Conceptual Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Artwork [1/ 11~13] Conceptual Modern Art Abstract Design Works ( https://opensea.io/Louisland ) Contemporary Cartoon Review, News History Cartoon Review, Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism;
Louis Choi Chul-joo Contemporary Art Critic and Contemporary Art History Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo Abstract Work Criticism on Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Concept Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo describes realistic pop art cartoons as conceptual art through the series "Bamboo Forest" of morning glory. And "The Missing Pond" / "The Desire Conceptual Abstract Design of Contemporary Art": abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-Joo. A realistic abstraction of cartoon art and the conceptual abstract of contemporary desire based on the concept of desire of others: Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p29-2, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
2022 New York Exhibition: Louis Chul-joo Choi's "morning glory": Exhibition of Louis's "morning glory" with the image of Lacan's object ɑ and Picasso's Anamorphosis, 20220301~20220308 Flushing Town Hall, New York.: The conceptual abstract 'morning glory' is Lacan's object ɑ, which is an abstract image that means the reality of conceptual abstract through Choi Chul-joo's desire conceptual design process As a realistic object of desire, the image of the desire concept is abstracted with traces of actual formability and reversible shades of light.
Shadows that are continuous with light are distinguished by covering the whole or pointing out it in yin and yang like stars. As a result, the object of the concept of desire is identified by a reversible light shade.
To avoid errors by interpreting aesthetic logic to draw specific objects based on art-related philosophical theories, Choi Chul-Joo, a Ph.D. in cultural design, is conducting a contemporary concept abstract art movement with modern art design methodology through abstract paintings created using desire formulas and abstract design processes.
Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: In the concept of Choi Chul-joo's desire,
mathematical desire as an axiom of logic in the concept of desire results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning through abstract design. Therefore, the rendering of the desire structure revealed by abstract encounter with reality at the intersection of desire outside the window applies the mathematical desire concept abstract design, or the image of the desire concept, to the Choi Chul-joo desire formula, and on March 1, 2022, morning glory appears as a flat real image as the subject of desire as a reversible shade of light in the Flushing Town Hall (New York) exhibition./ Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire./ The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p29-2, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
"morning glory p29-2" appears in New York City in 2022 as an abstract work of contemporary art related to the individual exhibition of "morning glory" by conceptual abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo. This is Choi's desire design process, creating posters, a preliminary step in abstraction, and abstracting the exhibition poster image abstracted with abstract design, that is, the conceptual image of desire, into an abstract semantic structure.
As a reconstruction of the image of the concept of desire, the image and color of "morning glory p29-2" show hidden aesthetic value by shaping it into an abstract formative structure of reversible light shades without marking the viewpoint by giving a distance of time.
Formation of the structure of the shape as a shade of reversible light reconstructs the actual image into an abstract structure as the subject of the event and performance image as an actor of the concept of desire in the form structure.
This is a dual concept of existence and reality different from pictorial non-realism. In Lacan's art theory, which is formed by combining images of reality, the object of ɑ as reality forms the same relationship as the verbal meaning as the actor of desire as an image.
The object ɑ revealed through gaze is made of a sculpture as reality, but the image of the visual shape is a virtual non-real world. In other words, it refers to an abstraction in which an image installed in a desirable design in an exhibition space is visualized in a plane. This is because the concept of desire is abstract, such as understanding a perspective image as an actor of desire as a photographic image of events and performances and reproducing it in that image.
Therefore, it is an abstraction of desire as a constructive structure that pursues a formative aesthetics that uses satirical cartoons as a photographic image of events and performances representing the actor of desire. The abstraction is an image drawn against the background of desire by transferring an infant appearing in Choi Cheol-joo's concept of desire and abstract art theory to a chick and the actual shape of an object created by custom.
An object (Louis Choi Chul-joo 2022 New York exhibition morning glory poster 29-2), which depicts the meaning of the shape seen in the semantic space of the background created by reversible light, structures the meaning of the background with an image that hides the desires of the other in time, and means an abstract space that can reversibly transform the object into an actual shape. Here, the conceptual abstract meaning, that is, the image in the mirror, which is covered by the actual changed movement of the shape, realizes the place of the other's unconscious desire as an abstract image as a virtual real image.
The image is an object, which depicts the meaning of the shape seen in the semantic space created by reversible light. The object is an object as an abstract meaning (morning glory poster29-2), which means an abstract space in which a chick structures the meaning of a certain shape in the shadow of reversible light that hides the desire of the other in time.
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon rib images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon rib image as an image. (*Cartoon rib image, that is, an image that emphasizes the hidden meaning of the cartoon)
<morning glory p29-2>, which is a conceptual review, is an image that instantly sees the desire of others to function gaze in the landscape in the abstract area of painting where a specific effect of desire occurs as an exhibition poster meaning.
This is a crooked planarity that seems to have a consistent meaning of morning glory abstraction in painting. The morning glory is the same as the mirror's reality, but the shape of the background is not the same. This is a conceptual form and is abstracted as a conceptual semantic structure of a real world with the same meaning structure, but abstraction as the same meaning with different shapes exists as the existence of similar colors and sizes.
Choi Chul-joo, <Super Junior's Naver V LIVE broadcast 7>, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Registration of articles: ACN ・ 2020. 6. 2. 2:03
The image of the abstract meaning of abstract is an exhibition poster, and the conceptual art abstract, which replaces conceptual satire, distinguishes the position of conceptual satire from the background of desire, 'Napalflower', and envisions the other's desire for shape interpretation.
A shape is an abstract space that can reversibly reflect reversible light, and an abstract shape that shades the shape changed by the actual movement of the changed shape is the meaning of an image that designs the concept of desire.
Choi Chul-joo's conceptual expression of desire is that the image of desire applying Choi's desire formula D(...I')d=I(D...D')i to the "morning glory" connects the image background of the "morning glory" and the concept of desire, creating a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, the concept of desire and the connection effect of "morning glory" as an image of desire are set as the concept of desire of others by Shadows that are continuous with light are distinguished by covering the whole or pointing out it in yin and yang like stars. As a result, the object of the concept of desire is identified by a reversible light shade.
Loui Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2020-29-1 &BLACKPINK's "Sour Candy", a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2020
If the place of the abstract space is no longer specified as a poster and is applied to Lacan's "Four directions of interpretation (E = Jacques Marie Émile Lacan, Etcrites, Seuil, 1977, 53)", the work of painting is interpreted as "The Quadruple of interpretation" by placing the line of image ⓐ ('utre) and horse (moi) a as an imagination and the line of picture (Es) S as a symbolic system at a diagonal position crossing.
Here, in Lacan's art theory, conceptual art abstraction reveals reality through mirror theory, starting with the imaginary world, identifying the marked image reflected in the mirror by an infant with the imaginary world image. Recognizing that the marked image as a subject is not oneself, it transitions to an abstraction interpreted as a symbolic system through separation between the symbolic image and reality of the signifier. The abstract image and reality meet reality through division. Conceptual image as reality is revealed as a crooked image, but as non-realistic, it is an abstraction, which is a meeting that deviates from reality. (ACN. 2022.10.14 Choi Chul-joo's Interpretation of Lacan's 'Four Direction of Interpretation')
Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p67-2
The desired shape of "Super Junior Naver V LIVE Broadcast 7" as an actor of the concept of desire is contrary to reality, and the reality of the gaze represents the meaning of abstract landscape shapes hidden by the abstract desires of others, showing the desired design work "Choi Chul-joo morning glory p67-2" as a modern art of conceptual pop art abstraction.
In order to satisfy the reality of pop art by staring from the suppressed unconsciousness, the character was composed according to the expectation that the object would be revealed from the inadequacy of the object.
In other words, combining the desire to reveal the object that constitutes the subject and the illusion of others with the subject is the point of gaze that light shines in the painting as the subject of gaze. By mediating this as a conceptual cartoon pop art image, the painting is abstracted and abstracted into another contemporary art design work.
Writing. Desire Design critic Choi Chul-joo (Conceptual Abstrac artist & Doctor of Culture Design)
Conceptual abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo 11
Conceptual Abstract Painter Louis Choi 11 Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism
Conceptual Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Artwork [11] Conceptual Modern Art Abstract Design Works ( https://opensea.io/Louisland ) Contemporary Cartoon Review, News History Cartoon Review, Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism; Louis Choi Chul-joo Contemporary Art Critic and Contemporary Art History Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo Abstract Work Criticism on Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Concept Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo describes realistic pop art cartoons as conceptual art through the series "Bamboo Forest" of morning glory. And "The Missing Pond" / "The Desire Conceptual Abstract Design of Contemporary Art": abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo. A realistic abstraction of cartoon art and the conceptual abstract of contemporary desire based on the concept of desire of others: Contemporary pop artist Louis Choi Chuljoo, Pop Art Abstract Painting & Cartoon, Korea News Cartoon Review with Contemporary Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art = Cartoon review of the concept [3] Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ : Chul-joo Choi & Kang's Korean Pop Star (2019-8-3) /Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review
Famous contemporary artist, modern painter, abstract painter & contemporary abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art abstraction 'Morning Glory' & 'Bamboo Forest' pop art abstraction design / Webtoon News Cartoonist & Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon Design News
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of Contemporary Art Sketch Abstract Painting.
Webtoon News Cartoonist Choi Chuljoo's One-Sentence Cartoon Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Pop Art Abstract Painting design
Cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo, contemporary conceptual art pop art work & Webtoon design historical painter
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light.
The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.
Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light. It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.
(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)
Louis Chul-joo Choi, Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2019
News Cartoon: Cartoonist & freelance reporter Choi Chul-joo's current affairs cartoon review one sentence - Cartoon review: cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo's review news
■ Cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, one line of current affairs cartoon Review:
. Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’
. Yoona du groupe K-pop Girls' Generation a commencé comme la principale actrice du film 'Exit'
Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest 97- Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest b97-Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest b97-Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. /
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Choi chuljoo, Morning glory d112-2-Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, ■ Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <morning glory p112-2-Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 2> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted.
This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.
■ Examples of non-realistic abstractions include: objects of desire (light gray trousers) are affected sequentially by subtle changes in reversible light and follow a complementary contrast of light.
By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.
Final image superimposed on the artist's work: Louis Choi Chul-joo, pond s3, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the bamboo forest 97, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, In front of the bamboo forest b97, hand-painted picture on a computer
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory window 2024-4-Memories, 147X143cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024
In "morning glory-memory", abstraction is a reversible shade of light, and several conceptual beings are embodied on the background of morning glory, which represents the structure of desire as abstract beings in a real shape.
This is the image of memory as the desire of the other as a reversible shade of light in "morning glory", which does not describe the atmosphere. Here, according to the identity of the theory of materialism, the desire of the other is conceptualized and the abstraction identified with the actual image is modified, leaving the shade on the fabric by the paint adjusted in the abstraction mode of the actual structure in temporality.
Like a computer game, the abstraction mode overlaps the events and performance images of news cartoons with "morning glory", the background of abstraction, and abstracts the desires of others into shades of a reversible real structure of light.
Depending on where it was viewed as a concept of desire, it is illuminated with reversible light that existed in the past and developed into a shaded structure, just as it appears to be a distorted image according to the position and distance from the object in reality.
Here, the shadowing effect of reversible light forms a shadow structure reflected in the form of reflected light from the small hole of the fabric where the rear surface is illuminated.
The structure is painted with thread painting as <morning glory>.
The image and color of thread painting show the aesthetic value of the hidden shape by showing the concept of desire in the shadow of reversible light by forming the image and color of the faded object without marking it by giving a distance of time.
This is a realistic painting based on Choi Chul-joo's abstract art theory, and it is an abstract painting that depicts the remaining shadow colors as reversible light by capturing the concept of desire beyond literature.
In Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire, the image of structure is a picture of cloth that blocks color by putting a shadowy desire structure comparable to reversible light into a thread and reconstructs the shape into a linear structure of color so that the shape can correspond to a specific color.
Therefore, the conceptual image of desire with the structure of thread added is a painting that paints abstract desires on the structure of cloth and thread that pursues linear aesthetics as the artistry of conceptual art.
The painting "morning glory-memory" is an image of the concept of desire in which a young child mind in Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire is transferred to a chick and the chicken, woman, and dancer are drawn on an image as cloth as objects created by custom.
Like the desire image, the image of the object was drawn by composing chicks, chickens, women, and dancers in a material such as cloth to create an image in which the left and right sides were reversed. Therefore, his painting is a painting of two sides that does not distinguish between the front and the back. Here, when the image on the back is converted to the front, a new painting with traces of one shade in reversible light emerges.
In the imaginary world, identification externally identifies the image of the object as the same subject as the image of the object, and internally forms a phenomenal image of the concept of desire in which the subject is transformed. As a phenomenal image "morning glory-memory"'s back image, the shadow of reversible light without an object, another shadow and back of the space created by the object, brightens or disappears.
It is an image that is insufficient as an object as an image that is satisfied as a child in an image of a real object.
The memory of the object tailored to the dancer's creates a separate space connected to chicks, chickens, fossils, and women in the gap with shadow margins in the empty space, and colors and shapes the objects in a single picture that integrates the bright side of yin and yang with colors on the drawing image.
The shape is an image of reality in which the actual object is reflected in the mirror by confirming the structure of the phenomenal reality that does not exist as an empty space on the back of the object.
In other words, the image of phenomenal reality may be an image of reality in which the image of reality as a metaphor is reflected in the mirror or an image that appears as a virtual shade as another image.
Here, the image of reality is a podium shaped by the desire of others who can see the shaded color as an object being through gaze. The platform clarifies the meaning of a reality being that reflects the visible image as reversible light in which desire has stopped in the place of the city and takes the image as the form of desire.
As the actual structure of its meaning, as the shape stops, the meaning is created as a reversible thought movement. This is an image in which the meaning thought as the structure of an image finds a place of desire in an empty space.
As a result, the conceptual representation of memory in the window of the morning glory, the background of desire, overlaps the real image into a single phase in the same place in a reversible shade to make it a structure of desire for a memory image.
The stray thoughts creates a reversible space as an image of a real object in the direction of thinking about ambiguous desires and shows desire as a phenomenal object.
And the image of existence defines factual abstraction as a meaning that reverses reality, and the image realizes the abstract concept by the meaning that has been transformed into a shadow of reversible light.
Although there is no conceptual reality, the desire painted as an abstraction obscured by reversible light replaces the other. That desire creates an abstract space that can reversibly represent reality and refers to phenomenal value./ Writing. Former curator of the Seoul Museum of Art Louis Choi Chul-joo (Modern art Painter & Doctor of Cultural Design)
Louis Chul-joo Choi, Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ 1, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2019 [The interpretation of words in a cartoon news ː l’interprétation du mot dans une nouvelle caricature] ■ Cartoon review of the concept [3] Yoona of K-pop group Girls' Generation debuted as the main actress of the movie 'Exit’ / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Choi Chul-joo, an art critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: In the concept of Choi Chul-joo's desire, mathematical desire as an axiom of logic in the concept of desire results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning through abstract design. Therefore, the rendering of the desire structure revealed by abstract encounter with reality at the intersection of desire outside the window applies the mathematical desire concept abstract design, or the image of the desire concept, to the Choi Chul-joo desire formula, and on March 1, 2022, morning glory appears as a flat real image as the subject of desire as a reversible shade of light in the Flushing Town Hall (New York) exhibition./ Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire./ The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i). ■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality. ■ The Design Results of Choi Chul-joo's Desire Abstract Concept: Choi Chul-joo Desire Abstract Concept Design's Linguistic Meaning Results: Although the object that is obsessed with the desire for others is passive, it is possible to actively practice one's desires through the sympathizer as the subject of desire, and the sympathizer who sympathizes with the desires of others as the subject can practice with the same desire. As a subject, a person who sympathizes with or accepts the desires of others becomes the same desire and becomes another subject of execution. Here, the sympathizer who sympathizes with the subject of the other's desire tries to generalize it as another object of desire that acts like a victor of war. However, when desire as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire and the sympathizer antagonize the subject who practiced it according to the other's general desire. ■ Effect of Abstract Design with the concept of Choi Chul-joo's Desire as a Linguistic Meaning: The beneficiary who experienced reality as a desire for the other party is passive, but the person in power who can actively execute it from the perspective of the perpetrator puts it into practice with the same desire as the sympathizer. The sympathizer becomes the same desire and becomes the subject of actual action when a powerful person provides the benefit of power or a sympathizer receives it. The other's desire, which is hidden here, generalizes the actual actions of inappropriate powerful people and sympathizers as another object of desire and acts like a victor of war. However, when the actual effect as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire is antagonized by the other's desire, away from the other's general desire for inappropriate power and sympathizers. ▶Girl group, "Girls' Generation"._ Groupe de filles, "Girls' Generation"
Conceptual abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo 12
Conceptual Abstract Painter Louis Choi 12 Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism
Conceptual Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Artwork [12] Conceptual Modern Art Abstract Design Works ( https://opensea.io/Louisland ) Contemporary Cartoon Review, News History Cartoon Review, Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism;
Louis Choi Chul-joo Contemporary Art Critic and Contemporary Art History Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo Abstract Work Criticism on Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Concept Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo describes realistic pop art cartoons as conceptual art through the series "Bamboo Forest" of morning glory. And "The Missing Pond" / "The Desire Conceptual Abstract Design of Contemporary Art": abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo. A realistic abstraction of cartoon art and the conceptual abstract of contemporary desire based on the concept of desire of others: Cartoon, Korea News Cartoon Review with Contemporary Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's Review of Korean News Cartoon [186] French general election, left-wing coalition tops.(2024-7-9) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review
Famous contemporary artist, modern painter, abstract painter & contemporary abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art abstraction 'Morning Glory' & 'Bamboo Forest' pop art abstraction design / Webtoon News Cartoonist & Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon Design News
Webtoon News Cartoonist Choi Chuljoo's One-Sentence Cartoon Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Pop Art Abstract Painting design
Cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo, contemporary conceptual art pop art work & Webtoon design historical painter
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light.
The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.
Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light. It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.
(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)
Louis Choi Chul-joo's Cartoon review: French general election, left-wing coalition tops, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2024
News Cartoon: Cartoonist & freelance reporter Choi Chul-joo's current affairs cartoon review one sentence - Cartoon review: cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo's review news
■ Cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, one line of current affairs cartoon Review:
. French general election, left-wing coalition tops
. Election générale française, haut de la coalition de gauche
Choi Chul-joo, French general election, left-wing coalition tops, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Choi Chul-joo, French general election, left-wing coalition tops 3, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest 170-French general election, left-wing coalition tops, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work
Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest d170-French general election, left-wing coalition tops, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest 170-d-French general election, left-wing coalition tops: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p116-5-French general election, left-wing coalition tops: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture.
Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p116-2> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <pond-"Trump Sex scandal Muzzling" Conviction> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted.
This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory p116-2-"Trump Sex scandal Muzzling" Conviction> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.
By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the bamboo forest 170, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p116, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2024
Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory window 2024-8-Installing an image of a firm desire, 150X112cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024
The installation of the desire image is to reveal a significant painting image in the mind through an error in the subjective abstract image of an object that does not exist by realizing the representation of a linguistic object.
It simulates (模寫) the concept of linguistic desire as a painting and displays the representation perceived as desire as a real image. In other words, displaying linguistic desire as a painting image embodies desire as an actual painting image with an objective correlation, like T. S Eliot. In other words, it abstracts the linguistic image as a concept of desire, but metaphorically as a real image of the concept.
The real image manages and abstractly defines the object as the meaning of existence.
Therefore, in linguistic abstraction, the meaning of existence is taken as a real image. By showing existence as an image rather than an object as reality, it becomes a reality in abstraction that transcends the subject of the object. In this way, existence generalizes the object as a firm subject with a phenomenal gaze.
The installation of an image of firm desire is the installation of an image as a subject of firm existence, which is viewed through the gaze of the desire for existence.
Even if the actual object's light is bright, it does not reach the light in the sky, and the cloud divides the space according to the installation of the image of existence. Therefore, by rejecting metaphysics that do not affect the object of desire with reversible light, the existence of an object is recognized as an image through the shadow of light.
Here, imaginary desire is a linguistic impression concept, and the image of meaning is repeatedly designed to reconstruct the abstract formative color into a real image, and the outer surface of reality is developed as an objective correlation.
The design process of Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire abstract art is to install such a firm gaze image as the outer surface of reality and abstract the outer surface of reality as a correlation of reality as a concept of desire.
Since this is reversely abstracted as a correlation of a phenomenal real image, the image design of the concept of desire is repeated to show the correlated real image of the concept of interpreting desire as a cartoon cartoon only as an event or performance image, and the real image as an event and performance image is drawn as a phenomenal perception and installed as a correlated image in the thought intended by the action of the image.
It acts as a coincidence to reduce the non-visual image derived from this to a linguistic abstraction cartoon review. Image correlation, which replaces the symbolic phenomenon of an image with a reality that symbolizes the meaning of the image, does not presuppose a causal relationship with a single meaning, but results in an image that is connected to the concept of desire as a correlation between an abstract concept that deviates from the structure of non-realism and reality.
Image is a concept of desire without abstract meaning and spatial constraints and grasps the desires of others as subjects related to reality.
In the aesthetic structure concealed by the subject, the sky divided by clouds is the shaded light of the object and stops the abstract concept in real life. And the size of the image of a correlated reality as a shade is omitted and it is positioned as a range that appears to be light. This is a place where reality has an aesthetic value adapted to the place as an image, and decorates the place with the colors of universal reality that fit the custom. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of installing an image of desire.
The object of reality is a shape that has remained as a color in the linguistic sense that existed conventionally, and is composed of a single image of the desire of the other in contrast to the light of the past. The image shows the image of reality that existed in the original place of the image with a shape stopped by desire.
When an image is a desire image, it is not affected by the subject of the shape and is visually abstracted as a subject according to the desires of others. Therefore, the abstract effect reproduced by the desire gaze is reduced to abstraction from the actual image in which the desire image is superimposed as the gaze image of a firm desire is installed. / Writing. Art critic Choi Chul-joo (conceptual abstract painter & Ph.D. in cultural design)
Louis Choi chuljoo, French general election, left-wing coalition tops 3 [The interpretation of words in a cartoon news ː l’interprétation du mot dans une nouvelle caricature] ■ Review of Korean News Cartoon [184] "Trump Sex scandal Muzzling" Conviction. (2024-6-3) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: In the concept of Choi Chul-joo's desire, mathematical desire as an axiom of logic in the concept of desire results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning through abstract design. Therefore, the rendering of the desire structure revealed by abstract encounter with reality at the intersection of desire outside the window applies the mathematical desire concept abstract design, or the image of the desire concept, to the Choi Chul-joo desire formula, and on March 1, 2022, morning glory appears as a flat real image as the subject of desire as a reversible shade of light in the Flushing Town Hall (New York) exhibition./ Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire./ The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i). ■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality. ■ The Design Results of Choi Chul-joo's Desire Abstract Concept: Choi Chul-joo Desire Abstract Concept Design's Linguistic Meaning Results: Although the object that is obsessed with the desire for others is passive, it is possible to actively practice one's desires through the sympathizer as the subject of desire, and the sympathizer who sympathizes with the desires of others as the subject can practice with the same desire. As a subject, a person who sympathizes with or accepts the desires of others becomes the same desire and becomes another subject of execution. Here, the sympathizer who sympathizes with the subject of the other's desire tries to generalize it as another object of desire that acts like a victor of war. However, when desire as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire and the sympathizer antagonize the subject who practiced it according to the other's general desire. ■ Effect of Abstract Design with the concept of Choi Chul-joo's Desire as a Linguistic Meaning: The beneficiary who experienced reality as a desire for the other party is passive, but the person in power who can actively execute it from the perspective of the perpetrator puts it into practice with the same desire as the sympathizer. The sympathizer becomes the same desire and becomes the subject of actual action when a powerful person provides the benefit of power or a sympathizer receives it. The other's desire, which is hidden here, generalizes the actual actions of inappropriate powerful people and sympathizers as another object of desire and acts like a victor of war. However, when the actual effect as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire is antagonized by the other's desire, away from the other's general desire for inappropriate power and sympathizers. ▶Conviction._ Condamnation.
Conceptual abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo 13
Conceptual Abstract Painter Louis Choi 13 Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism
Conceptual Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Artwork [13] Conceptual Modern Art Abstract Design Works ( https://opensea.io/Louisland ) Contemporary Cartoon Review, News History Cartoon Review, Contemporary Art News History Painting Criticism;
Louis Choi Chul-joo Contemporary Art Critic and Contemporary Art History Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo Abstract Work Criticism on Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Concept Cartoonist Louis Choi Chul-joo describes realistic pop art cartoons as conceptual art through the series "Bamboo Forest" of morning glory. And "The Missing Pond" / "The Desire Conceptual Abstract Design of Contemporary Art": abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo. A realistic abstraction of cartoon art and the conceptual abstract of contemporary desire based on the concept of desire of others: Cartoon, Korea News Cartoon Review with Contemporary Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon News Manwha review News manwha KPS (26) BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas·The Maids.", ACN・2021.2.11.15:33 / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review
Famous contemporary artist, modern painter, abstract painter & contemporary abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art abstraction 'Morning Glory' & 'Bamboo Forest' pop art abstraction design / Webtoon News Cartoonist & Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon Design News
Webtoon News Cartoonist Choi Chuljoo's One-Sentence Cartoon Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Pop Art Abstract Painting design
Cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo, contemporary conceptual art pop art work & Webtoon design historical painter
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light.
The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.
Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light. It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.
(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)
Chul-joo Choi, <BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas· The Maids 6>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
newsmanwha - NewsCartoon: Cartoonist & Newsbusan Culture Journalist, Dr. Chul-joo Choi's editorial cartoon line manwha-news
▒ News Cartoon: Cartoonist & freelance reporter Choi Chul-joo's current affairs cartoon review one sentence - Cartoon review: cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo's review news
■ Cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, one line of current affairs cartoon Review:
. 블랙핑크가 그림 'Las Meninas시녀들'처럼 거울에 비친 새로운 이미지를 만들어낸다.
. BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas·The Maids."
. BLACKPINK crée une nouvelle image dans le miroir comme l'image « The Maids ».
. BLACKPINK像画作《Las Meninas·下女们》一样,塑造了镜子中的新形象
. BLACKPINKが絵「Las Meninas·侍女たち」のように鏡に映った新しいイメージを生み出す
Chul-joo Choi, <BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas· The Maids 4>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Choi Chul-joo, <BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture Las Meninas·The Maids 17>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work:: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest 174-BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture Las Meninas·The Maids, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work:: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest g174-BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture Las Meninas, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest g174-BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture Las Meninas-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p100-4-2-The Maids 2: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture.
Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p116-2> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <pond-"Trump Sex scandal Muzzling" Conviction> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted.
This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory p116-2-"Trump Sex scandal Muzzling" Conviction> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.
By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the bamboo forest 174, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2021-k-0, 136X168 cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2021
Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2021-k-s2-The Maids 2, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Choi Chul-joo, <BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas·The Maids 8>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Choi Chul-joo's cartoon review, published as a current affairs review, [12] "Las Meninas·The Maids 8: Young Voters Want To Watch Blackpink 'The Show' Rather Than Election Broadcasts On YouTube," is the image of Velazquez's "The Las Meninas," which was viewed with a desire.
As an ideological and stereotypical image of absolute monarchy in the Baroque era in the 17th century, Diego Rodriguez de Silvay Velázquez painted Las Meninas 1656.
He visualizes the characters appearing as a screen composition of a gaze perspective to exclude symbolism from space and emphasize the realistic presence of the object as a substance, but it is against the temporality.
In other words, the king and queen in the space from a different point of view are identified so that they can be viewed on the screen.
In Choi Chul-joo's cartoon review No. 12, the king and queen transformed into candidates for the mayor of Seoul in 2021, forming a temporality converted from different perspectives in one space.
Choi Chul-joo, one's gaze in 'The Las Meninas'
It shows the contemporary phenomenon and human presence in the same way as the maidens in <The Las Meninas>. It emphasizes the presence as a subject of reality that young voters gaze at by visualizing the location of the Seoul mayoral candidates in place of the king and queen,
In "The Las Meninas", the object reflected in the mirror is a fantasy, but in the 12th issue of cartoon review, the fantasy object in the mirror shows real candidates for the mayor of Seoul.
The production of this fantasy is that the subject of the object reflected in the mirror is the object of the fantasy, and it is the cutting of the subject by the relationship between image and meaning.
The reality as an illusion forms an image reflected in a cyclical structure through the mirror with the candidates inserted in the non-real world reflected in the mirror and the fantasy object in black pink. Here, the meaning action takes on a neutral symbolism by accepting the virtual image as a new subject according to the relationship between the image and the meaning.
In this way, the relationship between image and meaning is cut to receive a new subject, and the mirror space in the cartoon is another space in the physical space revealed in the scene of "The Las Meninas", which is the upper body of candidates that cannot be seen at the time of viewing the entire scene of the cartoon as an image of a picture frame.
In order to insert the reality seen through this gaze, the artist's brush is put in and the subject reflected in the mirror is made to stare.
Like "The Las Meninas", cartoon review No. 12 actually reproduces the time and space of Blackpink and the candidates of the contemporary space Velazquez saw through the mirror.
The image reflected in the mirror is an invisible space, which is the image of the time Velazquez has seen in "The Las Meninas" It shows the reproducibility and gaze that symbolically reveals the situation of Black Pink and the candidates, as if the gaze of the other and the gaze of the other are identified and again reflected in the mirror as a king, queen, and princess.
In "The Las Meninas", Velazquez painted himself as an object reflected in a mirror. Another mirror in the painting is seen by Felipe IV and his wife, Maria Anna. This mirror reflects Velazquez and the king and queen outside the painting, but only the king and queen are reflected in the mirror in the painting. What cannot be interpreted with a perspective visual system is what the maids that exist in between are invisible.
Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory 2021-k-s2, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2023
Choi Chul-joo's fantastic cartoon image <morning glory 2021-k-s2>, which is revealed as the unconscious desire of others by drawing the candidates' appearances and the faces of the two candidates on the image that does not exist in "The Las Meninas", is represented by an image abstracted as a concept of desire in cartoon criticism
This is because it is a gaze that is not revealed in "The Las Meninas", and it is an image that is shown as non-real in a perspective visual system.
This reveals the reality of Velazquez by contrasting the subject, Princess Margarita, as the other, and the subject, the king and queen, as the absence. And the figure reflected in the mirror is not the image of the king and queen as an invisible 'grief' that deviates from the whole point of view, but rather a metaphorical image as an inner entity looking at Princess Margarita.
Therefore, the rest of the characters are virtual images as non-real. Revealing the meaningful image through this gaze is a real situation of the conceptual image, which refers to the erasure of the spatial domain and manneristic society of "The Show" and the Seoul mayoral candidate election. In other words, "Young voters try to watch Black Pink's "The Show" rather than election broadcasts on YouTube."
In "The Las Meninas", Velazquez represents himself as an object as an artist and reproduces the images of reality and non-real in the same space. Picasso interprets the skewed image that cannot be expressed on the same plane in his Cubist way. This sought to find a connection with the gaze image virtually reproduced by Velazquez, but Picasso combined the images seen from multiple eyes into the same image.
Therefore, in "The Las Meninas", the place revealed by the other's desired gaze is the position of the man standing at the door appearing at the vanishing point in the entire hypothetical image. Therefore, the man is an object, or reality, that Velazquez revealed by staring from the other's desire point of view. Velazquez reveals himself as an object in "The Las Meninas" as an artist, and says that the object as a subject cannot be a cognitive subject. However, in reproducing the image of reality and non-real in the same space, the image of non-real, which does not look like Picasso, is superimposed on one screen like an image reflected in a mirror.
This is an object as a desire image, an aesthetic result of desire as a skeletal image of desire to reveal reality. / Writing. Art critic Choi Chul-joo (Image Installation artist & Doctor of Cultural Design)
Louis Choi chuljoo, BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture Las Meninas The Maids 17 [The interpretation of words in a cartoon news ː l’interprétation du mot dans une nouvelle caricature] ■ Review of Korean News Cartoon Conceptual Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon News Manwha review News manwha KPS (26) BLACKPINK creates a new image in the mirror like the picture "Las Meninas·The Maids." / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: In the concept of Choi Chul-joo's desire, mathematical desire as an axiom of logic in the concept of desire results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning through abstract design. Therefore, the rendering of the desire structure revealed by abstract encounter with reality at the intersection of desire outside the window applies the mathematical desire concept abstract design, or the image of the desire concept, to the Choi Chul-joo desire formula, and on March 1, 2022, morning glory appears as a flat real image as the subject of desire as a reversible shade of light in the Flushing Town Hall (New York) exhibition./ Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire./ The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i). ■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality. ■ The Design Results of Choi Chul-joo's Desire Abstract Concept: Choi Chul-joo Desire Abstract Concept Design's Linguistic Meaning Results: Although the object that is obsessed with the desire for others is passive, it is possible to actively practice one's desires through the sympathizer as the subject of desire, and the sympathizer who sympathizes with the desires of others as the subject can practice with the same desire. As a subject, a person who sympathizes with or accepts the desires of others becomes the same desire and becomes another subject of execution. Here, the sympathizer who sympathizes with the subject of the other's desire tries to generalize it as another object of desire that acts like a victor of war. However, when desire as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire and the sympathizer antagonize the subject who practiced it according to the other's general desire. ■ Effect of Abstract Design with the concept of Choi Chul-joo's Desire as a Linguistic Meaning: The beneficiary who experienced reality as a desire for the other party is passive, but the person in power who can actively execute it from the perspective of the perpetrator puts it into practice with the same desire as the sympathizer. The sympathizer becomes the same desire and becomes the subject of actual action when a powerful person provides the benefit of power or a sympathizer receives it. The other's desire, which is hidden here, generalizes the actual actions of inappropriate powerful people and sympathizers as another object of desire and acts like a victor of war. However, when the actual effect as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire is antagonized by the other's desire, away from the other's general desire for inappropriate power and sympathizers. ▶On-line performance _ Performances en ligne