이스라엘과 가자지구의 하마스 세력과의 전쟁이 전쟁에 흔히 있을 수 있는 피해의 범위를 넘어 잔혹 행위가 지속되고 있다. 인간이 하급 동물보다 질이 나쁘다는 것을 증명하고 있다.
미국의 CNN은 다음과 같이 보도했다 Israel is hammering Gaza with airstrikes, hitting hundreds of targets and reducing neighborhoods to rubble, as new ATROCITIES are uncovered in its territory after a devastating attack by Hamas militants 이스라엘은 수백개의 목표물을 공격하고 이웃 주민의 삶이 돌무더기가 되게 하는 비행 공격으로 Gaza 지역을 강타하고 있었다 잔혹 행휘가 하마스 전투원들에 의한 공경으로 황폐해진 이후에 그 지역에 노출되었다.
오늘의 주제어인 atrocity 는 1500 초반의 Latin 어 aatrocitas 가 그 뿌리인데 '잔인함'이라는 뜻이지만 더 구체적으로 풀이하면 ater (fire) 라는 접두어에 okw (see) 가 합쳐졌으므로 불이 난 것을 본다는 뜻이다. 영어의 뿌리를 캐는 어원학자들은 '극악 (extreme evil)'이라 했는데 그것을 인용했는지 몰라도 미국의 바이든 대통령은 하마스 일당의 행위를 sheer evil 이라고 했다. sheer 를 순수하다는 뜻으로만 이해하면 오해받기 쉬운 표현이지만 여기서 sheer 는 다른 것이 섞여있지 않다는 뜻이므로 악의 요소에 '선'이나 '동정심' 같은 것이 전혀 들어있지 않는 '악만 가득하다'는 말로 이해해야 한다.
Most citizens of the world must be shocked by the ATROCITIES of Hamas' crimes. 대부분의 세계인들은 하마스의 범죄의 잔혹함에 의해 충격을 받고 있음에 틀림없다
한치 앞을 모르는 하마스는 ~ Hamas started ATROCITIES and doesn't want to end it.
하마스는 잔혹한 행위를 시작했고 끝내기를 원치 않는다.
물론 우리가 바라는 점은 이럴 것이다. Those who committed this ATROCITY should be tried and punished.
잔혹한 행위를 저지르는 사람들은 재판에 붙여지고 처벌을 받아야만 한다.
테러와 그에 따르는 잔인함에 대해 ㅡ ATROCITY and terror can not be political weapons. 잔인함과 테러가 정치적 무기가 되면 안된다.
비단 전쟁이나 테러 행위가 아니어도
우리 주위에 '잔혹한 일'이 벌어지고 있다.
One who is self-assertive with arrogance
is like committing a horrible ATROCITY.
거만함을 동반한 자기 주장이 강한 사람은
끔찍한 잔혹행위를 저지르는 것과 같다.
California Eureka
1530s, "enormous wickedness," from French atrocité or directly from Latin atrocitatem (nominative atrocitas) "cruelty, fierceness, harshness," noun of quality from atrox "fierce, cruel, frightful," from PIE *atro-ek-, from root *ater- "fire" + root *okw- "to see;" thus "of fiery or threatening appearance."
wartime ATROCITY 전시의 They were shocked by the atrocity of his crimes. 잔혹 행위
Atrocity and terror are not political weapons. Hamas started atrocity and doesn't want to end it. I am shocked by the atrocity of this man's crimes. Were there awful disasters and atrocities? These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity. They were shocked by the atrocity of his crimes.
Those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished. It was the biggest terrorist atrocity in Spanish history.
Koreanpeopleshouldnotlinkterrorist atrocitieswithanycultureorreligion commit a horrible ATROCITY 지독한 폭행을 범하
atrocity [ətrάsəti] 잔인성, 잔악 행위
이스라엘과 가자지구의 하마스 세력과의 전쟁이 전쟁에 흔히 있을 수 있는 피해의 범위를 넘어 잔혹 행위가 지속되고 있다. 인간이 하급 동물보다 질이 나쁘다는 것을 증명하고 있다.
미국의 CNN은 다음과 같이 보도했다
wartime ATROCITY 전시의 They were shocked by the atrocity of his crimes. 잔혹 행위
Atrocity and terror are not political weapons. Hamas started atrocity and doesn't want to end it. I am shocked by the atrocity of this man's crimes. Were there awful disasters and atrocities? These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity. They were shocked by the atrocity of his crimes.
Those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished. It was the biggest terrorist atrocity in Spanish history.
Koreanpeopleshouldnotlinkterrorist atrocitieswithanycultureorreligion commit a horrible ATROCITY 지독한 폭행을 범하
commit a horrible atrocity
ㅊ. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said he has “released all
restraints” on the troops in their fight against Hamas. US President Joe Biden described the attack as an "act of sheer evil," and confirmed that 14 Americans were killed in the bloodshed while others were held hostage in Gaza. Overall, between 100 and 150 hostages are believed held in Gaza, an Israeli official said. Since Saturday, more than 1,000 people have died in Israel, according to Israel Army Radio, and 900 people have died in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Here's how to help humanitarian efforts in Israel and the Gaza Strip
atrocity (n.) 1530s, "enormous wickedness," from French atrocité or directly from Latin atrocitatem (nominative atrocitas) "cruelty, fierceness, harshness," noun of quality from atrox "fierce, cruel, frightful," from PIE *atro-ek-, from root *ater- "fire" + root *okw- "to see;" thus "of fiery or threatening appearance." The meaning "atrocious deed" is from 1793. also from 1530s Entries linking to atrocity *ater- *āter-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "fire." It forms all or part of: atrabiliary; atrabilious; atrium; atrocious. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Old Persian atar "fire;" Latin ater "black" ("blackened by fire"), atrox "frightful" ("of fiery or threatening appearance"). *okw- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to see." It forms all or part of: amblyopia; antique; antler; atrocity; autopsy; binocle; binocular; biopsy; catoptric; Cyclops; daisy; enoptomancy; eye; eyelet; ferocity; hyperopia; inoculate; inveigle; monocle; monocular; myopia; necropsy; ocular; oculist; oculus; oeillade; ogle; ophthalmo-; optic; optician; optics; optometry; panoptic; panopticon; Peloponnesus; pinochle; presbyopia; prosopopeia; stereoptican; synopsis; triceratops; ullage; wall-eyed; window. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit akshi "the eye; the number two," Greek osse "(two) eyes," opsis "a sight;" Old Church Slavonic oko, Lithuanian akis, Latin oculus, Greek okkos, Tocharian ak, ek, Armenian akn "eye." atrocious (adj.) 1660s, "heinous, extremely criminal, enormously cruel," from stem of Latin atrox "fierce, savage, cruel" (see atrocity) + -ous. The weakened colloquial sense of "very bad" is by late 19c. Related: Atrociously; atrociousness.