출처: 십자가로 돌아가자 원문보기 글쓴이: 수가성여인
캐나다 교민의 거듭남 간증입니다
지난 경험을 말 할 수있는 기회가 주어진 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. I am so glad to have a chance to tell you what I have experienced. 신앙이라고 해야할지 아니면 영적인 경험이라 해야할지 잘 모르겠습니다. I am not sure if it was a religious experience or a spiritual experience. 하지만 분명한 것은 내가 변했다는 것입니다. But one thing clearly I could say is that I have changed. 그것은 나를 다른 세계에 살게 했으며, 내가 살아왔던 여러 의미에서의 과거가 끝난 것입니다. Since that event, my life has been changed and I am no longer living in the past. It also means that my past has ended. 가장 먼저는 나의 변하지 않던 본성이 끝났으며, 내가 중요히 여겼던 세상이 끝났으며, 그리고 믿던 종교가 끝났습니다. I have become selfless person and all the worldly things are no longer important to me, including my past religion. 자아, 세상, 종교…. 이것은 나를 정의하는 모든 것입니다.
My self identity was defined by my ego, my world, and my religion. 나로부터 시작된 것들이 항상 문제를 일으켰습니다. The source of problem always started from me. 세상은 내가 사랑하여 좇아살던 어떤 요소들로 나의 기호, 성공들이었습니다. I have been pursuing things for my self, such as knowledge, wealth and glory. 그리고 내가 믿고 안주하던 형제회의 교리는 나의 안식처였으며 나의 마지막 소망이었고, 나의 도피처였습니다. The Christianity and the church life were my refuge, safe haven, and my last hope. 그러나 그 모든 것들은 끝나야 했습니다. But all of that has to end. For what? 내가 변화될 필요가 있었던 것입니다. It’s not for my self but for the creator, I must change. 사실 나는 어디로 달려가는지도 모른채 밀리고 밀려서 달려가고 있었던 것입다. I didn’t know where I was going but I was going with flow. In fact, I was rushed in to the world without destination. 세상이란 물결에 휩쓸려서 그리고 부모로 부터 물려 받은 본성대로 교회에서 배운 교리대로 그것이 다인 줄 알고, 그것이 옳은 길인 줄 알고, 그 길이 사람에게 주어진 길이겠거니 하며 체념하며 살아가고 있었습니다. 나를 이 문제로부터 구원받아야 할지 그 길을 발견하지 못했습니다. I was resigned to an unpleasant my nature from my parents. I hold the doctrine that I was taught from church. But I realized that I cannot change my nature and observe doctrines perfectly Sometimes I wondered whether I am living the right way and I have a true life. 나는 인생의 문제를 해결받기 위해 30년간 성경을 읽었습니다. 하나님의 은혜를 많이 체험했습니다. For 30 years, I spent a lot of time reading the Bible. I have leaded a religious life following doctrine of When I was 15 years old, I was saved by faith of Christ and blood of Jesus. I had baptized in the sea. During my adult life, I opened a Preschool and while I was managing the business, I have experienced grace of God. There were over 100 children in my preschool, and the accident among the children occurred frequently, which made me humble. I realized I could not continue one day without grace of God, so I prayed and prayed. 자주 있는 사고와 문제는 나를 더욱 깊은 신앙인으로 만들었습니다. I also lead the Bible study group with teachers and parents. Teaching the Bible was me happiness and pleasure. 하나님을 아는 지식이 가장 고상함이라고 했듯이 내겐 다른 어떤 일보다 그 일이 내 마음을 충만하게 했지만 나의 진정한 내면의 변화는 일어나지 않았습니다. As it's referred in the Bible "The knowledge of knowing God is the most glorious," I was satisfied in the Sprit of God, but my inner core of nature did not changed. I have decided to immigrate to 장소를 옮기면 내가 혹 변화되려나 하는 일말의 기대도 있었습니다. I was hoping to change when I move to other country. 하지만 하나님은 고래 뱃속까지도 찾아오셔서 요나를 찾으셨듯이 캐나다의 미션이란 작은 동네까지 찾아오셔서 나를 변화시키기를 원하셨습니다. God wanted me to change as he looked for Jonah into fish’s bally, all the way to 그 당시 모든 일이 잘 되어 가고 있었습니다. At that time, everything was going fine in new country.
두 아들은 잘 커주었고 남편과 나는 스토어를 가지고 있었으며 아름다운 정경이 내려다 보이는 언덕위에 위치한 새로 지은 집에 살고 있었습니다. My husband and I owned a retail store, and my sons were doing very well. We bought a beautiful brand new house on the hill. Even though everything was fine, I was still tormented with anxiety and restlessness because of my desperate nature and doubt about my belief. In May of 1999, one of sisters in our church introduced a book, “The Calvary Road by Roy Hession. 1999년 오월이었습니다. 어느 자매를 통하여 책을 소개 받았습니다. 마음은 거의 바닥까지 내려가 있었습니다. At that time, my heart was poor and my spirit was very low.하나님을 만날 준비가 되어 있었지요. I think I was ready to face God. I was reading the book at late night under the lamp, and I wished something will change my mind. 아마 새벽 두시쯤이었을 겁니다. 100쪽도 안되는 분량의 책입니다. Around 깊은 절망, 깊은 회개. 혼의 죽음, 옥합의 깨어짐이라고 해야할지 자아의 죽음이라고 해야할지 … 여튼 그 사건이 바로 십자가 사건이었음을 안 것은 그 후 많은 시간이 흐른 뒤 였습니다. I was exposed to my desperation by light, and I had deep repent, broken heart and soul. I didn't know the meaning of incident at that time, but later, I understood it was just an event of the Cross. Actually, that experience was too insignificant and easy to forget.
But that small matter affected my life and mighty power to change me. 나의 실제 생활에 영향을 끼쳤습니다. After that day, I was changed not only religiously but also every day life.
The change started at home. 나의 잘못을 인정하기가 무척 힘들었던 내가 쉽게 인정할 수 있는 사람이 되었습니다. I could finally see the faults in my self and I could practice to my family. 아이들에게는 이전과 다른 사랑이 나갔습니다. I could love my children without being possessive or controlling ways. No more Pharisaic hypocrisy and being a slave under the Law. Ever since then, I have been practicing the life of Cross every day of my life. I had to end so many things in my life. 모든 것이 전환되어야 했습니다. My life needed to switch over to Go and his point of view. Also, I turned my purpose to God’s purpose and not my plan but God’s plan and not I but only Christ. 나의 계획이 끝나고 하나님의 계획만 남아야 했습니다. 나는 죽고 그리스도만 남아야 했습니다. For instance, I could no longer get angry over things that are not important. I no longer have problems with people. I became a person who accepts any situation and lives like flowing water. Impossible became possible.
No more demands toward family members. 세상에 대한 기대가 사라졌습니다. No more expectations from the world. I have been cured from bad issues and bad nature. 내가 누구인지 보였습니다. I finally found my self and see my self. My eyes were opened, so I have a correct understanding of Christ 성경이 다른 관점에서 보이기 시작했습니다. The Bible was comprehensive and I could see different view of point. 십자가는 모든 것의 모든 것임을 알게 되었습니다. I understood that the Cross is the most important things And there is no resurrection without the Cross.
I learned that you can not Born again without dying first. And also I learned how can be fulfilled “in Christ” in the Bible. The Cross means “I am nothing, and I can do nothing, and I have nothing. In fact, if we are on the Cross, we will know who we are. In the place, on the Cross, a person who is true and pure man God created will remain I realized that the kind of belief I had before was only on the surface. 종교와 생명이 구분되었습니다. Now I am able to distinguish between the Christ and just the religion. I am experiencing the true peace in my heart that I didn’t have before. I learned that new life is not from any religious doctrine or even of the Bible, but only with the Cross Do you think these phenomenons are only my individual experience? I assert it occurs after experience of the Cross in general. 예수가 바로 이 생명을 주시기 위해, 당신의 씨를 남기기 위해 첫째로 죽으셨지요. In order to give us this life, Jesus Christ died on the Cross. That is the life of Jesus, and that is what I have. It is an original nature of Jesus. 그 생명으로 사니 자연스레 그 본성이 나온 것이지요. As I died in the Cross and abided in Christ, His came inside of me, and I was born again. 개가 짖는 것은 본성이 그러해서이듯 십자가를 경험하니 예수생명의 본성이 나타난 것이지요. The nature of Jesus’ life is revealed, as a dog barking is the part of their nature. It represent I was born in new world. Old world is gone, and new world opened up. Adam’s days are closed, yet Christ’s days are opened. I was self centered, but I have moved in to God’s world. 선악과를 먹다가 생명과를 갈구하는 사람이 되었습니다. I am desiring the fruit of life instead of the good and evil fruit. The new born must eat to survive. 저는 99년 5월에 예수생명으로 태어났지만 어디서 생명과를 찾아야할지 몰랐습니다. Although I was born in new life in May 1999, I could not find out food for new life. So, I searched for religious books, thinking I might find the bread of life. 대충 몇페이지만 봐도 그것이 생명인지 종교인지가 알아졌습니다. I have read many books and by reading a few pages, I could able to recognize easily whether the book is related to religion or life. 소가 소를 알아보고 개가 개를 알아보듯 생명은 생명을 알아봅니다. Same species can find their family, as a cow looks for cows and a horse too. 이미 고인이 되신 여러 믿음의 선진들이 남긴 저서에서 생명의 양식을 취했습니다. My new life desired same lives and bread of life. I wanted to meet saints alive. God permitted the time, and I discovered a group. They were abiding in the Garden of Eden, and in the middle of the garden, there were a wood of life, the Cross. They were having food from that wood. The fruit of wood made new lives mature, enrich and ripe. 생명은 같은 생명을 갈구하며 동시에 양식을 갈구합니다. 살아있는 성도를 만나고 싶었습니다. It is likely the meadow of life in the Bible at John chapter 10. 선한 목자가 이끄는 그곳은 꼴이 풍성했으며, 양들은 모두들 안식했으며 행복해 보였습니다. There was a good shepherd, so a flock of sheep looked peaceful, happy and reposed. 이후 저는 지금껏 그들과 생명의 교제를 나누며 그 동산에서 나오는 양식을 먹고 있습니다. Since then, I am associated with them, and taking the bread of life from that pasture. God guided me in green pasture; I have no will. I do not know where God will lead me in the future. But I know God will guide me until when his purpose gets fulfilled because God is leading me to where he wants me to go. 당신에 대하여 하나님은 목적을 가지고 계십니다 나를 지금껏 인도하신 하나님이 당신의 목적을 이룰 때까지 나를 인도하실 겁니다. When I looked back over the past, God’s amazing and graceful hand reached in my life. 나를 택하시어 부르셔서 나를 인도하신 그 분이 나를 또 성숙케 하시고 계심을 봅니다. I am firmly convinced that he who called and elected me will feed and raise me. 당신의 목적하신 바를 다 이루실 때까지 그리 하실 겁니다. Thank you for reading my testimony.
<죽고 산자>
출처: 십자가로 돌아가자 원문보기 글쓴이: 수가성여인
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