Philips 홈페이지 내 CDO Sean Carney의 인사말.
-교재 8장(82쪽)에 나오는 Digital Accelarator Lab(DAL)에 대한 설명이 아래 나옵니다.-
What were your design highlights of 2012?
We set out this year to further position design as a key business tool, and engage our Philips business partners in design thinking. We're at the point now where we have senior business leaders from both inside and outside the company wanting to engage with design and understand just how powerful it can be. And our new Group Design Studio at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven is increasingly being seen as a Center for Creative Collaboration in innovation for Philips.
Recently, the CEO, Chairman and President of PepsiCo visited our Amsterdam and Eindhoven studios, with the primary aim of benchmarking our design capabilities as they set out to build their own design teams. The PepsiCo visit also provided a great platform to discuss a number of ways in which the two companies could collaborate. PepsiCo especially liked how we are positioning design as a key enabler in helping to accelerate the business, in particular with our Rapid Co-Creation and Rapid Contextualization processes. I think we’re finding a great balance between understanding business needs and continuing to provoke them into new ways of thinking.
What can we look forward to in 2013?
I think 2013 is going to be a big tipping point for us when it comes to connected devices and digital innovation—the challenge for the design teams across the categories is to think beyond the product and package and start to envision services that enhance the total customer experiences throughout the life of the product. Of course Philips isn’t entirely new to this as we've had a few connected devices on the market for a number of years with Smart TVs and connected Blue-ray players. In 2012 we added products like the Hue connected lights, and we're now starting to look at innovating in all our categories.
One key benefit of this connectivity is all of the data that can be collected from the devices that passes through our servers. We want to design ways to make sense of this data to help us generate a better understanding of user needs, and bring added value to our customers. Connected devices will enable us to drive new consumer engagements with the Philips brand.
Tell me about the newly launched Digital Accelerator Lab?
The lab is a joint initiative between Design, Research and IT aimed at speeding up our digital innovation and bringing digital ways of working to life. We've put tech researchers, IT platform architects, software coders and designers specialized in interaction, visual and user-interface design together in a room with state-of-the-art equipment to help them bring new digital innovations to market as quickly as possible. At the same time, we've mirrored the lab in our research center in Bangalore so they'll be able to work 24/7 by passing information between them. The recent work the team has done on Data Visualization is really helping to illustrate the power of data, once it can be made accessible to the business management teams.
What other innovations can we look forward to in 2013?
I'm excited by our Healthcare projects. Design thinking is starting to help shape the future of the healthcare industry. In 2012, we set up joint projects with the Basque region and Denmark, and we're helping the Spanish government to work on ways to support patients in their home environments. We're particularly interested in finding ways to help chronically ill patients maintain their independence at home. Doing so is both cost effective for the health services, and also ensures a more humane experience for the person who is ill. It's great that we've been able to engage on a local level with all these governments. Other design leaders may talk about revolutionizing the healthcare industry, but we're actually doing it. And thanks to our products, services, and consulting solutions, we're able to deliver the results too.
December 11, 2012