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역사학도의 시사토론 글방
카페 게시글
BBC 동영상 뉴스 스크랩 7월 27일 BBC 뉴스/ [중동 위기] 헤즈볼라와 손잡는 알케이다
역사학도 추천 0 조회 10 06.07.28 15:48 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


Israeli soldiers with a Hezbollah flag
Israel approves a new call-up of reservists but will not expand ground operations in Lebanon, the cabinet says.

The trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is adjourned until October when a verdict is expected.
Tour de France winner Floyd Landis protests his innocence after failing a drugs test during this year's race.



BBC News with 

  BBC Video News with Caption (최근 BBC 동영상 뉴스 기사/원문 보기)  

