The Way For Students - 011 Chapter 1 - God's Work Of Creation Section 2. God And The Creation 3) How Did God Create Humans? - 1
After creating all things, God created the first ancestors as the hero and heroine of all things in the garden of Eden. When He created humans, it was not for fun, not as a hobby. We must realize the reality that the culmination of God's hard work and effort was the creation of human beings as the center of all things.
When God created humans, He did His best and put forth all His energy. He invested His whole being -- His love and heart. He created humans to be in a relationship that cannot be destroyed or broken by anything.
When God looked at humanity, created in the way I have mentioned, peace dwelt in God for the first time. God's happiness and peace can only come through dwelling within humans. God is the parent of human beings. Humans are God's children. God created humans by putting Himself in the center of a human being's flesh and body. Humans are His body, so if humans pull Him, He cannot escape from that.
When God pulls humans, He cannot go away without pulling humans with Him. God created humans to unite the substance and purpose in every circumstance.
If there were a word or a poem that praised God by looking at humans as God's representatives, that would be the highest work. Nothing expressed by any other poet or writer could surpass it. The object is not God, not all things, but humans which represent all things. (20-207) |