11) Thaddeus The Blessing is for us, too Thaddeus will give his words. The realization that we are born with original sin is a great shock to me. Why did the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, not know God’s providence? Why did they disobey God’s words? The fact that the corruption of the human ancestors was passed down to all humanity through blood lineage is hard to conceive, but it is absolutely true. To think about this gives me unbearable regret. The Messiah at the Second Coming should solve this problem of the blood lineage of humanity. I wonder how innumerable people in the spirit world can benefit from this providence. Of course, we twelve disciples failed to fulfill our responsibility, but we still want to receive the benefit of having True Parents liquidate our original sin. Jesus received the Blessing and I am eager to know what we should do to receive the Blessing, and what conditions we should lay in order to advance toward the Messiah. Messiah, True Parents, please give us this opportunity. This is an earnest request not only of Thaddeus but also of the other eleven disciples. Thaddeus (8. 30. 2001) |