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카페 게시글
자유 게시판 스크랩 음식이란 무엇인가?
남대문고씨 추천 0 조회 103 15.01.23 13:32 댓글 1
게시글 본문내용


어제 저녁에 손석희씨와 알랑 드 보통의 인터뷰를 보면서 부럽기도 하고 즐거웠습니다. 알랑 드 보통은 "인생학교 ?스란 무엇인가?"를 통해 작년에 알게 되었고, 손석희씨는 1987년 제주도 신혼여행할 때 그분도 제주 신혼여행 중이었습니다. 영어 인터뷰의 거침없는 내용을 보면서...암튼 기분이 좋았습니다.

유기농이라는 말은 제게는 장사꾼의 판매수단의 소재로 밖에 생각하지 않았습니다. 화학비료나 농약을 주지 않고 유기물을 이용하는 농업방식이라...쉽지 않은 주제 입니다.  거의 모든 음식은 보이는 것에 의해서 값이 매겨집니다. 유기농에서는 아마도 이 관문이 제일 어려울 것입니다. 

지난 주에 "인생학교 일이란 무엇인가?" 두번째 읽음을 통해 "소박한 생활"을 생각해 보았습니다. 성경적 생활자세 즉 바울이 깨우친 "빌4:11 어떤 환경에서 든지 자족하기를 배웠노니"과 연결되는 느낌이었습니다.

완벽하지 못한 엉터리 번역을 읽어주신 분에게 감사합니다. 이글을 읽으면서도 몬산토와 GMO 그리고 MSG를 대수롭지 않게 생각해 왔다는 자각을 하였습니다. 한국이 GMO로부터 자유롭다고요? 모든 사료는 미국의 GMO 옥수수로 만들어 집니다. 그것을 동물들이 먹고 그 부산물을 우리가 먹습니다.

지난주 에배 후에 와이프가 사주는 스테이크를 먹었습니다. 젊은 이들이 잘가는 중저가 식당입니다. 쌜러드 빠를 이용하고 스테이크를 먹는데, 처음엔 배고파 먹으니 그런 생각할 틈이 없었습니다. 스테이크를 먹는데 구운 맛의 향이 느껴집니다. 쏘스이지요.  그것이 타는 듯한 냄새가 나는데 음식에 대한 불신이 생기기 시작했습니다. 이거 사람 입맛을 속이고 잇구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다. 아마도 이런 식당은 다시는 안갈 것 같습니다.

먹는 것 참으로 어려운 듯합니다. 공부를 시작하니 참 재미잇네요!!!!

eatlocalgrown.com 발췌입니다. 번역 요약 예정입니다.

슈퍼에 들어가는 것은 오늘날 전투장갑을 끼는 것과 같다. 한편에서는 환한 라벨의 포장에서 안에 있는 독소로부터 건강에 이롭다는 과장된 광고의 음식 유사 물질의 공격을 받는다. 반대편에서 통상가격의 4배이상 받는 영리하게 진열된 자연산 식품으로부터 바가지씨움을 당하거나 찔린다. 당신이 하나의 맹 공격으로 방향을 틀때 또 다른 공격을 받게 된다... 으와 재미 있습니다!!!

Making a trip to the grocery store these days is like running a gauntlet. From one side you are assaulted by food-like substances in brightly labeled packages, some even touting exaggerated health benefits from the toxins within. From the other side, you are gouged and poked by cleverly marketed “natural” foods that are 4 times the price of conventional foods. When you change directions to avoid one onslaught, you are immediately attacked by the other.

우리는 전쟁중이고 반찬가게는 전쟁터입니다. 그 전쟁은 무제한의 예산을 가진 다수의 적, 예를 들면 몬산토, 건강기능첨가제를 넣는 식품회사,빅 에그리,빅 후드 회사들로 으로부터 우리에게 선포되어 잇습니다. 더 나쁜 것은 그들 동맹은 FDA나 의회나 행정기관들로 연합되어 도움을 받고 또 사주받아지고 있습니다.

We’re at war and the grocery store is the battlefield.

That war has been declared on us by multiple enemies with unlimited budgets, such as Monsanto, Big Pharma, Big Agri and and Big Food.  What’s even worse is that they are aided and abetted by their allies at the FDA and the US Congress, administrations peopled by those who are actually supposed to be the gatekeepers that protect us from this.

절약하는 음식 구매자가 할 수 있는 것이 무엇이냐? 많은 사람들이 내게 글을 쓰고 말한다.  "네가 하는 방법으로 먹기를 원한다.그러나 정규적인 그로서리를 공급받기가 어렵다. 건강한 물질로 된 모든 것을 공급받을 방법이 없다"  좋은 음식은 비싸야만 하다고? 그러나 그 말은 당신은 최근들어 병으로 인한 비용을 체크해 보셨습니까로 흘러갑니까?

What’s a frugal whole food shopper to do?

Lots of people write to me and say, “I’d love to eat the way you do, but I can barely afford regular groceries. There’s no way I could afford all that healthy stuff.”

Good food might be expensive, but as the saying goes, have you checked out the price of illness lately?

만일 네가 건강하게 먹는 것을 제공받는다고 믿지 못한다면,아프거나 무기력한 상태가 되는 것에 높은 비용을 고려해라. 아픈 것으로 일하지 못한 날에 대한 비용을 계산해봐라. 거기다가 애들과 놀 힘이 없는 것에,네가 돈을 절약할 만한 일을 못하는 것에 대한 비용을 추가해봐라. 의학적 진찰의 엄청난 비용을 생각해봐라.이런 것의 대부분을 피할 수 있다. 네가 해야만 하는 모든 것은 네몸에 진정한 음식을 먹이고 너는 결과적으로 따르는 자라나는 건강으로 경악할 것이다. 작년 한해 좋은 영양공급을 통해 피할 수 있었던 나쁜 건강과 싸우느라 쓴 돈이 얼마냐?

If you don’t believe you can afford to eat healthfully, consider the high price of being sick and lethargic. Calculate the cost of days missed from work for illness. Add up the price of having no energy to play with your kids or to do things that would help you to save money. Think about the exorbitant prices of medical care. Many of these things are completely avoidable ? all you have to do is feed your body real food and you will be astounded at the resultant glowing health. How much money have you spent over the last year fighting ill health that could have been avoided through good nutrition?

GMO가 암,무시무시한 종양,장기부전그리고 죽음을 유발한다는 것이 이 증명되었다.

GMOs have been proven to cause cancer, ghastly tumors, organ failure, and death. Many of the additives included in the products proudly displayed on grocery store shelves have been banned in other countries because of the health consequences they wreak. Top this with a produce section absolutely drenched in pesticides that have been proven to result in cancer, hormone disruptions, and learning problems in children.

To quote the Terminator, “Come with me if you want to live.”

We all know the reasons that we should switch to whole foods, but with the ever-increasing checkout counter inflation, how can we make it happen? Here are a few realistic tips that do not include relocating to 30 acres of prime springfed organic farmland blocked off on 3 sides by mountain ranges. Realistically, you may not be able to make every one of these things happen, but for each positive change you make, you are taking steps towards better health and you are revolting against the toxic food cartel.

20 Ways to Incorporate Whole Food into your Kitchen...

  1. 지역에서 농부에게 직법사라. 파머스마켓에서 사라. 그럼 농부는 공장식 농장에서 하는 비싸고도 높은 규제가 따르는 프로그램을 안해도 된다. Buy local. Ideally, you never need to set foot in a grocery store.  Change your shopping habits and buy from local farmers, either directly from their farm or from a farmer’s market.  You will get your produce at the optimum time, right after it was picked. As well, you can directly ask the farmer about his practices.  Sometimes farmers grow organically and they just haven’t gone through the expensive and highly regulated certification programs that exist to make increase the monopoly of factory farms. (Enter you Zip Code in the search box above to find Farmers Market
  2. 음식협동조합에 가입해라. Join a food co-op or CSA. This is win-win, because it helps out the farmers and it helps out your family.With both of these options, you can register ahead of time (in some cases you pre-pay for the season) and then receive a box brimming with abundance from your own area.  You will get to try lots of new things (this is how we tried one of our family favorites, rutabaga, for the first time) and you will get to do this at a fraction of the price.

  3. 제철 음식을 사라.Buy produce that is in-season. Purchasing food that is in-season is not just cheaper, it is nutritionally beneficial too.  Buying strawberries in January and asparagus in October requires that the produce be picked before it is fully ripe, and the produce begins to decompose and lose nutrients the second it is separated from the plant.  Avoid the high cost of transporting your “fresh” Christmas berries and melons and stick to the items that nature is currently providing in your area.

  4. 네가 가진 공간에서 최대한 키워라.Grow as much as you can in the space you have.  Plant a sunny windowsill with salad veggies and herbs, grow a container garden on a balcony, or turn your yard into a mini-farm.  Every bite of food you grow yourself is a revolutionary act.

  5. 쑈핑한 후에 메뉴를 짜라. 전에 짜지 마라.Plan your menu AFTER shopping, not before. This allows you to stay on budget because you aren’t shopping for special ingredients to make pre-planned meals. You can take advantage of the best deals and plan your meals around those.  This can also help by keeping those unplanned budget purchases from going to waste in your crisper drawer while you carry on with your planned menu.

  6. 물을 마셔라. 음료는 노..Drink water. We generally stick to drinking water. Not fluoridated tap water ? we purchase 5 gallon jugs or fill them in a spring when that option is available.  Water is cheaper and healthier.  Beverages that you make yourself like coffee and tea are far less expensive than the soda pop and energy drinks that fill most modern refrigerators, not to mention, relatively free of the toxic chemicals that overflow in the store-bought drinks.

  7. 쌀 밀 등은 벌크로 사라. Buy staples in bulk. Organic grains like brown rice, wheat berries, cornmeal, barley and oatmeal can be purchased in bulk quantities.  This reduces the price to lower than or equivalent to the smaller conventional packages that are offered in your local grocery store.
  8. 고기는 냉장 대신에 냉동을 사라. Buy some meats frozen instead of fresh.  Some butcher shops freeze meat that isn’t sold immediately and sell if for a lower price.  Look for deals on frozen chicken breasts, frozen fish, and frozen turkey breast. Fish is nearly ALWAYS cheaper frozen. Just read your ingredients carefully and make sure you are just getting fish, and that the fish is from a safe source (not the radiation-laden Pacific Ocean, for example, or a tilapia farm where they feed fish their own recycled feces).

  9. 고기도 벌크로 많이 사라. Buy meat in bulk.  Look into buying beef in quantity.  Check out the prices at local farms for a quarter of a cow.  You will pay slightly more for the lesser cuts but much less for the better quality cuts.  It balances out to a much lower price for meat farmed in the healthiest way possible.

  10. 다소 낮은 가격의 단백질을 추가해라. 우리 대부분이 풀 먹고 자란 소고기나 방사된 닭가슴살을 더 좋아하지만 그 비용은 엄두도 못낼정도이다. 콩,농장계란,집에서 만든 요구르트나치즈,너트,우유 등을 가치있는 저가격의 단백질을 취하라. Add some lower priced protein options.  While lots of us would love to have grass-fed beef and free range chicken breasts twice a day, the cost is prohibitive.  Add value-priced wholesome protein with beans, farm fresh eggs, homemade yogurt and cheese, nuts, and milk.

  11. 외식을 중지해라. Stop eating out. Just one McCrud meal for a family of 4 is between $20-30.  Delivered pizza is about $25 plus a tip. The $45-55 that you would spend for this “convenience” could buy a lot of whole foods.

  12. 쿨러 가지고 다니기를 습관화해라. Get into the habit of bringing a cooler with you.  If you are going to be out running errands for the day, load up a cooler with healthy snacks, water, and even a picnic lunch.  This is the perfect answer to the lament from the back seat, “I’m huuuunnnngryyyy.”

  13. Don’t buy anything with an ingredients list greater than 5 items. The more items on the ingredients list, the more likely you are to be consuming someone’s chemistry project.  Even things that sound relatively innocuous, like “natural flavorings” can be, at best, unappetizing, and at worst, harmful.

  14. 직접 만들어 먹어라. 생각보다 시간이 안걸린다.나는 하루에 한시간 이상 안쓴다. 주말 오후에 주중에 먹을 것을 준비하면 반시간이면 된다. Cook from scratch. Cooking from scratch doesn’t have to be as time-consuming as you might expect.  I don’t spend hours each day slaving in the kitchen. Spend a weekend afternoon prepping your food for the week ahead and you can have weekday dinners on the table in less than half an hour.  Consider the price differences in homemade goods:  homemade tortillas (pennies for a package that would be $3 at the store), pizza dough, peanut butter oatmeal cookies, trail mix,  and granola bars. This stuff is literally pennies on the dollar in comparison to the same goods store-bought.
  15. 몇 관행적으로 자란 음식도 좋다. 관행적으로 자라다 보면 살충제가 적게 뿌려져서 자랄 수 있다. 딸기처럼 독소에 푹 담겨진 비싼 가격의 제품을 상쇄시켜줄 것이다. Some conventionally grown foods are okay. Learn about the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen.  Some foods have a fairly low pesticide load, even when conventionally grown.  Use these foods to help offset the higher prices of items that are soaked in poison, like strawberries.
  16. 적게 먹어라. 몸이 이미 수천 칼로리를 먹었음에도 배고프다고 소리친다. 영양학상의 요구가 채워지지 않았기 때문이다. 더구나 MSG같은 화학제품이 더해진다. 왜냐하면 그것들은 당신이 좀 더 먹기를 원하게끔 기술적으로 설계되어 있다. 그들은 네몸에 충분하다는 것을 뇌속의 포만감 인식장소에 저장하지 않는다. You will actually eat LESS when you feed your body.  Part of the reason that the obesity problem is epidemic in North America is because people are desperately seeking nutrients from depleted food-like substances.  Their bodies are crying out, “I’m hungry!” even though they have consumed thousands of calories, because their nutritional requirements are not being met. What’s more, many chemicals are added because they are engineered in a way that makes you want to eat more and more (like MSG, for example).  They don’t stimulate the satiety centers in the brain that tell your body that it’s full.
  17. 점심 도시락을 싸가라. 내가 집밖에서 일할 때대부분의 동료들이 매일 먹는다. 그들은 종종 저 레스토랑에서 건강한 음식을 제공한다고 하며 초대한다. 그런데 문제는 에측할 수 있는 음식의 가격이 집에서 가져간 것의 4-6배이다. 내 딸은 매일 학교에 도시락을 싸간다.  Brown bag your lunches.  When I worked outside the home, most of my coworkers ate out every single day.  They often invited me along, saying that a certain restaurant offered “healthy” food.  The thing is, the price of that presumably healthy food was 4-6 times higher than the healthy food that I had brought from home.  My daughter takes a healthy lunch from home to school every day, as opposed to eating the offerings there.  Depending on the school, this may or may not be cheaper, but it’s guaranteed to be more nutritious.
  18. 음식을 보관하라. 보관하는 법을 배우라.  캔에 넣든가. 건조시키던가? 냉동시키던가 모든 방법을 동원해라. Preserve food.  Whether you grow it yourself, rescue it from the “last day of sale” rack at the grocery store, or buy it by the bushel from a farmer, learning to preserve your own food allows you to buy in bulk and squirrel some of that delicious food away for the winter ahead.  Canning, dehydrating, and freezing are all methods to help extend the summer harvest for use later in the year.
  19. 남은 음식을 먹어라. Eat leftovers.  The act of eating leftovers is almost unheard of, it seems.  But if you put aside small amounts of leftovers in a freezer container, you can make “soup” for a meal that is basically free because it came from items that would have otherwise been discarded.  Use larger amounts of leftovers for lunch boxes or  a “buffet-style” meal for the family.
  20. 자연으로 부터 사라.당신 주변에 야생으로 자라는 먹을 수 있는 식물이 얼마나 많은 지 알면 놀랄 것이다.  “Shop” from nature.  You might be surprised to learn how many edible plants are growing wild in your own neighborhood.  Even city dwellers can often find things to forage.  When we lived in the city, we used to pick up fallen walnuts from a tree in a local park.  For those not ethically opposed to it, hunting or fishing can abundantly supply your protein needs, and you don’t have to worry about whether or not you are consuming antibiotics and hormones with game.

  21. 만일 당신이 유기농 식품 생활방식으로 변환될 준비가 되어 있다면 당신 예산을 뒤에 챙기지 말라. 테이크 아웃 커피나 라떼나 패스트후드나 배달피자 마이크로오븐 음식 오븐에 밀어 넣는 냉동음식에 대해 길고 어려운 시선으로 가져봐라. 매주 야채가게서 소비되는 음료의 예산을 봐라. 또 일할때 얼마나 많은자판기에서  소다수를 먹는가? 당신 예산이 올라가는 대신에  내려가는 것을 즐겁게 보게 될 것이다. If you’re ready to make a change to a whole foods lifestyle, don’t let your budget hold you back!  Take a long hard look at what you are spending on take-out coffees and lattes, fast food, delivered pizza, microwave meals, and frozen dinners that you shove into the oven. Look at the beverage budget you spend at the grocery store every week, and keep track of how many soda pops you buy from the vending machine at work. You might be pleasantly surprised when your budget goes down, instead of up!

  • 15.01.31 19:31

    첫댓글 잘 읽엇네요.
