2 Corinthians 5:16 인간의 관점과 하나님의 관점 차이
So we have stopped [evaluating others /from a human point of view].
At one time we thought /of Christ /merely from a human point of view.
How differently we know him /now!
* 목적인 동명사구 evaluating [others] /from a human point of view
* 부사구 ; How differently 의문부사+부사
So from now on we regard no one /from a worldly point of view.
Though we once regarded Christ /in this way, we do /so /no longer.
그러므로 우리가 이제부터는 어떤 사람도 육신을 따라 알지 아니하노라
비록 우리가 그리스도도 육신을 따라 알았으나 이제부터는 그같이 알지 아니하노라
The Message
Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people /by what they have or how they look.
We looked at the Messiah /that way once and got it all wrong, as you know.
We certainly don’t look at him /that way /anymore.
Now we look inside,
and [what we see] is that [anyone /united with the Messiah] gets a fresh start, is created new.
The old life is gone; a new life emerges!
인간이 다른 인간을 보는 관점은 남녀노소 유식무식 빈부귀천 지위고하를 막론하고 외모와 가진 것에 있는 건
물리적 현실상 그것이 인간이 가진 전부라는 걸 부인할 수 없기에 오감으로 인식된 범위 내에서 평가를 하므로
잘나고 똑똑하고 건강하고 권력과 재산이 많은 인간을 최고로 치며 경배에 가깝도록 우러러 보는게 정상이고
바울 전의 바리새 사울도 예외가 아니라 인간은 물론 성육신하신 신인 예수님조차 인간 이상으로 못 보았으나
부활하신 예수님을 만난 후 인간의 눈으로 인간을 보는 인간관점을 버리고 하나님의 관점으로 보게 되었는데
하나님의 관점이 무었인지는 창세기에서부터 요한계시록까지 자세히 기록되어 있으나 모르면 새사람 못 된다
하나님과 인간의 관점 차이는 천지차이로 엄청 다르고 많지만 그 중 하나는 육적인 관점과 영적인 관점 차이다
Christ's death, which paid /for the sin of all //who believe in Him, resulted in a drastic change.
Paul insists () we look at every single person /from a different and often-difficult perspective.
Instead of looking at the outer appearance, [the important question //that must be answered about each person] is spiritual.
While every person is valuable, and worthwhile, their value is not found in physical things or worldly wealth.
Nor can it be judged /by shallow appearances.
And, their greatest "need" is not for physical things, but for reconciliation with their Creator, through Christ.
Paul came /to this understanding /when he came /to faith in Christ.
He once thought of Christ only from a human perspective.
Before his conversion, Paul viewed Christ /as a mere man and His death as a just punishment for heresy.
After his conversion, Paul came /to know Christ as the Son of God and the substitute for human sin that he has described
in the previous verses.
[The understanding //that everyone can be forgiven /from sin and transformed /through faith in Christ]
has changed [how Paul regards every other person on earth].
His primary concern, now, is whether another person is in Christ or still in their sin?
Are they reconciled /to God through faith in Jesus or not?
As shown in the following verses, this is not about Paul /deeming people "good" or "bad" on account of their faith.
Rather, it reflects [his deep desire /to see people saved through faith].