Rt. knee MRI :
` Focal tear at the lateral surface and intrasubstance tear of distal ACL with adjacent fluid collection.
` Sprain of proximal PCL.
` Sprain at proximal popliteus tendon.
` Small amount of fluid collection in the medial intercondylar fossa.
Grossly intact meniscus, MCL, and LCL.
No abnormal signal change in bony structure.
< Left Knee MRI >
< Impression >
1. Chronic state of Osgood-Schlatter disease.
: Prominent tibial tubercle and bone fragment.
: No bone marrow and adjacent soft tissue edema.
2. Mild synovitis of knee joint.
: Subtle soft tissue increased signal intensity around patella.
: Mild joint effusion.
3. Otherwise unremarkable finding.
: Normal shaped both meniscus without evidence of tear or discoid change.
: No tear of ACL, PCL, and both collateral ligament.
: No evidence of tendon rupture.
: No fracture and bone marrow contusion.
: No pathologic bone marrow lesion.
: No osteochondral lesion.
Rec: Clinical correlation.
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