지난 스터디엔
Kathy,Serena,Jjoonie 3분의 뉴커머 포함
모두 16분의 멤버가 함께 해 주셨습니다.
모두들 즐거운 시간 보내셨는지요?
돌아오는 월요일이
징검다리 휴일이어서
휴가를 즐기시는 분이 많으리라 생각됩니다만,
스터디는 변함없이 진행하고자 합니다!!
입추가 지나고 거짓말처럼 선선함이 느껴지네요.
남은 여름 즐거이 보내시고,
담주 월요일에 함께 해요!!
[Time table]
8;00~8;15 Greeting and
small talk 8;20~9;00 Topic1
9;10~9;50 Topic2 Conversation 9;50~10;00 Wrap up the study
Small Talk
Are you good at
making a relationship?
How many close
friends do you have?
Do you have a
good relationship with your family members?
Topic1. Loneliness is becoming a big danger
to health
research suggests that loneliness and social isolation may increase the risk of
dying early by 50 per cent. The research is from Brigham Young University in
the USA. Researchers tried to find out how loneliness affected the risk of
early death. They said loneliness can occur even if people are surrounded by
family and friends. Researchers also looked at the dangers to health of social isolation.
This is when people have little or no contact with others. The research showed
that the risk of premature death was 50 per cent lower for adults who mixed
with friends and family. Researchers found that loneliness, social isolation,
and living alone were all associated with an increased risk of early death.
researchers added that loneliness, social isolation, and living alone could be
more dangerous than obesity. Professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad said the results
of her research are worrying because the population is aging. She said:
"Many nations around the world now suggest we are facing a 'loneliness
epidemic'. The challenge we face now is what can be done about it." She
suggested that one way to help with this problem is to teach social skills to
children in schools. She also said doctors should talk more about loneliness to
their patients. In addition, she said people should prepare for their old age
social life like they take out pensions to prepare for their financial future.
- What do you think about
- How lonely do you get?
- What does loneliness do to people?
- How can we help people who are lonely?
- What do you do when you get lonely?
- How does the Internet make people lonelier?
- Will we become lonelier in the future?
- How would loneliness affect you?
Topic2. Mobile phone ban while crossing roads
in Honolulu
Honolulu in Hawaii has become the first major
American city to ban pedestrians from walking across the road while looking at
mobile phones or other digital devices. The new law will start on October the
25th. It says: "No pedestrian shall cross a street or highway while
viewing a mobile electronic device." This includes mobile phones, tablets,
laptop computers and digital cameras. Anyone breaking this law for the first
time will get a fine of $15-$35. People who break the law for a second or third
time will get a $99 fine. The new bill is called the Distracted Walking Law.
Honolulu's mayor Kirk Caldwell said the law was because of the high number of
accidents, injuries and deaths because of pedestrians using mobile devices.
lawmakers called people who text while walking, "phone zombies". Mr
Caldwell said the ban was necessary to make people more aware of the dangers of
texting while walking. He said: "We hold the unfortunate distinction of
being a major city with more pedestrians being hit in crosswalks, particularly
our seniors, than almost any other city in the county." He added:
"Sometimes I wish there were laws we did not have to pass, that perhaps
common sense would [exist], but sometimes we lack common sense." Another
lawmaker said: "As technology has advanced, we sometimes forget about the
real issue, and that’s about safety." The new law is similar to one that
bans texting while driving.
- What do you know about Hawaii?
- What do you think of texting while walking?
- How important are mobile phones to you?
- Have people looking at mobile phones bumped
into you?
- What do you think of the mobile phone ban?
- What do you think of the size of the fine?
- Do people spend too much time looking at
mobile phones?
- How can we stop people walking while texting?
- "꿈틀"엔 초급과 중급이 나뉘어져 open class로 운영되고 있습니다.(정원제가 아니라는 뜻입니다^^)
그러나, 별다른 인터뷰도 없고 오로지 본인의 판단만으로 반을 결정해야 하는 문제점이 있네요..
초급과 중급사이에서 모호함을 느끼는 분들~은 초중급반에서 부터 래팅 경험을 시작해 보세요.
색다른 즐거움과 motivation이 기다리고 있습니다.
우리반은 매주 신입멤버를 모집합니다.
스터디 운영 방식은요?
[Time table]
8;00~8;15 Greeting and small talk 8;20~9;00 Topic1 Conversation
9;10~9;50 Topic2 Conversation 9;50~10;00 Wrap up the study
스터디가 끝난 후엔 친목도모 혹은 허기를 달래고자 하는 목적으로 거의 매주 개더링이 이뤄집니다.
한시간 남짓한 시간이 가져다 주는 활력과 즐거움을 이루 표현할 수가 없네요 ㅎㅎ
- 기본적인 생활영어 표현이 가능하신 분들 (본인소개,취미,미래의 꿈등 가벼운 주제의 토론에 큰 어려움이 없으신 분들)
- 초급 10pass member ,중급 10pass member 모두 참석 가능합니다.
- 예습 없이도 topic을 5분이내에 파악하실 정도의 능력은 되셔야 겠죠?!
Topic 과 참여방법
- 토픽은 스터디 3일전(금요일)까지 게시판에 Upload 됩니다.
- 참여는 게시판에 매주 게시되는 모임공지에 꼬리말을 다시고 스터디 당일 마이존 현장에 와서 pass를
구입하시면 됩니다.
- 참여 댓글을 달지 않고 참여하시면 토픽 hand out을 100원에 구매하셔야 하니, 번거로우시더라도 반드시 참여댓글을 다셔야 합니다.
- 패스는 한달 4회<우리반만 사용> 이용하실수 있는 Monthly pass를 구매하시거나 10times pass를 구입하시고 참여하시면 됩니다.
우리가 스터디 모임 하는 공간
"꿈틀"은 English cafe 우리가 스터디 하는 공간입니다.
각 스터디에 관한 궁금한 사항은 스터디 게시판에 질문을 남겨 주시기 바랍니다.
장소 & 위치에 관한 문의 사항 ☎ 02-556-0719 문의 주세요.
[꿈틀 위치]

첫댓글 1st/Ben/I'm in.
2nd /Jimmy/ Attendance~^^
오늘은 어째 스터디 썰렁할듯~ 나두 오늘 혼자 사무실 나왔네ㅋ
@ben~ 사람없음 빨리 마치고 맛있는 술이나 마셔요~^^
3rd liam see you again, tgim
See you tonight ~
4th 참석해요
5. 참석
6th/Kris/from topic 2
7th henry