Caillou's Quarrel
Caillou met his friend at his home.
Caillou wanted to play with a dinosaur.
His friend wanted to play with a familiar toy.
His friend used Caillou's doll.
Caillou quarreled with his friend.
His friend apologized to him.
They played catch.
This book is funny.
Score: B
"Caillou wanted play with dinosaur" → "Caillou wanted to play with a dinosaur"
- "wanted" 다음에는 **"to 동사원형"**이 와야 해요.
- "dinosaur"는 처음 나오는 단어이므로 **"a"**를 붙여야 해요.
"His friend wanted Famlier play" → "His friend wanted to play with a familiar toy"
- "wanted" 다음에는 **"to 동사원형"**이 필요해요.
- "familiar"는 형용사이므로 "play" 대신 **"toy"**를 써야 자연스러워요.
"His friend use Caillou's doll" → "His friend used Caillou's doll"
- 과거형 이야기이므로 "use" → **"used"**로 고쳐야 해요.
"Caillou Quarrel with his friend" → "Caillou quarreled with his friend"
- "quarrel"은 동사이므로 과거형 **"quarreled"**로 바꿔야 해요.
"They played catch ball" → "They played catch"
- 영어에서는 **"catch ball"**이 아니라 그냥 **"catch"**라고 해요.