The title of this story is "Fish in the Forest."
One day, the farmer found a box of gold coin gold coins so he showed it to his wife.
He had a problem, it was his wife was such of gossip his wife was such a gossip, so he hid a the box of gold coin gold coins under the pile of hay.
Then, he said his wife to hunt told his wife to hunt fish in the forest.
Next day The next day, he bought types of different kinds of sweet cakes and place placed fish here and there.
His wife was wondered wondered about fish in the forest.
At the end of the week, they summoned by king were summoned by the king, but his wife answered the king abouthim about fish in the forest.
The king thought woman the woman was stupid, and finally, his wife wasn't gossip stopped gossiping.
I think this book is interesting because wife's movements the wife's actions were funny.
Score: B-Tips)
- "gold coin" → "gold coins" (금화가 여러 개일 때는 복수형을 써야 해요.)
- "said his wife to hunt" → "told his wife to hunt" (누군가에게 말할 때는 "tell"을 사용해요.)
- "was wondered" → "wondered" (wonder는 자동사라서 "was"를 빼야 해요.)
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