운다 울다 울리다 욺 움
cry 눈물을 흘리며 울어제긴다 운다 소리를 낸다.
산울림 메아리
소리를 냄으로써 알린다.
일본어 소리를 훈독-->오도라고 한다.
음독으로 온 이라 한다.
옽-->옫-->오드-->오도(일본어에는 '으'발음이 없다)
맥 도널드 -->마구 도나루도
각나라 발음에서 보듯이 모음의 변화는 유동적이다.
옽-->옫-->올 -->온(드라비다어)
앝-->앋-->알 -->안
참고로 받침 n<-->m<-->ng 는 비음호환됨
한국어 음
대만어 임
광동어 jam 얌
북경어 인
베트남어 âm [音]
1. 소리·음향2. 음성
발음 [엄]
드라비다어에도 소리는
울려 알려 알렸어 울렸어
영어의 sound의 u는 v<-->w<-->u 호환발음
타밀어 Oli
텔루구어 Sauṇḍ
신할라어 śabdaya
힌디어 dhvani
마라티어 Dhvanī
말라얄람어 śabdaṁ
칸나다어 Dhvani
clamor 역시 지름 을 어원으로 하는데 l이 반모음 적용 깨움
1. (군중 등의) 시끄러운 외침, 떠들썩함
2. (불평·항의·요구 등의) 부르짖음, 아우성, ...
1. 외침, 부르짖음, 애절한 부르짖음, 요란한 소리
2. 군중의 격렬한 절규 3. 탄식, 한탄, 비탄
clamor (n.)
late 14c., "a great outcry," also figurative, "loud or urgent demand,"
from Old French clamor "call, cry, appeal, outcry"
(12c., Modern French clameur), from Latin clamor "a shout, a loud call
" (either friendly or hostile), from clamare "to cry out"
(from PIE root *kele- (2) "to shout").
clamor (v.)
"utter loudly, shout," also figurative, "make importunate demands
or complaints," late 14c., from clamor (n.). Related: Clamored; clamoring.
우리말 시끄럽다의 어원도
시-는 말하다 시부리다(사투리) 울다 새(혀) 말 등을 뜻한다.
끄럽 끄러 끄르-->츠럽 츠러 츠러-->즈럽 즈러 즈르 로 변환되는데
말하다 소리치다 울리다 등의 의미를 가진다.
드라비다어에서도 살펴볼 수가 있다.
Tulu derivates : korejuni to make a noise
Proto-Nilgiri : *kor-äp- (끄럽-)
소리를 지르다 의 어원도 인도 드라비다어에서 알 수가 있다.
ㅊ ㅋ ㅎ 발음들이 서로 왔다갔다 한다.
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *kil-eṛi
Proto-Dravidian : *kural-
Meaning : voice; sound
(소리를) 켤 기본형 키다 치다
【<혀다≪석보상절(1447)≫】 켜다 [동사]『…을』
1 나무를 세로로 톱질하여 쪼개다.
2 현악기의 줄을 활 따위로 문질러 소리를 내다.
Meaning: to cry
Uralic: ObU *kurV 'to bark'
Kartvelian: *q̇ur- (*q̇wir-)
울,곡 哭 역시 같은 어원이다.
북경어 쿠
cry (v.)
early 13c., "beg, implore," from Old French crier, from Vulgar Latin *critare,
from Latin quiritare "to wail, shriek"
(source of Italian gridare, Old Spanish cridar, Spanish and Portuguese gritar)
, which is of uncertain origin; perhaps a variant of quirritare "to squeal
like a pig," from *quis, echoic of squealing, despite ancient folk etymology
that traces it to "call for the help of the Quirites," the Roman constabulary.
The meaning was extended 13c. to weep, which it largely replaced by 16c.
Most languages, in common with English, use the general word for "cry out,
shout, wail" to also mean "weep, shed tears to express pain or grief."
Romance and Slavic, however, use words for this whose ultimate meaning is
"beat (the breast)," compare French pleurer, Spanish llorar, both
from Latin plorare "cry aloud," but probably originally plodere "beat,
clap the hands." Also Italian piangere (cognate with French plaindre
"lament, pity") from Latin plangere, originally "beat," but especially
of the breast, as a sign of grief. U.S. colloquial for crying out loud
is 1924, probably another euphemism for for Christ's sake.
cry 끌어(소리내다,울다는 뜻) 혹은 질러-->어원
scream 역시 같은 어원이다.
scream (n.)
mid-15c., from scream (v.).
scream (v.)
late 12c., scræmen, of uncertain origin, similar to words in Scandinavian
Dutch, German, and Flemish (such as Old Norse skræma "to terrify, scare
," Swedish scrana "to scream," Dutch schreijen "cry aloud, shriek,"
Old High German scrian, German schreien "to cry"). Related: Screamed;
screaming. Screaming meemies is World War I army slang, originally
a soldiers' name for a type of German artillery shell that
made a loud noise in flight (from French woman's name Mimi),
extended to the battle fatigue caused by long exposure to enemy fire.
외마디 소리를 지르다
~ (out) (in/with sth) (아픔・무서움으로) 비명을 지르다;
(흥분 등으로) 괴성을 지르다[빽빽거리다]
~ (sth) (out) (at sb) | ~ (out) (for sth/sb)
(공포・분노 등으로) 소리치다[악을 쓰다]
[C] 비명, 절규; 날카로운 소리[소음]
She let out a scream of pain.
그녀가 고통에 찬 비명을 질렀다.
They ignored the baby's screams.
그들은 그 아기가 악을 쓰며 우는 것을 무시했다.
He drove off with a scream of tyres.
그는 날카로운 타이어 소리를 내며 차를 몰고 떠났다.
kil-이나 kel-이나 어원은 소리를 켜 질러 는 같은 어원임을 알 수가 있다.
기러리--> 지르리 ㄱ-->ㅈ 발음변화
(소리가) 나다 역시 드라비다어에서 알 수가 있는 것이다.
1. (소리가) 큰, 시끄러운 2. 시끄러운 3. 야단스러운, 야한
일반적으로 l이나 r앞에는 연구개음 kh발음이 생략이 잘된다.
loud도 역시 마찬가지다.
영어의 sound의 u는 v<-->w<-->u 호환발음
위에서 설명하였듯이 끄르다 끄럽 은 시끄럽다는 의미다.
cry 울거나 울리는 그런 소리다.
까리피다 할퀴거나 끍는 소리 등을 말한다.
얘야 의자 좀 살살 끌어라! 시끄러워 디지겠다.~*,,*a
loud (adj.)
Middle English, from Old English hlud "noisy; making or emitting noise"
(of voices, musical instruments, etc.), from Proto-Germanic *hludaz "heard"
(source also of Old Frisian and Old Saxon hlud, Middle Dutch luut, Dutch luid,
Old High German hlut, German laut "loud"), from
PIE *klutos- (source also of Sanskrit srutah, Greek klytos "heard of, celebrated,
" Latin inclutus "renowned, famous," Armenian lu "known," Irish cloth "noble,
brave," Welsh clod "praise, fame"), suffixed form of root *kleu- "to hear."
Of places, "noisy," from 1590s. Application to colors, garments, etc.
("flashy, showy") is by 1849. Also used colloquially of notably strong
or bad smells. Paired with clear (adj.) at least since c. 1650.
loud (adv.)
Old English hlude "loudly, noisily," from Proto-Germanic *khludai
(source also of Dutch luid, German laut), from the source of loud (adj.).
sad (adj.)
Old English sæd "sated, full, having had one's fill
(of food, drink, fighting, etc.), weary of," from
Proto-Germanic *sathaz (source also of Old Norse saðr
, Middle Dutch sat, Dutch zad, Old High German sat,
German satt, Gothic saþs "satiated, sated, full"),
from PIE *seto-
짰어 짰다-->어원
sad의 어원도 cry 처럼 소리를 낸다는 것에 어원을 두고 있다.
소리내어 운다는 말이다.
굳이 말하자면 짜다-->어원
tear 눈물을 나타내는 이 말도 짜-->어원
질질 좀 짜지 마라~
떼어 혹은 째-->어원2
이건 찢다 는 뜻이다.
ㅌ(ㄸ)-->ㅊ(ㅉ) 발음변천과정을 거친다.
대만어 啼哭 thî-khàu
광동어 哭 huk1 啼 타이 tai4
베트남어 khóc [哭]
1. 울다2. 눈물을 흘리다3. 아우성치다
발음 [콕]
啼 [울 제]
1. 울다 2. (새나 짐승이)울부짖다 3. 소리내어 울다 4. 눈물
啼 [tí]
1.소리내어 울다. 훌쩍이다. 2.(새나 짐승이) 울다.
아래 어원자료 참고하자.
Proto-Dravidian : *ol-
Meaning : to make sounds
Proto-South Dravidian: *ol-
Proto-South Dravidian : *ol-
Meaning : to sound, roar, etc.
Tamil : oli (-pp-, -tt-)
Tamil meaning : to sound, roar; n. sound, noise, roar, speech
Tamil derivates : olippu sonorousness, roar; ōl sound, lullaby; ōlam sound, noise, roar, cry of lamentation; ōl āṭṭu to sing a lullaby; ulampu (ulampi-) to make a noise, roar, thunder; ulappal, ulampal combined noise of many sounds; ōlu (ōli-) to make a noise
Malayalam : oli
Malayalam meaning : a sound
Malayalam derivates : olikka to sound, as running water, ring bell; ulampuka to make a noise; ulappam hubbub, clamour; ōlam cry for help; ōli howling; a jackal
Kannada : uli (ulid-)
Kannada meaning : to sound, cry, utter, speak, say; n. sound, cry, word
Kannada derivates : ole a sound; (PBh.) to utter; ulipa, ulipu, ulivu, uluvu a sound, cry
Kodagu : oli
Kodagu meaning : noise of a metal bell
Proto-Nilgiri : *ol-
Proto-Nilgiri : *ol-
Meaning : noise
Kota : oj
Additional forms : Also Kota ōl āṭ- (āc-) to drive round bullocks when threshing
Number in DED : 996
Number in DED : 0996
Proto-Telugu : *ul-ij-
Proto-Telugu : *ul-ij-
Meaning : to sound, resound
Telugu : uliyu
Additional forms : Also ulivu sound, voice
Number in DED : 996
Proto-North Dravidian : *ol-q-
Proto-North-Dravidian : *ol-q-
Meaning : to cry
Kurukh : olOxnā (ulxyas) "in phrase cīxnā olOxnā to bewail, lament"
Malto : olg̣e "to cry, weep"
Number in DED : 996
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʔǝm
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ʕwḗnɨ (~ ʔw-, -u)
Meaning: sound; air movement
North Caucasian: *ʔwēnɨ (~ ʕw-, -u)
Proto-North Caucasian: *ʔwēnɨ (~ -u)
Meaning: air movement; cold, rheumatism
Proto-Nakh: *ʔān
Proto-Nakh: *ʔān
Meaning: rheumatic pain, rheumatism
Chechen: ān
Ingush: a
Batsbi: ã
Comments: Obl. base *ʔāne-, cf. Chech. ēna-, Ing. ano, Bacb. ani-. 3d class in all languages.
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ʔVnV
Protoform: *ʔVnV
Meaning: rheumatism
Avar: onó-d (dial.)
Comments: The Av. form reflects a former plural in -d. If we take into account the original meaning 'movement of air' ( > 'sound'), we could compare also the Tind. verbal root un- 'to talk, speak' (otherwise isolated).
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔʷen
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔʷen
Meaning: sound
Meaning : "sound" | Query method: Match substring
Proto-Dravidian : *ar_-a-
Meaning : to speak, sound
Proto-South Dravidian: *ar_-ai-
Proto-South Dravidian : *ar_-ai
Meaning : to sound
Tamil : ar_ai (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to speak, sound; n. sound, word, reply
Kannada : ar_acu, ar_icu, ar_ucu, arcu
Kannada meaning : to cry out aloud, clamour, scream
Kannada derivates : racce crying aloud, noisy and abusive clamour
Tulu : areduni
Tulu meaning : to low
Miscellaneous : KOR (T) ajike speech
Number in DED : 0319
Proto-Telugu : *ar_-a-
Proto-Telugu : *ar_-a-
Meaning : to cry or cry out, shout, clamour, shriek, bark, bray, crow, bellow
Telugu : ar_acu
Additional forms : Also ar_apu a cry, shriek, yell, shout, clamour; r_aŋke roar, cry; r_antu noise; rajju useless talk; (B) vb. to be talkative, prattle; n. boast
Number in DED : 319
Proto-Dravidian : *kar-
Meaning : to sound
Proto-South Dravidian: *kar-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kar-
Meaning : to sound
Tamil : karai (-v-, -nt-)
Tamil meaning : to sound, roar, weep, lament, call, invite
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to call, summon
Malayalam : karayuka
Malayalam meaning : to cry, lament, neigh, caw, caterwaul
Malayalam derivates : karaccil weeping, crying, lamentation; cry of certain animals or birds; karaḷuka to mumble; karaḷca mumbling
Kannada : kare, kari
Kannada meaning : to emit a sound, sound, call, invite
Kannada derivates : karasu, karisu, karesu, kareyisu to cause to call, have called, cause to sound, shout together; karaha, kareyuvike calling, etc.
Tulu : kareyuni, karevuni
Tulu meaning : to crow
Tulu derivates : karmbuni to mutter; gaggelyuni to roar, cry
Proto-Nilgiri : *karV-
Proto-Nilgiri : *karV-
Meaning : to bellow
Kota : karv- (kard-) "to bellow, caw"
Toda : kar- (karɵ-)
Additional forms : Also Toda kark bellowing
Notes : Stem vowel -ä- supposed by external data.
Number in DED : 1291
Number in DED : 1291
Proto-Telugu : *kar-V-
Proto-Telugu : *kar-V-
Meaning : the sound of a bell
Telugu : kraŋgu
Additional forms : Also krandu to sound, ring, lament; n. sound, noise
Number in DED : 1291
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kar-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kar-
Meaning : to call; to shout
Naiki : karug-/karuk- "to call, crow, invite, summon"
Parji : kerip- (kerit-) "(S) to cackle"
Additional forms : Also Naiki karup- to cause to summon (a physician)
Number in DED : 1291
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kar-a-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kar-a-
Proto-Dravidian : *kil-
Meaning : to cry; to sound
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Eurasiatic: *Ḳä[lH]ä
Meaning: tongue, to speak
Altaic: *k`i̯ali
Proto-Altaic: *k`i̯ăli
Meaning: tongue
Russian meaning: язык
Turkic: *kele-
Proto-Turkic: *kele-
Meaning: 1 to speak 2 talk, conversation
Russian meaning: 1 говорить 2 речь, слово
Old Turkic: kele-čü 2
Turkish: dial. keleǯi 2
Middle Turkic: keleči 2 (Houts.), keleče 2 (MA) Chuvash: kala- 1
Kirghiz: keleč-söz 2
Comments: VEWT 248, ЭСТЯ 5, 32-33, EDT 716 (Clauson considers the word to be a foreign loan which is dubious, see Clark 1977, 136-138). It is also worth mentioning Tur. kelime, Az. kälmä 'word', Turkm. keleme 'sacred words of Qur'an pronounced for protection' - usually regarded as Arabisms, but with some peculiarities (front vocalism, final -e) that could actually indicate Turkic origin, with a secondary merger with the Arabic loan. Mongolian: *kele-
Proto-Mongolian: *kele-
Meaning: 1 to say 2 tongue, language
Russian meaning: 1 сказать, говорить 2 язык
Written Mongolian: kele- 1, kele 2 (L 447) Middle Mongolian: kele(n), (SH), kelen (HY 45) 2, kele- 1 (SH, HYt), kele- (IM), kä̆lä̆-, kilä̆n 1 (MA) Khalkha: xele- 1, xel 2
Buriat: xele- 1, xele(n) 2
Kalmuck: kelǝ- 1, kelṇ 2
Ordos: kele- 1, kele 2
Dongxian: kielie- 1, kielien 2
Baoan: kele- 1, kelaŋ (MGCD kalaŋ) 2 Dagur: xele- 1, xeli, xeĺ 2 (Тод. Даг. 175), hele- 1, heli 2 (MD 159) Shary-Yoghur: kelen 2
Monguor: kile- 1, kile 2 (SM 203) Mogol: kelä- 1, (Weiers), kelän 2; ZM kelä (2-4b) 2 Tungus-Manchu: *xilŋü
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *xilŋü
Meaning: tongue
Russian meaning: язык
Evenki: inńi
Even: ienŋъ
Negidal: ińŋi
Spoken Manchu: ileŋǝ, ilŋi
Literary Manchu: ileŋgu
Jurchen: hileŋ-ŋu (499)
Ulcha: sińu
Orok: sinu
Nanai: śirmu, siŋmu
Oroch: iŋi
Udighe: iŋi
Solon: iŋi
Comments: ТМС 1, 316-317. Korean: *kằró-
Proto-Korean: *kằró-
Meaning: to say (a defective verb)
Russian meaning: говорить (глагол, вводящий прямую речь)
Modern Korean: kalodwe
Middle Korean: kằródắi
Comments: EAS 47, KW 223, ОСНЯ 1, 346, TMN 1, 471-472 ("altes indoeur. Lw." - ?), АПиПЯЯ 57-58, 292. Despite the latter source, Kor. hjǝ́ 'tongue' is to be separated - see a discussion in Miller 1998, who has (following Shiratori), instead compared Kor. kăro- (but, quite unjustly, separated PTM *xilŋü). The Korean reflex remains, however, questionable, since the word can also - following Martin 1996, 75 - be compared with Jpn. *kátár- 'tell', and thus derived from *k`ēro q. v. Uralic: *kele (kēle)
Number: 282
Proto: *kele (kēle)
English meaning: tongue, language
German meaning: Zunge, Sprache
Finnish: kieli (gen. kielen) 'Zunge, Sprache; Saite, Glockenklöppel'
Estonian: keel (gen. keele) 'Zunge, Sprache; Saite, Schlinge'
Saam (Lapp): giellâ -l- (N) 'language; snare, trap', kiella (L) 'id.; Stimme', kīll (T Kld.), kiell (Not.), ḱel (A) 'Sprache; Garn zum Vogelfang'
Mordovian: keĺ (E), käĺ (M) 'Zunge; Sprache'
Udmurt (Votyak): ki̮l (S), kǝ̑l (K), kị̑l (G) 'Zunge, Sprache, Wort, Rede'
Komi (Zyrian): ki̮l (S), ki̮v (P), køl (PO) 'Zunge; Sprache, Rede, Wort (S P PO); язычок, насторожка в ловушке' (S), Glockenschwengel (PO)'
Khanty (Ostyak): köl (V) 'Wort; Nachricht, Neuigkeit; Sprache', ket (DN) 'Wort', keл (Kaz.) 'id., Nachricht' ( > Mansi folk. N kēl 'Rede, Sprache')
Mansi (Vogul): kėlä.- (T) 'erfahren', kälǟ.mt- (TJ) 'заметить', kɔ̄̈lǝmt- (KU) 'пытать, спрашивать' ?
Nenets (Yurak): śe (Nj.) 'Zunge'
Enets (Yen): sioðo, ɵiʔoro (Ch.), sioro (B)
Nganasan (Tawgi): sieja
Selkup: šē (TaU, Ty.), sē (Tur.), sée (Ke.)
Kamass: šǝkǝ
Janhunen's version: (81) *käxli
Sammalahti's version: *käxli
Addenda: Koib. seka, siul 'Zunge'; Mot. kašte; Karag. гысте; Taig. kište, käštä
Yukaghir parallels: kal- 'sprechen', geinerr 'Zungen, Sprache'
Kartvelian: Georg. ḳel- 'Geschrei erheben'
Eskimo-Aleut: *qilaɣa-
Proto-Eskimo: *qilaɣa-
Meaning: palate, roof of mouth
Russian meaning: нёбо
Comments: This stem is is not related to *qilaɣ (-ɫuɣ) 'sky, cloud'. Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 304
Comments: [For CK, NY cf. *ḳiwlV]. Niv. qlai 'рассуждать, разговаривать'. CSkh. *gùl- 'to speak badly'.
References: МССНЯ 336, ОСНЯ 1, 346-347, Tyler 129; ND 1049 *ḳaL(V)ħV 'to shout, cry, weep, make noise'; 1053 *Ḳälya 'tongue'; 1039 *ḲäyLa 'to shout, call' (differing from *Ḳälya only by a very dubious Mong. qajla- 'shout'). Proto-South Dravidian: *kIl-ai-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kIl-ai-
Meaning : to sound
Tamil : cilai (-pp-, -tt-)
Tamil meaning : to sound, resound, roar, twang; rage, be angry; n. sound, roar, bellow, twang
Tamil derivates : cil sound, noise; cill-en_al onom. expr. of shrill sound; cilampu (cilampi-) to sound, make a tinkling noise, echo; n. sound, noise, resonance; tinkling anklets; cilampal sound of a lute; a chatterer; cilucilu (-pp-, -tt-) to sound (as in frying), talk without restraint, make a hissing noise; cilumpu (cilumpi-) to sound; (Tinn.) celaŋke a tiny bell
Malayalam : cila, cilappu, cileppu
Malayalam meaning : ringing sound
Malayalam derivates : cilekka to rattle, tinkle, chatter, chirp, bark; cilampu foot-trinket filled with pebbles for tinkling, worn by dancers; cilampuka to tinkle, be out of tune; kāl-cilaŋku anklet
Kannada : kele
Kannada meaning : to cry or shout with energy or for joy, vociferate (abusively)
Kannada derivates : keleta abusive vociferation; cili an imit. sound; sele sound, noise, echo
Tulu : kilevuni, kilēvuni
Tulu meaning : to whistle, resound
Tulu derivates : kelepuni, kilepuni to crow
Miscellaneous : KOR (O) kelappu to cry
Number in DED : 1574
Proto-Telugu : *kel-
Proto-Telugu : *kel-
Meaning : to sound
Telugu : celãgu
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : kelayu "to rage"
Additional forms : Also [1] kilārincu, [2] kilārucu to make a noise, shout
Notes : Forms with k- should be considered borrowings from Kannada.
Number in DED : 1574
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kil-i-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kil-i-
Meaning : to cry
Proto-Gondi : *kili-
Proto-Gondi : *kili-
Meaning : to weep, cry
Betul Gondi : kilītānā "to weep loudly"
Mandla Gondi (Williamson) : killītānā "to chirp, cry out"
Mandla Gondi (Phailbus) : kilītānā "to cry out, scream"
Muria Gondi : kil-/kill- "to weep, (owl) to hoot, (animals) to cry"
Maria Gondi : kil(i)- "to scream, (child) to cry"
Maria Gondi (Mitchell) : kilānā "to weep"
Adilabad Gondi : kiliyānā "to shout"
Chanda Gondi : kīlitānā "to roar (as a tiger)"
Additional forms : Also Gondi_Mu caus. kilh-/kilih-
Number in DED : 1574
Number in CVOTGD : 695
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *kil-eṛi
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *kil-eṛi
Meaning : to shout
Kui : klīri inba "to shriek"
Kuwi (Fitzgerald) : kileri-kīali "to shout, yell"
Kuwi (Schulze) : kileḍi kīnai
Additional forms : Also Kui klīri klīri ṛīva to shriek with fear; klīsi klīsi ṛīva to shout with vehemence; Kuwi_S klīrinai, klīri innai to yell
Notes : The form common for both languages is *kileṛi (although we have simple -r- in Kui. maybe it is misspelled, maybe due to vocalic context); in Kui it has been metathesed > *klīri. The form klīsi is specifically a Kui one and should go back to *kil-ci (or *kil-eci). Cf. also PK *klā-.
Number in DED : 1574
Proto-Dravidian : *kural-
Meaning : voice; sound
Proto-South Dravidian: *kUral-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kUral-
Meaning : voice; throat
Tamil : kural
Tamil meaning : voice, word, throat, windpipe
Tamil derivates : kuravai chorus of shrill sound made by women on festive occasions
Malayalam : kural, kuraḷ
Malayalam meaning : sound, voice, throat, neck of palm tree
Malayalam derivates : kurava shouting (esp. of women)
Kannada : koral, koraḷ, korḷu, koḷ, koḷḷu
Kannada meaning : sound, voice, throat, neck
Kannada derivates : koralcu to call or cry out; kural to cry, shout
Kodagu : kora
Kodagu meaning : gullet, windpipe
Tulu : kurelụ
Tulu meaning : nape of the neck
Tulu derivates : (B-K) kuralụ, koralụ humming of a tune, responding to a call
Number in DED : 1774
Proto-Telugu : *krōl-
Proto-Telugu : *krōl-
Meaning : to sing, chirp, read out, recite
Telugu (Krishnamurti) : krōlcu, krōlucu
Number in DED : 1774
Proto-Dravidian : *kūr-
Meaning : to bark; to sound
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Eurasiatic: *q̇urV
Meaning: to cry
Uralic: ObU *kurV 'to bark'
Kartvelian: *q̇ur- (*q̇wir-)
Proto-Kartvelian: *q̇ur- (*q̇wir-)
Russian meaning: выть
English meaning: to howl
Georgian: q̇urq̇ul-
Georgian meaning (Rus.): волчий или собачий вой; q̇wir- 'кричать'
Georgian meaning (Engl.): wolf's or dog's howl; q̇wir- 'to shout'
Megrel: 'ur-
Laz: q̇ur-, 'ur-
Laz meaning (Rus.): кричать, сердиться
Laz meaning (Eng.): to shout, get angry
Notes and references: ЭСКЯ 211, EWK 420.
References: ND 1938 *q̇ur[ħ]V 'to bark, howl' (+ dub. IE and Sem.) Proto-South Dravidian: *kUr-ai-
Proto-South Dravidian : *kUr-ai-
Meaning : to bark; to cough
Tamil : kurai (-pp-, -tt-)
Tamil meaning : to bark, jubilate, shout; n. noise, roar, shout
Tamil derivates : kuraippu noise; kukkal, kukkan_ dog
Malayalam : kura
Malayalam meaning : disagreeable sound, cough, barking
Malayalam derivates : kurekka to cough, bark, hem; kūrkka, kūrkkam, kūrkku snoring, war-cry, roar
Kannada : kure
Kannada meaning : an imitative sound
Kannada derivates : kure kure a sound used in calling a dog
Kodagu : kora- (korap-, korat-)
Kodagu meaning : to bark
Kodagu derivates : kūke a snore; kūke bali- to snore
Tulu : korapuni, korepini, korepuni
Tulu meaning : to bark, roar
Tulu derivates : korejuni to make a noise
Number in DED : 1796
Proto-Telugu : *kukk-
Proto-Telugu : *kukk-
Meaning : dog
Telugu : kukka
Number in DED : 1796
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kū̆r-
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kū̆r-
Meaning : to groan
Parji : kūr-
Additional forms : Also Parji (S) kuri- (owl) hoots
Number in DED : 1796
Proto-North Dravidian : *kūr
Proto-North-Dravidian : *kūr
Meaning : call to a dog
Malto : kūr-kūr
Number in DED : 1796
Brahui : xurr-ukāv
Brahui : xurr-ukāv
Meaning : a snore
Number in DED : 1796
Notes : Expressive. Telugu *kukk- < *kurk-.
Proto-Dravidian : *ńar-
Meaning : to sound; to grumble
Proto-South Dravidian: *ńar-
Proto-South Dravidian : *ńar-
Meaning : to sound
Tamil : ñaral (ñaralv-, ñaran_r_-)
Tamil meaning : to sound, make noise
Tamil derivates : ñeral sound, noise; naral (naralv-, naran_r_-) to sound, make noise, creak, roar, low (as cows), caw, hum (as many voices), cry; naralvu sounding, roaring, high, pitch, vibrating sound of a lute; naralai roaring, sea (as roaring); narar_r_u (narar_r_i-) to cause to sound, produce sound
Malayalam : ñaraŋŋuka, naraŋŋuka
Malayalam meaning : to grumble, groan
Malayalam derivates : ñarakkam, narakkam moan, groan
Kannada : naraku
Kannada meaning : to groan, etc.
Kannada derivates : naraṭu grumbling; naral, neraḷu to groan, moan; caus. naralisu, naraḷisu
Kodagu : nerak- (neraki-)
Kodagu meaning : to groan
Tulu : narakuni, narkuni, naraluni, narluni, nerluni, naraḷuni
Tulu meaning : to sigh, groan, moan, grumble
Tulu derivates : narakele, nargele a grumbler; naraṭuni to grumble
Number in DED : 2904
Proto-Telugu : *nar-ag-
Proto-Telugu : *nar-ag-
Meaning : a drum
Telugu : naraga
Number in DED : 2904
Proto-North Dravidian : *nar-
Proto-North-Dravidian : *nar-
Meaning : to hum, weep and sob loudly so as to attract attention
Kurukh : naryaʔānā
Number in DED : 2904
Proto-Dravidian : *saḍ-
Meaning : sound
Proto-South Dravidian: *ǯaḍ-i- (*s-)
Proto-South Dravidian : *ǯaḍ-i- (*s-)
Meaning : sound of birds
Kannada : jaḍipa
Kannada meaning : the sound or cry of birds
Number in DED : 2299
Proto-Telugu : *saḍ-i
Proto-Telugu : *saḍ-i
Meaning : noise
Telugu : saḍi
Number in DED : 2299
Proto-North Dravidian : *saḍ-
Proto-North-Dravidian : *saḍ-
Meaning : sound
Kurukh : saḍḍnā "to emit a sound, ring, clank"
Malto : saḍi "a sound, voice"
Additional forms : Also KUR saṛā sound, noise.
Number in DED : 2299