James 4 The Message 야고보서 4장
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Get Serious 심각하라
Where do you think () all these appalling wars and quarrels come from?
Do you think () they just happen?
Think again.
* 복합문인 의문문 Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from?
평서문 you think that all these appalling wars and quarrels come from your heart.에서
전목을 의문사 Where로 바꾸어 문두로 보내고
주절을 의문문 어순으로 고치고 접속사 that을 생략한 후 물음표를 붙임
의문사+평서문 어순으로 하면 종속절인 의문사절이 되어 문장의 한 요소로 쓸 수 있음
I don't know [where you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from].
* Appalling - inspiring horror, dismay, or disgust.
* think 의 목적인 명사절 (that) they just happen?
* 대명사 they = all these appalling wars and quarrels
* 의문문 Do you think (that) they just happen?
평서문 You think (that) they just happen.
의문사절 what you think just happens (that절 주어를 what으로 고쳐 문두로 보내고 that를 제거함)
* 직독 해석
Where 어디라 do you think 생각하느냐 all these appalling wars 이 모든 무서운 전쟁과 and quarrels 설전이
come from 나오는 곳이?
Do you think 생각하느냐 (that) they 그것들이 just 그냥 happen 생긴다고?
Think again 다시 생각하라.
They come about /because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves.
You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it.
You want [what isn’t yours] and will risk violence to get your hands on it.
* come about : 1. to happen, or start to happen
* 이중 전치사로 쓰인 deep inside/deep down inside 심연에
* 비교 ; 부사로 쓰인 deep inside ; Deep down inside, I knew that what I did was wrong.
* 자동사인 lust ; to have a passionate yearning or desire (often fol. by for or after).
* 전목인 의문사절 what you don’t have (목), 의문사=접속사=목적 ; 못 가진/없는 그것
목적인 의문사절 [what isn’t yours] 의문사=접속사=목적 ; 네것이 아닌 그것
* 보어인 형용사구 willing to kill to get it. (willing은 형용사 ; ready, eager, or prepared to do something)
* GET / LAY YOUR HANDS ON SOMETHING (phrase): manage to obtain something.
* 동사로 쓰인 risk ; to act in spite of the possibility of (injury or loss): 모험하다/위험을 자초하다
* 직독 해석
They 그것들은 come about 일어난다 /because 왜냐면 you 네가 want 원하기에 your own way 너만의 방식을,
and fight 싸운다 for it 그로 인해 deep inside yourselves 네 자신의 심연에서.
You lust 탐욕을 부린다 for what you don’t have 없는 그것을 인해 and are willing 자원한다
to kill to get it 취득하려 살인하기를.
You want 원한다 what isn’t yours 네 소유가 아닌 그것을 and will risk 자초할 것이다 violence 폭력을
to get your hands on it 그걸 네 손아귀에 넣기 위해/획득하려.
You wouldn’t think of just asking God for it, would you?
And why not?
Because you know () you’d be asking for what you have no right to.
You’re spoiled children, each wanting your own way.
* 상상/추측 의미로 쓰인 would ; Used to express presumption or expectation:
* think of ; 잠깐 생각하다, think about ; 곰곰 생각하다
* 전목 또는 목적인 동명사구 just asking God for it (think of를 타동사구로 하면 목적이 됨)
* Ask for ; If you ask for something, it means that you want someone to give you something:
* 목적인 의문사절 what you have no right to (전목). 접속사인 의문사는 전치사의 목적 역할도 겸함
* 형역 분사 spoiled 과분사의 수동 주체인 children 수식
* 형역 분사구 wanting your own way. 현분사의 능동 주체인 each 수식
* each=children이 아니므로 동격 명사구가 아닌 독립 명사구인 each wanting your own way. 대명사+분사구
You’re cheating on God.
If [all () you want] is your own way, flirting with the world /every chance () you get,
you end up enemies of God and his way.
And do you suppose () God doesn’t care?
* cheat on someone; to be unfaithful to one's spouse or lover.
* 주어인 명사구 all (that) you want
all 과 you 사이에 (that)이 생략된 것을 아는 방법은 동사 want과 is 두 개가 쓰인 때문인데
한 독립문에서 동사는 하나만 쓰여야 하므로 다른 하나는 종속절 동사이어야 하기에 접속사의 생략을 알 수 있음
* 형역 분사구 flirting with the world /every chance () you get, 분사의 주체인 you 수식
* 부사 역할인 명사구 /every chance (that) you get, 기회를 얻을 때마다
* 자동사구 end up ; : to finally be in a particular place or situation: 귀결되다
* 불자로 쓰인 end up의 보어인 명사구 enemies of God and his way.
* suppose 의 목적인 명사절 (that) God doesn’t care (동사 suppose와 care 두 개가 쓰였으므로 둘 중 하나는 종속동사)
* Suppose ; to assume (something), to expect or believe
* 직독 해석
You’re cheating 신실하지 못하다 on God 하나님께.
If [all (that) you want 네가 원하는 모든 것은] is your own way 너 자신만의 방식이다면,
flirting with the world 세상과 유유 작작하면서 /every chance 매 기회마다 (that) you get 네가 얻는,
you 너는 end up 끝장난다/귀결된다 enemies 원수로 of God 하나님과 and his way 그분의 방식에.
And do you suppose 예상하냐/단정하냐 (that) God 하나님께서 doesn’t care 상관하시지 않을 것이라고?
The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.”
And [what he gives /in love] is far better than anything else () you’ll find.
It’s common knowledge that “God goes against the willful proud;
God gives grace to the willing humble.”
* have it that~ : say that~, claim that~ 그렇게 말한다/주장한다
used to refer to something that is generally thought to be true although not official or known
* 주어인 의문사절 what he gives (목) /in love 의문사=접속사=목적 ; 사랑하므로 주시는 그것
* 전치사 than의 목적인 명사구 anything else (that) you’ll find. 네가 발견할 다른 어떤 것
* 가주어 It = that “God goes against the willful proud;
* go against someone/something) ; to oppose someone or something
* 직독 해석
The proverb 잠언은 has 주장한다 it that 절 내용 즉 “he’s 그분은 a fiercely jealous lover 무섭게 질투하시는 하나님이시다.”
And [what he gives in love 사랑하므로 주시는 그것은] is far better 한층 더 좋다
than anything else (that) you’ll find. 네가 발견할 다른 어떤 것 보다도 더
It’s common knowledge 공통적인 지식이다/일반상식이다 that “God 하나님께서 goes against 반대하신다는 것
the willful proud 고집스러운 교만자를;
God gives 주신다 grace 은혜를 to the willing humble. 자원적인 겸손자에게”
So let God work his will in you.
Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him make himself scarce.
Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there /in no time.
Quit dabbling in sin.
Purify your inner life.
Quit playing the field.
* 목보인 원형 부정사구 (to) work his will in you, (to) make himself scarce.
* 5형식 안의 5형식 watch him [make himself scarce].
* and ; 3. Used to indicate result: 그 결과로
* In no time : very quickly or very soon
* 목적인 동명사구 dabbling in sin (이미 하고 있었던 일이라야 그만둘 수 있으므로 동명사만 됨)
* to dabble ; To splash or spatter with or as if with a liquid:
* Inner life ; your own thoughts and emotions,, may also be called spiritual life.
* play the field ... Date more than one person; avoid an exclusive commitment.
* 직독 해석
So 그러므로 let 허락해라 God 하나님께서 work 역사하시게 his will 그분의 뜻을 in you 네 안에서.
Yell 고함쳐라 a loud no 큰 소리로 않돼라고 to the Devil 마귀에게
and watch 주시하라 him 마귀가 make 만드는 걸 himself 자기 자신을 scarce 희소하게/뜸하게.
Say 말하라 a quiet yes 조용히 예라고 to God 하나님께
and 결과로 he’ll be 계실 것이다 there 거기에 /in no time 즉시.
Quit 그만두라 dabbling 물장구치고 놀기를 in sin 죄에서.
Purify 순결하게 하라 your inner life 네 영혼의 삶을.
Quit 그만두라 playing the field 헌신/지조 없이 놀기를.
* 영어는 목적으로 a loud no, a quiet yes 가 쓰였지만 '소리 큰 안 돼, 조용한 예'를 말하라로 직역하면 어색함
Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out.
The fun and games are over.
Get serious, really serious.
Get down on your knees before the Master;
it’s the only way () you’ll get on your feet.
* cry one's eyes out ; weep bitterly and at length.
* over ; finished; no longer in progress:
* 보어인 명사구 the only way (that) you’ll get on your feet.
* get on (one's) feet ; To stand up or rise.
* 직독 해석
Hit bottom 바닥을 치면/폭싹 망하면, and cry your eyes out 눈이 빠지게 울어라/비통하게 울어라.
The fun and games 재미와 놀이는 are over 끝났다.
Get serious 심각해져라, really serious 진짜로 심각하게.
Get down on your knees 무릎을 꿇어라 before the Master 주님 앞에서;
it’s 그게 the only way 유일한 방법이다 (that) you’ll get on your feet 일어설 수 있는.
Don’t bad-mouth each other, friends.
It’s God’s Word, his Message, his Royal Rule, that takes a beating in that kind of talk.
You’re supposed to be honoring the Message, not writing graffiti all over it.
God is in charge of deciding human destiny.
Who do you think you are to meddle in the destiny of others?
* 동사로 쓰인 bad-mouth : to make criticisms about someone or something
* takes a beating ; suffer damage or hurt.
* 동격 명사구 God’s Word = his Message = his Royal Rule
* Royal Rule 혹자는 모세 5경이라 하고, 어떤 이는 왕이신 그리스도의 사랑법이라 설명함
* (You’re) not (supposed to be) writing graffiti all over it.
* all over ; everywhere, completely
* In charge of - having control of or responsibility for (something).
* 전목인 동명사구 deciding human destiny
* 복문 구조의 의문사절 Who do you think you are to meddle in the destiny of others?
평서문 you think that you are [somebody=Who] to meddle in the destiny of others.
* Who do you think you are? 니가 뭔데
Why do you think you can lord it over people that way?; Why are you so arrogant? (Usually in anger.)
* 직독 해석
Don’t bad-mouth 비방하지 마라 each other 서로를, friends.
It’s 그건 God’s Word 하나님의 말씀이야, his Message 그분의 전달사항이야, his Royal Rule 그분의 왕적/왕국 규칙이야,
that takes a beating 얻어맞는 건 in that kind of talk 그런 종류의 말에서.
You’re supposed 하기로 되어있다 to be honoring 존경하기로 the Message 말씀을,
not writing graffiti 낙서를/먹칠을 하기가 아닌 all over it 그것 위에 온통.
God 하나님께서 is in charge of 관장하신다 deciding 결정하기를 human destiny 인간의 운명을.
Who do you think you are 네가 뭔데 to meddle 간섭하냐 in the destiny of others 다른 이의 운명에?
Nothing but a Wisp of Fog 단지 얇은 안개
* wisp · 1 : a thin streak of smoke, mist, etc.
And now I have a word for you //who brashly announce, “Today—at the latest, tomorrow—we’re off to such and such a city for the year.
We’re going to start a business and make a lot of money.”
* AND NOW (phrase): at this moment; present moment.
* 전목인 명사구 you //who brashly announce, 대명사+주격 관대절
* brashly · in a confident but aggressive way. 같잖게/건방지게
* be off (to a place / to do something). to depart, leave, or go away.
* 직독 해석
And now 이제 I 내가 have 있다 a word 한 말이/할 말이 있다 for you 네게 //who brashly 건방지게
announce 발표하는/말하는, “Today 오늘—at the latest 적어도, tomorrow 내일
—we’re off 떠날 것이다 to such and such a city 이런저런 도시로 for the year 한 일 년.
We’re going to start 시작할 것이다 a business 사업을 and make 만들다/벌 것이다 a lot of money 돈 많이.”
You don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.
You’re nothing but a wisp of fog, catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing.
Instead, make it a habit to say, “If the Master wills it and we’re still alive, we’ll do this or that.”
* not know the first thing about sth : 1. to know nothing about a subject:
* nothing but. 1. To the exclusion of all else. 다른 모든 것 빼고
* wisp · 1 : a thin piece or strand wisps of hair · 2 : a thin streak wisps of smoke · 3 : a small amount of something
* 형역 분사구 catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing 분사의 주체인 you 수식
* make a habit of something : to begin to do something regularly, often without thinking about it:
* 동사로 쓰인 will ; a. To decide on or intend b. To yearn for; desire:
* tomorrow ; 1. The day following today. 2. The future.
* 직독 해석
You don’t know 모른다 the first thing 처음 것도/아무것도 about tomorrow 내일/미래에 대해.
You’re nothing 아무것도 아니고 but 단지 a wisp of fog 안개 한 점이다,
catching 잡으면서/받으면서 a brief bit 잠시나마 소량을 of sun 태양 빛의 before disappearing 사라지기 전에.
Instead 그 대신에, make 만들라 it 그걸 a habit 습관으로/습관적으로 해서 to say 말하려,
“If the Master 주님께서 wills 의도하시면 it 그것을 and we’re 우리는 still 여전히 alive 살아있고,
we’ll do 할 것이다 this or that 이것저것을.”
As it is, you are full of your grandiose selves.
All such vaunting self-importance is evil.
In fact, if you know the right thing to do and don’t do it, that, for you, is evil.
* as it is ; in the existing circumstances.
* grandiose ; more complicated or elaborate than necessary; overblown, affectedly grand or important; pompous,
* Vaunt - to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : brag
* self-important ... having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited or haughty
* 목적인 명사구 the right thing to do
* 직독 해석
As it is 현제 상태로는, you 네가 are full 가득하다 of your grandiose selves 거대한 자아로.
All such 그런 모든 vaunting 허식적인 과시인 self-importance 자칭 자존감/거드름은 is evil 악/악한 일이다.
In fact 사실, if 만약 you know 알지만 the right thing to do 올바른 일 하기를 and don’t do it 하지 않는다면,
that 그것이, for you 너에게는, is evil 악/악한 일이다.
* 영어 직역은 the right thing to do '해야 할 올바른 일을'이지만 '올바른 일 하기를'로 의역해야 자연스럽다
영어는 다분히 영어적인 구조와 표현이기에 우리 표현과 유사하다면 몰라도 전혀 다르다면
직역해서는 이해가 잘 되지 않으므로 의미가 잘 통하자고 의역을 하지만
가능한 영어 어순 구조에 친밀해지자고 좀 어색하지만 직역을 연습하여 두뇌에 영어식 사고방식을 인각 하면
영어를 읽고 듣고 쓰고 말할 때 영어식으로 할 수 있기에 영어가 쉽고 편하게 되어 직독-속독-속청-속톡이 가능해진다
* NLT 번역 7 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
기억하라, 알면서도 안 하는 것은 죄이다
첫댓글 12-14