S + 수여동사 +I.O. + D.O.
=S + 수여동사 +D.O. + 전치사 + I.O.
(1) The teacher told us a detective story.
=The teacher told a detective story to us.
The change of air will do you good.
=The change of air will do good to you.
* give, teach, offer, send, bring, return, deny,do, etc.
(2) Father left me little money.
=Father left little money for me.
Will you do me a favor?
=Will you do a favor for me?
* buy, make, choose, get, cook, leave, build, ect.
(3) He asked me a favor.
=He asked a favor of me.
* inquire, demand, require, etc.
(4) He played me a scurvy trick.
=He played a scurvy trick on me. * play : (장난 따위를)걸다
(5) I bear him no grudge.
=I bear no grudge against him. * bear : (양심 등을)품다
<수여동사의 중요예문>
(1) This photograph doesn't do her justice. (이 사진은 그 여자의 실물대로 찍히지 않았다.)
(2) I give you my word for it. (제가 그것을 보장합니다.)
(3) Would you please spare me a few moments? (시간 좀 내주시겠습니까?)
(4) He promised her to come here. (그는 그 여자에게 이리로 오겠다고 약속했다.)
(5) He reached me the salt. (그는 손을 뻗쳐서 나에게 소금을 집어 주었다.)
(6) By one false step we may lose a reputation which has cost us years to build up.
(우리는 이룩하기 위해 몇년이나 걸린 명예를 단 한 번의 실수로 잃을 수 있다.)
(7) She will make you a good wife. (그녀는 너에게는 좋은 아내가 될 것이다.)
(8) I owe him a permanent debt of gratitude. (나는 그에게 영원한 은혜를 입고 있다.)
(9) I am sorry for the trouble I've caused you. (폐를 끼쳐 죄송합니다.)
1. "May I ask you a question?"과 뜻이 같은 것은?(정답: ② )
a. May I ask a question of you?
b. May I put a question about you?
c. May I put a question to you?
d. May I ask a question for you?
① a,b ② a,c ③ b,c ④ b,d ⑤ c,d
2. 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸을 채우시오.
I have a good appetite after a short walk.
= A short walk ( gives ) me a good appetite.
3. 다음 ( ) 안에 가장 적당한 것은?
A change of air has ( done ) him good.
① done ② given ③ provided ④ spared ⑤ endowed
4. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?
“Yesterday was my birthday. My mother ( made me a cake )."
① made a cake to me ② made a cake me
③ made for me a cake ④ made me a cake
⑤ made a cake on me
5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
The university owed ( the church thirty million dollars ) for the construction of the library.
① to the church thirty million dollars
② thirty million dollars on the church
③ for the church thirty million dollars
④ the church thirty million dollars
⑤ thirty million dollars because of the church
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