교과서를 읽고 나서 인물에 대해 심화 탐구함
그리고 존 로블링과 같은 특징을 가진 인물들을 조사함.
After I learned lesson 6 ‘Against All Odds’
I could feel the devotion of John roebling
John roebling is an expert at building suspension bridges. He said”The study of suspension bridges formed tor the last few years of my residence in Europe my favorite occupation.” He was very curious and interested in Suspension Bridge.
I think devoted his life to building suspension bridge. And I searched the person who was hard-work in their work.
First, Pierre fauchard is a father of dentistry. He disproved theories of tooth generation arguing that the first which are called milk teeth. And he was ahead of his time in medical practice.
Second, Steven Jobs I’d remembered by people as a tremendous innovator.
He was an outstanding entrepreneur and an amazing visionary.
소감 목표
After searching these people, I thought through jobs’s speeches and lectures, I could see stevens’s work ethic.
Its necessary to do best to achieve the best results.I want to be the important person who works hard and curious in particular subject.
첫댓글 교과서에 나와있는 존 로블링을 비롯한 역사적 인물들에 대한 탐구하였고 이들의 삶과 업적에 대해 영어로 분석하고 발표함으로써 주제에 대한 깊은 이해와 언어 구사 능력이 좋아졌음. 피에르 포샤르와 스티브 잡스의 사례를 통해 전문 분야에 대한 헌신과 열정을 영어로 명확히 설명함으로써, 개인적 목표 설정에도 도움이 됨.