The talkative Won Gyun
by D.J. YOON
The more faults one has
The more sins one has
The more fluently he speaks
In the middle of winter when no one is looking
At Won Gyun's grave in Doil-dong, Pyeongtaek-si
I met Won Gyun talking about himself
For 59 minutes out of an hour
Listen to me
I don't have the right to die
Even if I died I'm not dead
When did I die
Why do you keep saving me
Please don't keep saving me
Elixir不死藥 Elixir不死藥
History is an elixir of immortality
Because it feeds me this elixir of immortality
I can't die even if I died
Why do you remember only me
Why do you save only me, this dirty world!
I once died
And I don't want to live again
History keeps reviving me by feeding me the elixir of immortality
History scolds me for being a general who abandoned ship and ran away
History scolds me for being a general who covets others' achievements and only nitpicks
History looks down on me as a general who embraces Korean geishas even on the battlefield
History curses me as a general who only commits corruption
Red pepper red pepper spicy spicy
History is as spicy as the elixir of immortality
Atomic bomb hydrogen bomb laser bullet so scary
But they aren’t as scary as history the elixir of immortality
Please get rid of that elixir of history
Because of that guy
I can't die even if I died
Let me die please just let me die
말 잘하는 원균
허물이 많은 사람일수록
죄가 많은 사람일수록
말 하나는 번드르르하게 잘합디다
아무도 찾지 않는 한겨울
평택시 도일동 원균의 묘소에서
원균을 만났더니
원균은 1시간에 59분을 자기 말만 하더이다
내 말 좀 들어보소
나는 죽을 권리도 없소
나는 죽어도
죽은 게 아니야!
내가 죽은 지 언제인데
왜 자꾸 나를 살리나
나를 자꾸 살리지 마오
불사약不死藥 불사약 하더니
역사란 놈이
이놈의 불사약을 먹여 살리는 탓에
나는 죽어도 죽지 못하고 있소
어쩌자고 나만 기억하고
어쩌자고 나만 살리나 더러운 세상!
한 번 죽어
다시 살고 싶지 않은 나를
역사란 불사약을 먹여 자꾸 살려
나를 배를 버리고 도망한 장수라 나무라고
나를 남의 공을 탐내고 고자질만 한 장수라 꾸짖고
나를 싸움터에서도 기생을 껴안고 논 장수라 흘겨보고
나를 부정부패만 일삼은 장수라 욕하고
고초당초 맵다 해도
역사란 불사약만큼이나 맵겠소
원자탄 수소탄 레이저탄 무섭다 해도
역사란 불사약만큼이나 무섭겠고
저 역사란 불사약 좀 없애 주오
저놈 땜세 나는 죽어도 죽지 못하고 있고
나 좀 죽읍시다 나 좀 죽게 내 버려두시오
Appreciation Review 感想
This poem is a powerful and clever way of showing how history never lets go of past mistakes.
It uses Won Gyun, a controversial general, to express the pain of being remembered only for failures.
The idea of history as an ‘elixir of immortality’ is striking, showing how people from the past are forced to live on through stories and criticism.
The repeated plea — ‘Let me die, please just let me die’ — makes the reader feel the weight of endless judgment.
The poet skillfully mixes strong emotions with sharp words, making this poem both thought-provoking and moving.
#역사 #원균 #불사약 #죽음
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