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세상은 지금... 스크랩 북미연합과 아메로 통합화폐... 미국은 없어진다!
SunBee (선비) 추천 0 조회 478 11.05.13 15:09 댓글 0
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Libertarian candidate Stan Jones points out American Union, Plans for Chips, Trackers and Control by Gov't




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Jones Report | October 10, 2006

Stan Jones is running for Senate in Montana as a Libertarian. He lays out the extent to which Clinton, through NAFTA, and George W. Bush, through the expansion of NAFTA and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), have sold out our country to world governance.

미국 상원의원 자유주의자 "몬타나 스탠 존스"에 의하면 클린턴의 자유무역을 시작으로 부시정부의 연장선에 의해 북미 어메리칸 유니온의 자유무역체결협정 NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGGREMENT(NAFTA), 그것은 미국을 이미 세계정부에 팔아 넘겼다.


The candidate expressed being compelled to change in his planned remarks to point out the secret plan to lead us into One World Government through a North American Union with a common currency (the Amero), as well as the related plan to build a superhighway throughout the continent.

북미 어메리칸을 통해 단일 세계정부 계획을 시작했으며, 세계정부 수립을 위한 비밀 계획은 북미연합 통화 "아메로" 계획의 실행에 주목, 대륙의 초고속 정보시스템을 세우는 계획과 관련


 This is linked with a compulsory National ID tracked by a radio-frequency chip.

라디어 주파수 칩에 의해 ,인간의 위치추적을 감시화 하는 의무화로 이어집니다,


Back-up Flash Video

Below is a transcript:

Stan Jones: I wish to thank the sponsors for inviting me; I don't often get invited.


This was an import!!!!ant debate.

(이것은 아무 중요한 토론입니다.)


 I had planned another closing message, but I feel compelled to say what I'm about to say.

Now, I risk sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it's no longer a theory. 더이상 비밀 이론이 아닙니다,


What I'm about to say is fact.

결과에 대해 무엇이라고 말해야 할지!


The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret. 

세계정부 비밀조직의 엘리트들은 더 이상 비밀이 아닙니다.


They have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government.

그들은 계획했고, 지금 단일 공산국가 정부로 우리를 이끌어 가는 중입니다.


The combining of national governments started with the European Union. 합병된 정부는 유럽연합으로부터 출발했습니다.


That union started with trade agreements, then a common currency- the euro.

북미 어메리칸은 무역협정과 함께 출발되었고, 유로(EURO)와 함께


And now a European parliament that is feverishly passing laws that override the laws of the member nations. A constitution was drafted, but rejected by a few of those nations, but never mind, they implemented it anyway.

Now it's North America's turn. Building on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA section of the commerce department is busy drafting laws and regulations for a North American Union-- a union of Canada, America and Mexico. The president has attended secret meetings and signed at least two agreements under the Security and Prosperity Partnership program.

대통령 부시는 이 비밀회동에 참석해서 적어도 두개의 동의안! 즉, 안전과 번영 파트너쉽 프로그램에 서명했습니다.


Information leaked out about the meetings and now it is all out in the open. No treaty has been signed, so Congress has not become involved. However, money from our treasury is now being spent for this effort. We will have a new currency-- the Amero-- and a new constitution modeled on the Soviet Union's constitution.

우리는 북미 어메리칸 새화폐를 가질것이며, 소련정부 헌법을 모델로 하는 새 헌법도 가질것입니다,


Our rights will not be inalienable, but will be granted by government who can also take them away. One sign that this is our future is the plans for the superhighways from southern Mexico through America and into Canada. These plans are not secret any longer.이계획은 더이상 비밀이 아닙니다,

Huge amounts of property will be taken in the name of "free trade", "peace" and "security".

자유무역, 평화, 안전이라는 이름으로 거대한 재산(사유재산)들이 자유무역, 평화, 안전이라는 이름으로 거두어 들일것입니다.


You will have a national ID card with a radio-frequency chip in it.

당신은 라디오 주파수 칩과 함께, 국제 신원확인 카드를 가질것입니다


That's already law in America and will be implemented by May 2000-- this man voted for it.

이미 2000년 5월에 미국법에 의해 실시


You will not be able to move about freely.

당신은 더이상 자유롭게 움직일수가 없을 것입니다.


This is terrorism of the worst kind-- brought on you by our own government. 

북미 어메리칸 조약은 세계최악의 테러리즘 협정이며, 우리 정부에 의해서 당신에게 가져왔습니다.


The strongest, freest nation in the history of mankind will be averaged into world communism.  

인류 최강의 공산 국가가 될것입니다.


Is that what you want?

이것이 당신들이 원하는 것입니까?


Are we, the people, still in control of this nation?

We must begin to act like we are! 

Conrad Burns : Sure




미국은 더이상 미국이 아닙니다.

유대금융재벌들의 계획으로, 사탄의 계획으로 미국과 전세계를 공산주의화 하려는 음모가 밝혀진 것입니다. 나찌, 히틀러가 어쩌네 하던 유태인들과 미국이, 미국을 공산국가로 만들어, 인간을 조종하고 통제발상, 인간을 로봇화 시키겟다는 발상입니다! 


미국은 더이상 자유국가가 아닙니다, 신 세계질서(NWO) 주의자들은 이미 미국을 오래전에 꿀꺽해서, 단일 세계정부를 만들어가고 있습니다.


모든 것들은 의무화가 될 것입니다.

이미 인간 베리칩 이식 의무화도 협정 체결된 상태입니다.

다만 그것이 비밀리에 협정됐고, 국민들에게 전혀 아무것도 알려지지 않은 상태이며, 미국의 유명언론, 방송, 신문들이 전혀 알려지도 않고, 비밀리에 미국을 세계정부에 팔아 넘겼습니다.


안타깝게도 이미 미국 돈이 아닌 북미 어메리칸 유니온 화페(아메로)가 만들어졌으며, 곧 시행단계에 이를 것입니다. 

이것은 완전한 공산주의입니다.


아래는 곧 우리가 써야할 코인(동전들) 사진들입니다.

이것은 AMERO(아메로)라고 불립니다,(=common currency 돈을 말합니다,)


공산주의 국가에서 사용하는 개인재산 몰수가 머지 않았음을 알리는 재앙의 시작입니다,


이러한 엄청난 음모가 미국에 전혀 알려지지 않고 있으니, 참으로 안타까운일이 아닐수 없습니다. 

그리고 이런 중요한 정보가 한국말로 번역된 것 조차 없어, 한국에도 전혀 알려지지 않았습니다. 


여권에도 베리칩 사용이 의무화, 동물도 베리칩 의무화가 되었습니다.

이제 인간만이 남았습니다, 그날은 결코 머지 않았습니다.


이런 모든 일들은 결코 남의 나라의 일만이 아닙니다!

한국도 공산국가가 될날이 머지 않았음을 알리는 재앙의 시작입니다. 


다들 깨어나시길 바랍니다,


Click link below for:
2007 Ameros Final Mintage Figures, and 2008 Ameros Current Mintage Figures.

All 2008 Amero orders, placed prior to April 17, have been shipped as of April 17.

The minting of all 2008 1-Amero coins and 2008 25-Amero coins has been discontinued. The proof-like 2008 1000-Amero gold is also now out of production. When the remaining inventory is sold, these coins will no longer be available. Final mintages of these coins are:

1-Amero copper satin: 200
1-Amero copper proof-like: 650
25-Amero silver satin: 200
25-Amero silver proof-like: 500
1000-Amero gold proof-like: 33

A satin-finish 2008 1000-Amero gold will be available soon.

Minting of other current 2008 Amero coin types may be suspended at any time, and additional new types will be introduced later in 2008.

I have received numerous inquiries as to my personal stand on the North American Union (NAU) issue.

My goal with these coins is not to endorse a Union of North America or a common "Amero" currency.   I fully support the United States Constitution, and I would not welcome (in any form) a diminishment of its provisions.   I expect that these coins will help make more people aware of the issue and the possible ramifications.   I leave it up to others to decide if they are in favor of, or against a North American Union.   And I encourage citizens to voice their approval or disapproval of government plans that impact them.

A currency union, similar to the European Union "Euro" has been proposed for North America. The name of the new currency is the "Amero". The Wikipedia encyclopedia article has additional details about the "Amero". This has been the source for many conspiracy theories tied in with other proposals such as the "Canamex Corridor".

These private-issue fantasy pattern coins will be struck as an annual series (until such time as it is no longer legal to do so), starting in the latter part of 2007.

Final mintages will be determined by sales. The 2008 issues will be available for ordering during 2008, and none will ever be minted after the end of the year. Some 2008 Amero issues may be withdrawn before the end of the year, and new issues will added later in the year.

The 2007 designs feature various Seated Liberty obverses and a similar Eagle & Globe reverse (except for the Jamestown 400th Anniversary commemorative issue which features Pocahontas).

One 2008 design (the 100-Amero Seated Liberty silver proof) was carried over from 2007.   The remaining 2008 Ameros feature a Winged Liberty Head design.

Eric McCrea's "Micro-National & Fantasy Coin Listings" includes considerable additional information.

Category Specials

Click For More Details

UNA 2008 100 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish, Seated Liberty

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $60.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2008 1 Amero, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern



Click For More Details

UNA 2008 1 Amero, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern



Click For More Details

UNA 2008 20 Ameros, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $16.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2008 20 Ameros, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $16.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2008 25 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern



Click For More Details

UNA 2008 25 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern



Click For More Details

UNA 2008 100 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $60.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2008 100 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $60.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2008 1000 Ameros, 24K Gold, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Your Price $1,425.00


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 1 Amero, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 1 Amero, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 2 Ameros, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 2 Ameros, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 5 Ameros, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 5 Ameros, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 10 Ameros, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 10 Ameros, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 20 Ameros, Copper, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 20 Ameros, Copper, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 25 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 25 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 50 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 50 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 100 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 100 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 500 Ameros, 24K Gold, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 500 Ameros, 24K Gold, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 1000 Ameros, 24K Gold, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 1000 Ameros, 24K Gold, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 Jamestown/Pocahontas, 100 Ameros, Silver, Satin Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended


Click For More Details

UNA 2007 Jamestown/Pocahontas, 100 Ameros, Silver, Proof-like Finish

Amero Currency Pattern

Ordering Period Has Ended

