Attack Dogs Take Aim at White
House Intruder
DAVID MUIR: 1)(백악관) 사우스로온(남쪽 잔디밭)에서 찍힌 한 침입자의 이 새로운 영상들 Those new images of an intruder on the North Lawn. This
time, though, 2)경비견들이 쏜살같이 한 비밀경호요원에게 달려든다 attack dogs rushing in to secret service, too, 3)다른 침입자 한 명이 (백악관에 침입해) 현관까지 통과했던 사건이 있은 지 불과 몇 주 후 (상황)just weeks after
that other intruder
got all the way through the front door.
4)ABC의 법무부 출입 수석 기자 ABC's senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas now 5)이 진압 상황을 자세히 설명한다 walking us through the takedown. 6)이 개들이 노리는 것 Those dogs taking aim.
A Fox News Cameraman: 7)백악관 담장을 넘어 간 이 사람은 그리 멀리 가지 못했죠 This White House fence jumper didn't get very far.
PIERRE THOMAS: 8)(백악관) 노스로온(북쪽
잔디)에 있던 한 폭스 뉴스 소속 카메라맨: A Fox News cameraman on the North Lawn 9)그 장면을 생생히 포착했다 captured the scene as 10)비밀 경호견이 그 용의자를 공격하다 a secret service dog attacks the suspect 11)(침입자가) 백악관에 담장을 넘어 내려선
지 불과 4초 후에 just
four seconds after he touches down. 12)그리고 2초 후 Two seconds
later, 13)또 다른 개가 그 싸움에 합류하다 another canine joins the fight. In nine seconds, the officers are there. 14)17초 만에 상황 종료 It's over in 17 seconds.
A Security Officer: He didn't get like, ten feet past the fence.
PIERRE THOMAS: 34 days ago, 15)담장을 넘어 침투한 괴한이 백악관 깊숙이까지 잠입했다
a fence jumper made it deep inside the
White House, but 16)도미닉 아데산야라는 이름의 그 괴한은 가차없이 진압되었다 Dominic Adesanya was stopped cold.
He had posted anti-Obama messages online and last July was arrested
trying to get into the White House. Tonight, he is charged with making threats
and assaulting officers. 17)견공들의 이름은 허리케인과 조던 Canine officers named Hurricane and
JOSH EARNEST, White House Press Secretary: The animals that performed so
bravely last night, I think the individual last night probably saw pretty
vividly why we all keep our distance.
PIERRE THOMAS: 18)그 두 마리의 개는 가벼운 부상을 입었다 The two dogs sustained minor injuries, but 19)임무 허락이 떨어졌다 they have been cleared for duty, and, David, 20)이들은 오늘 다시 임무에 복귀한다 they are back on the job today.
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