• _ ( something ) goes well with ( something else ) : 잘 어울리다,
• - That"s a nice tie. It goes well with your suit .
• 넥타이 멋있다 . 양복과 잘 어울린다,
◦ - what are his merits? What are his strong points?
/ 그의 장점이 뭐예요 ?
◦ - He is warm . 그는 따듯해요.
◦ - He is generous. / 그는 너그러워요.
◦ - He is optimistic ./ 그는 낙천적이예요.
◦ - He is cheerful . / 그는 명랑해요.
◦ - He is honest . / 그는 정직해요.
◦ -He is sensitive . /그는 섬세해요.
◦ - He is ambitious ./ 그는 의욕적이예요 .
◦ - He is reliable . / 그는 믿음직해요.
- He is hard- working. / 그는 근면해요.
**optimistic (업티미스틱 )낙천적인
cheerful (치어훌 )명랑한
sensitive (센스티브)섬세한
reliable (리라이어블 )믿음직한