the pool instead of the library. So, he says that it was opportunity cost of building the pool.
첫댓글 녹음 파일은 5번 정도 우여곡절 끝에 만들었습니다...
마지막 부분에서 이러한 예시는 기회비용을 잘 설명하고 있고 이것이 기회비용이다 라고 맺어야 한다...통합형 4번은 렉쳐의 예시가 읽기 지문의 주제와의 상관관계상 서로 이렇고 저렇다 라고 해야 한다...홧팅...
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