회사 會社 a company ((Co.)); a corporation; [상사] a firm; a concern
·회사에 다니다 be employed in a company; work for a company
·회사를 조직하다 form[organize] a company
·회사 조직으로 하다 incorporate ((a firm))
·전쟁이 끝날 무렵 그는 엉터리 회사를 설립했다 He established a bogus company towards the end of the war.
·그는 회사에 근무하고 있다 He serves in a certain company.
·당신 차는 어느 회사의 무슨 차종입니까 What make and model is your car?
·어느 회사 제품을 염두에 두고 계십니까 What make do you have in mind?
근무 service with a company
내규 the company bylaws[regulations]
법 the corporation law; the company law
업무 company affairs; the business[affairs] of a corporation
원 a company employee; an office worker [man]; a member[clerk] of a company; a white-color worker 《미》; a black-coat 《영·속》
정관 the (memorandum and) articles of association
조직 company system
중역[임원] a member of the directory[directorate]
동족 a family company
유한 책임 a limited liability company; an incorporated company
자[종속] a subsidiary company
회 사
명예 회장 honorary chairman/
회장[은행장] chairman (of the board of directors)/
사장 president/
부사장 executive vice-president/
전무[상무] 이사 senior [executive, managing] director/
이사 director/
본부장 division[general] manager/
부장, 실장 manager/부장 대리 deputy general manager/
차장 vice-director/과장 section chief/
과장 대리 deputy section chief; assistant manager/
계장 chief; senior staff/주임 subsection chief/
공장장 plant manager/지배인 supervisor/
직장(職長) shop supervisor/조장(組長) foreman/
고문(顧問) councilor/상담역 counselor/
경리 부장, controller/영업 부원 sales representative
회장실 office of the chairman/