pregnant =preg, gravid, expecting, impregnate, childing, storked, preggers, enceinte[ɑ:sǽnt](F) 임신한
On the same day I started the job I found out I was pregnant.
She went skiing when she was twenty weeks [seven months] pregnant!
heavily pregnant = heavy with chils 만삭(滿朔)의, 산월(産月)의, (해)산달의
A heavily pregnant woman who was shot at, escaped an overturned car and had to walk for hours in the middle of the night to reach a border crossing with her three-year-old daughter has given birth to a miracle baby.
in the night 밤중에
in the middle of the night = at dead of night, in the dead of night, in the deep of night, in the depth of night 한밤중에
Their meetings were held in secret at dead of night.
A heavily pregnant lady is helped by police officers as a group of people thought to be migrants walk up the beach in Dungeness, Kent, following being rescued in the Channel by the RNLI during a small boat incident, Thursday Sept. 22, 2022.
pregnancy = gravidity. conception, gestation 임신
gravida 임신한 여자의 상태, 임산부
an expectant mother = a prospective mother, a mother– to-be 임신부(예비 어머니)
This drug should be taken during pregnancy.
her third pregnancy. teenage pregnancies
trouble (미혼 여성의) 임신
be in trouble
① 곤란한 처지에 있다 an SOS from a ship in trouble
If you connect the wrong wires to the power supply, you’ll be in deep [serious, big] trouble. ② 꾸지람듣다, 처벌받다 ③ 말썽이 나 있다. 체포당하게 되어 있다 My brother’s in trouble with the police again. ④ 고장나 있다 ⑤ 복역중이다 ⑥ (미혼 여자가) 임신중이다(be pregnant out of wedlock)
get into trouble ① 곤란한 처지에 빠지다(run into trouble. be in a (pretty) fix, get oneself into a fix) The company ran into trouble when it tried to expand quickly.
② 꾸지람 듣다, 처벌받다 ③ 말썽이 나 있다. 경찰에 불려가다 ④ 임신하다, 임신시키다
get a person into trouble = make trouble for a person
① 말썽이 나게하다, 폐를 끼치다(give a person trouble, put a person to trouble, cause inconvenience to a person, put a person to inconvenience, inconvenience) Diane told a lie rather than get her friend into trouble. ② (여자에게) 임신시키다
primigravida 초임부
primipara 초산부
primiparity 초산
beastings= beestings, colostrum = foremilk 초유(初乳)
My sister and brother-in-law are expecting a baby.
She is expecting a baby. 그녀는 아이를 낳을 것이다.
His wife is expecting
= His wife is pregnant again. 그의 아내는 또 임신해 있다.
(quick) with child 임신하여
be with child by ~의 이를 임신하고 있다
get a woman pregnant, get a woman with child = put [get] a woman in the (pudding) club, knock up, get a person into trouble = make a trouble for a person 여자를 임신시키다
I didn’t mean to get her pregnant.
in a family way ① 허물없이(familiarly), 친하게(intimately) ② 임신하여(pregnant, gravid, expecting, in the family way)
in the family way = in a family way, in a certain [a delicate, an interesting, condition, in pod, in gestation, up the duff, in lamb 임신하여
in the (pudding) club (미혼 여성이) 임신하여
carry a child 아이를 배고 있다
get [become, fall] pregnant = conceive, gestate, get into trouble 임신하다
fertility treatment for women who have difficulty conceiving 임신이 어려운 여성들을 위한 임신촉진치료(난임치료)
It came as a shock- I thought I was too old to get pregnant.
I’m having contractions! 자궁수축이 시작되었어요!
How many months pregnant are you? 임신한지 몇 개월되었어요?
She is laboring with child. 그녀는 진통이 진행돠고 있다.
She had 16 pregnancies. 그녀는 16번 임신했다.
(labor) pains (= pain felt by women beginning to have a baby) 진통(陣:痛), 산통(産:痛), 산고(産:苦), 산로(産:勞)
labor 해산, 분만, 진통
easy labor = easy delivery 순산
difficult labor ① hard delivery 난산 ② (형법의) 중노동
have an easy labor [delivery] 순산하다
have a a difficult[ hard] labor[delivery] 난산하다
be in labor 분만중이다
Meg was in labor for 6 hours.
go into labor 진통이 시작되다, 산기가 있다
Diane went into labor at 2 o’clock.
labor ward [room] = delivery room 분만실
No men were allowed in the labor room.
delivery room ① 분만실(labor ward [room]) ② (도서관의) 도서인수실
delivery 분만, 해산, 출산
a visit from the stork 아기의 출생
deliver 분만시키다, 조산(助産)하다, 출산을 돕다(midwife, help women when they are havinf a baby)
The doctor delivered her of a girl.
= The doctor delivered a girl to her. 의사는 그녀의 여자 아이를 받아냈다..
Traditionally, local midwives would deliver all the babies in the area.
be delivered of ~ ① 이이를 낳다 ② 시를 짓다(compose. indite)
On May 24th, she was safely delivered of a daughter.
She was delivered of a baby boy.
parturition = childbirth, labor, delivery 분만, 해산
puerpural 출산의, 분만에 의한, 산부(産:婦)의
prenatal depression 산전우울증(産前憂鬱症)
perinatal depression 주산기우울증(周産期憂鬱症)
postpartum [postpartal] depression 산후우울증
puerpural depression 산후우울증(산후우울중)
puerpural fever 산욕열(産:褥熱)
puerperium 산욕, 산후의 4주간
bear = give birth to 아이를 낳다
She bore him three sons [children].
그녀는 그와의 사이에 세 아들[자녀]을 낳았다.
She bore five children.
= She had five children. 그녀는 다섯 아이를 낳았다.
Cain was borne by Eve. 카인은 하와가 낳았다.
give birth to ① ~을 낳다(bear, birth, bring intothe world) ② ~의 원인이 되다(cause, give rise to)
She gave birth to a fine healthy girl.
Forty lambs were born this spring.
Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 and died in 1745.
She was born on July 7th, 2010.
I was born in a small southern town in Korea.
In those days babies were born at home.
I was born on December 12th, 1980.
a new-born baby 신생아.
be born again 다시 태어나다, 재생하다
be born again Christian [nonsmoker, vegetarian] 기독교신자 [ 금연가, 채식주의자]로 다시 태어나다
She has never borne children. 그녀는 아이를 낳은 적이 없다.
Of all the chidren borne by her one survives. 그녀가 낳은 아이들 가운데 한명만 살아 있다.
be born ahead of [before] one’s time 시대에 앞서 태어나다
be born of ~에게서 태어나다
a Seoulite born and bred = a native-born Seoulite 서울 토박이. 수수한 서울 사람
in all one’s born days [부정문, 의문문] 나서부터 지금까지, 평생
Well, I’ve never heard of such a thing in all my born days.
be born rich [poor, a poet] 부자로 [가난하게, 시인으로] 태어나다
be born with a silver [gold] spoon in one’s mouth 부유한 집안에 태어나다
be born [cradled] to the purple 왕가 [귀족]의 가문에서 태어나다
be born under lucky [unlucky] star
be born on the wrong side of the blanket =be born an illegitimate [a natural, a love, a bastard] child, be born a child out of wedlock 사생아로 태어나다
Polish-born French pianist and composer icon Chopin
Frank was born into a wealthy family.
see the light (of day) ① 태어나다, 세상에 나오다(come into the world) ② 이해하다
His book of poetry will see the light (of day) before long.
그의 시집은 머지않아 햇빛을 보게될 것이다.
Now I see the light. 이제 납득이 간다.
come into [to] the world ① 태어나다(see the light, be born) ② 출판되다(be published)
He comes of (a) good stock. 그는 좋은 가문 출신이다.
of Irish [farming] stock 아린랜드계[농민 출신]의
of noble [humble] origin(s) 고귀한 [비천한] 가문의
come of a good family 명문 출신이다
on the paternal [maternal] side 아버지[어머니]쪽의
Jenny was born with a cleft palate.
cleft palate (선천성의) 구개파열
cleft lip = harelip 언청이. 결순(缺脣). 토순(兔脣)
be born blind [deaf, mute, deaf mute] 장님으로 [귀머거리로, 벙어리로, 귀먹은 벙어리로] 태어나다
be born crippled [disabled, challenged] 불구로 태어나다
be born abled 강건한 신체를 가지고 태어나다
be born socially [economically] disadvantaged 사회적[경제적으로] 혜택받지 못하고 태어나다
be born retarded [retadate] 지능이 디지게 태어나다