(자료모음 페이지) NICHOLSON1968 AND R.F.B. W/Anthony Patch 2016 09 22 RichieFromBoston
- <중요> from about 26:00~ : Genesis 3:22 - 3rd Strand of DNA ** capture preferred at 26:02. - from about 27:03~ 3strand dna hint commercial Verizon Commercial - Droid DNA Hyper Intelligence 2012 12 08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMMoWRVGbrg The RFID CHIP is just the stepping stone to the Mark of the Beast!2013 05 25 Nicholson1968
게시일: 2013. 5. 25.
The secret behind counting the number of his name! This is it! Human Mix..Iron and clay don't cleave. mankind is the temple of God..Satan sits in the temple of God claiming he is God. Bless You DECODING THE 4096 KEY & ANTICHRIST APOLLO W ANTHONY PATCH ▶ computational node in which the distribution of this dna and digitized dna
Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone by James Corbett The NSA’s illegal warrantless wiretapping program. The building of the massive NSA data center in Utah to permanently store copies of all digital communication sent around the world. The UK government’s “Communications Data Bill” to monitor emails, instant messages and other personal information. What was dismissed as crazy conspiracy theory just over a decade ago has become, in this post-9/11 era, the all-too-familiar stuff of newspaper headlines and talking head reportage. In fact, it was about a decade ago that the tactic of the intelligence agencies seemed to change. Instead of keeping their activities classified?referring to the NSA as “No Such Agency,” for example, or officially denying the existence of Echelon?the government increasingly began shoving this information in the public’s face. Perhaps the scariest thing about something like the Total Information Awareness Office is not merely that it was proposed in the first place, or that it incorporated such blatantly creepy Orwellian imagery to convey its true nature and purpose, but that, as we sit here 10 years later, and as the core functions of the TIA office are now being openly performed by the NSA, DHS and other governmental agencies, people are now actively making excuses for this nightmarish police state. “If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear” has always been the rallying cry for those who are too afraid of questioning presumed governmental authority to speak out against the surveillance state and the implied assumption of guilt that goes along with it. With feigned bemusement these moral midgets inevitably ask “What’s so bad about the government spying on you, anyway?” The answer, of course, is that the very question implies that the agencies tasked with carrying out this constant Big Brother surveillance are themselves above reproach, shining lights of moral rectitude who would never abuse this incredible power for nefarious ends. For the unimaginative out there, Hollywood yarns like “Enemy of the State” have provided fictional examples of what can go wrong if someone, somewhere, abuses this power of information and surveillance to target an innocent person in the wrong place at the wrong time. To be sure, the power that these technologies give for agencies, or corrupt groups within those agencies, to destroy the lives of targeted individuals, is itself a fitting answer to the question of why government surveillance should be troubling to us. But beyond what can happen to specific, targeted individuals in such a scenario, however, is a much larger question: What if this data, our emails, our phone calls, our credit card transactions, our social media posts, our cell phone GPS logs, and all of the hundreds of other pieces of data that are admittedly being collected on us every day, were being fed into a database so gargantuan it contains a digital version of every single person on the planet? And what if that database were being used by the Department of Defense to war game various scenarios, from public reactions to natural disasters to the likelihood of civil unrest in the wake of a declaration of martial law? Remarkably, this is precisely what is happening. It is called the “Sentient World Simulation.” The program’s aim, according to its creator, is to be a “continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.” In practical terms that equates to a computer simulation of the planet complete with billions of “nodes” representing every person on the earth. The project is based out of Purdue University in Indiana at the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations Laboaratory. It is led by Alok Chaturvedi, who in addition to heading up the Purdue lab also makes the project commercially available via his private company, Simulex, Inc. which boasts an array of government clients, including the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice, as well as private sector clients like Eli Lilly and Lockheed Martin. Chatruvedi’s ambition is to create reliable forecasts of future world events based on imagined scenarios. In order to do this, the simulations “gobble up breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence.” Although not explicitly stated, the very type of data on digital communications and transactions now being gobbled up by the NSA, DHS and other government agencies make ideal data for creating reliable models of every individuals’ habits, preferences and behaviors that could be used to fine-tune these simulations and give more reliable results. Using this data, the SEAS Laboratory and its Sentient World Simulation offshoot are able to create detailed, operable real-time simulations of at least 62 nations. “The Iraq and Afghanistan computer models,” according to a 2007 Register report on the project, “each has about five million individual nodes representing things such as hospitals, mosques, pipelines, and people.” At the time of initial reports on the program five years ago, there were only 62 country-level simulations being run by the US Department of Defense. These simulations grouped humans into composites, with 100 individuals acting as a single node. But already at that time, the US Army had used the systems to create a one-to-one level simulation of potential Army recruits. The ultimate aim would be to archive enough data on each individual to be able to make a computer model of everyone on the planet, one that could be used to predict the behaviors and reactions of every single person in the event of various scenarios. The program can be used to predict what would happen in the event of a large scale tsunami, for example, or how people would react during a bioterror attack. Businesses can use the models to predict how a new product would fare in the market, what kind of marketing plans would be most effective, or how best to streamline a company’s organization. The original concept paper for the project was published in 2006 and in 2007 it was reported that both Homeland Security and the Defense Department were already using the system to simulate the American public’s reaction to various crises. In the intervening five years, however, there has been almost no coverage at all of the Sentient World Simulation or its progress in achieving a model of the earth. There is a very good chance that these types of systems are, at least for the moment, pure quackery. Computers are only as valuable as their programming, after all, and the algorithms required to accurately predict responses in chaotic systems with multiple, dimly-understood variables is orders of magnitude beyond what is currently possible. Or is it? one of the great ironies of our time, as Glenn Greenwald goes on to point out in his speech on the surveillance state, is that although we live in a time when it is possible for nebulous government agencies to know every detail of your life, from what you ate for breakfast to where you shopped last night to who your friends are, we are also living in an age of unprecedented ignorance about what are our own governments are actually doing. This is the heart of the matter. Somehow we are expected to go along with the sophomoric sophism that “If we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to fear,” yet at the same time we are asked to believe that the government must keep all manner of information secret from the public in order to carry out its work of “protecting” that public. If the government has nothing to hide, then why doesn’t it release the notes, memoranda and findings of the 9/11 Commission in full and unredacted? Why doesn’t it release the records of the JFK assassination investigation instead of arguing, as it is, that those records should once again be removed from a declassification review that is to take place in 2013, 50 years after the assassination itself took place? Why doesn’t it release the full audit trail of what banks received the emergency TARP funds and in what amounts? Is it because, after all, the government does have something to hide from the public that are its ostensible masters? Is it because the old maxim that “Knowledge is power” is more true than we could ever know, and that the government’s one-way insistence on transparency for the citizens and opacity for itself is a reflection of the power that it holds over us? The Sentient World Simulation is just one example of one program run by one company for various governmental and Fortune 500 clients. But it is a significant peek behind the curtain at what those who are really running our society want: complete control over every facet of our lives achieved through a complete invasion of everything that was once referred to as “privacy.” To think that this is the only such program that exists, or even that we have any significant details about the ways that the SWS has already been used, would be hopelessly naive. So where does this leave a public that is at such a disadvantage in this information warfare? A public that is effectively told that anything and everything they do, say or buy, can and will be catalogued by the a.i. control grid even as the details of that grid are to be kept from them? Unfortunately there is no easy way back from the precipice that we were ushered toward with the creation of the national security state and the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. Perhaps we have already stepped over that precipice and there is no going back in the current political paradigm. These are things for an informed, aware, knowledgeable citizenry to decide through a societal dialogue over the nature of and importance of “privacy.” But without a general awareness that programs like the Sentient World Simulation even exist, what hope do we have in counteracting it? MUST WATCH! Human Animal Hybrids Exist! | Tom Horn on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
... actually altering the genetic code of soldiers, modifying bits of DNA to ... lead to the resurrection of the pagan deity Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod, who ... FORBIDDEN GATES FORBIDDEN GATES
By Thomas R. Horn November 17, 2010 NewsWithViews.com BIBLICAL EX AMPLE OF NEPHILIM RESURRECTION? We believe an example of such Nephilim “resurrection” as discussed in the last entry may exist in the Bible, which evolved as a result of human genetic alteration. The story is doubly important to our just released new book Forbidden Gates as well as the last book Apollyon Rising 2012 because it centers around Nimrod, the original character who later was mythologized as the god Apollo prophesied by the apostle Paul in the New Testament (and by the occult elite on the Great Seal of the United States) as the ancient spirit that will return to earth to rule the novus ordo seclorum. The story of Nimrod in the book of Genesis may illustrate how this could happen through genetic engineering or a retrovirus of demonic design that integrates with a host’s genome and rewrites the living specimen’s dna, thus making it a “fit extension” or host for infection by the entity. Note what Genesis 10:8 says about Nimrod:
Three sections in this unprecedented verse indicate something very peculiar happened to Nimrod. First, note where the text says, “he began to be.” In Hebrew, this is chalal, which means “to become profaned, defiled, polluted, or desecrated ritually, sexually or genetically.” Second, this verse tells us exactly what Nimrod began to be as he changed genetically?“a mighty one” (gibbowr, gibborim), one of the offspring of Nephilim. As Annette Yoshiko Reed says in the Cambridge University book, Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity, “The Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 are always…grouped together with the gibborim as the progeny of the Watchers and human women.”[1] And the third part of this text says the change to Nimrod started while he was on “earth.” Therefore, in modern language, this text could accurately be translated to say: “And Nimrod began to change genetically, becoming a gibborim, the offspring of watchers on earth.” To understand how as a mature, living specimen Nimrod could have “begun to be a gibborim,” it is helpful to imagine this in terms of biology as we know it. For instance, not long ago, I “began to be” a diabetic. Because of poor choices of food, diet, and exercise, my doctor tells me that I triggered a genetic inherent and that it began changing me genetically. Yet just because I had the heritable, disease-related genotype that can lead to diabetes, this did not mean necessarily that I would develop the medical condition. It is entirely possible to be a carrier of a genetic mutation that increases the risk of developing a particular disease without ever actually becoming afflicted with the disorder in the course of a lifetime. Due to my earlier lifestyle, or maybe even certain environmental conditions I was unaware of, the gene mutation involved in the action of insulin “turned on” and I “began to be” a diabetic. We’ve often wondered if the record of Nimrod that says he “began to be” a “gibborim” indicated something similar about his genetics, dna, or bloodline that “turned on” as a result of his decisions, triggering a change in him from one type of being to another. It is also a possibility, we suppose, that Nimrod became afflicted with a retrovirus that integrated with his genome and, in essence, “rewrote” his genetic makeup, fashioning him into a transhuman or posthuman “fit extension” for an underworldly spirit. When we asked Sharon Gilbert, author of The Armageddon Strain whose formal education includes theology, molecular biology, and genetics, if she thought this was possible, she said:
Perhaps this type of genetic rewriting is implied in Genesis 10:8, which says, “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one [gibborim] in the earth.” In addition to such scientific deduction, another reason we believe this story is suspicious is because of what Nimrod did immediately following Genesis chapter 10. As soon as he “began to be a mighty one,” he set out to build a tower whose top would “reach unto heaven” (Genesis 11:4). This was the infamous Tower of Babel, and Nimrod was designing it so that the top of it would extend into Shamayim (“heaven”), the abode of God. The Jewish Encyclopedia confirms several historical records that Nimrod, whom it establishes was also identified by various ancient cultures alternatively as the god Apollo, built the Tower of Babel in an attempt to defiantly ascend into the presence of God. Jehovah Himself came down and said of the Tower’s design: “Nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do” (Genesis 11:6). In other words, according to the Lord, Nimrod would have accomplished what he “imagined” to do?to build a tower whose top would reach into the abode of God. That this section of Scripture could be viewed as a secondary support for the concept of Nimrod having become “revived Watcher offspring” is supported by Nimrod seeming to be abruptly aware of where and how tall to build a tower so that the top of it would penetrate the dwelling place of God. Were his eyes suddenly opened to realities that are outside man’s normal mode of perception? Did he become Prof. Nick Bostrom and the Arizona State University’s Sophia Project dream come true, capable of seeing into the spirit world as a result of transhuman or posthuman alteration? If Nimrod was genetically modified according to the original Watcher formula, he would have inherited animal characteristics (Bostrom’s method) within his new material makeup, and according to the biblical story of Balaam’s donkey, animals can, like angels, perceive “domains” that humans cannot. This includes obvious things, such as wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, but evidently something even more substantial, like the spirit realm. Additionally, as Nimrod/Apollo became gibborim, he would have taken on Watchers’ propensities, which, as angels, could see into the supernatural realm including where heaven is located and possibly where to enter it. Even the name “Babylon” implies this, meaning the “gate of God” or “gateway to God.” Sacred locations where beings that can see into the supernatural realm could literally walk up onto a high place and enter heaven is not as farfetched as it sounds. Numerous examples from the Bible may substantiate the idea that heaven could be attained on high towers or mountainous locations. Consider Moses meeting with God on Sinai, Jesus returning atop the Mount of Olives, the two hundred Watchers that “descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon” (from the Apocryphal Book of Enoch 6:6) and other examples, including Jacob’s ladder. This could also explain why, in the deep recesses of our psyche, people tend to believe that they can draw closer to God when going up onto mountains.
The big question is this: Could a modern form of a genetically altered Nimrod/Apollo returning as the Antichrist with an army of revived Nephilim reopen these gateways (Isaiah 13:2?3) and fulfill the sign of “the days of Noah,” which Jesus said would mark the time just prior to His return? A growing body of theologians believes so, and we make no argument against it, but we are happy in upcoming entries to share “other” signs of the days of Noah, ones we believe could be manifested in these troubling times as well?signs wherein true believers become the only power on earth against which the ancient spirit of modern transhumansim cannot prevail. [Editor's note: This series is based on research contained in Tom and Nita Horn's new book: Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare. Learn more here] Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Footnotes: 1, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature (Cambridge, 2005) 214 ?¿½ 2010 Thomas Horn - All Rights Reserved http://www.babylonrisingblog.com/ManyNames.html Without a doubt, the first blatantly anti-Christ-like figure that we read about in scripture is someone the Bible refers to as Nimrod. This individual is very significant for a lot of reasons which will become apparent by the end of this blog. I believe Nimrod was a giant like so many of his cousins. Let's look at the Hebrew (for Genesis 10:8): The name 'Nimrod' (Strong's # 5248) is a word that both Strong's and the NAS Exhaustive Concordances say is "from foreign origin." In his Genesis 1-15, Word Biblical Commentary, Wenham notes that the name means 'we shall rebel' though he admits that the etymology is by no means certain. But most scholars seem to agree that the name essentially means, “the rebellious one.” Therefore, it was probably more of a title than a proper name. That being said, I believe he has gone by many other proper names, described by many cultures of antiquity. Before I get into that, I want to address the phrase, "began to be a mighty one" first. The word "began" used here is the word "he-hel" or "chalal" in Hebrew. Strong's (# 2490) defines it as:
This is extremely interesting. Now let's look at the word translated as "mighty one" to see just how interesting it really is. The word translated as "mighty one" is "gibbor" in Hebrew (Strong's # 1368). There has been some debate regarding this word as it can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few mentioned in Strong's:
Notice one of the ways that it can be used includes the word "giant" though this word is not as popular in that regard as other Hebrew words such as Nephilim or Raphaim. This word "gibbor" seems to be more of a description of a man who is indeed mighty in the sense of a warrior. But when you look at Genesis 6:4, there appears to be an interesting connection.
This seems to be saying that the "gibbor" can be considered the offspring of the Nephilim, which we know were giants. This is not always the case though. Take David's "mighty men [gibbor] of valor" (in 2 Chronicles 25:6) for instance. I don't believe these were Nephilim offspring - especially since one of the things these guys did was hunt down giants! So, we can't get overly dogmatic about the word itself. I believe its meaning must be taken in context with its usage in the sentence. So, what are we to think concerning Nimrod? I believe given what we know concerning the other son's of Ham and their offspring, it is reasonable to assume that through profaning/defiling himself, Nimrod became a "mighty one" - in the sense of being an offspring of the Nephilim (see also this person's explanation). What we don't see in scripture I believe can certainly be derived from the writings of other cultures concerning this man. In his book, The Giza Discovery, author Peter Goodgame has done a masterful job of laying the foundation of who this guy was to the ancient world... and who he will be in the days ahead. The Bible calls him Nimrod, but to the ancients he was known as:
The Bible tells us about one of the things Nimrod did that made him famous. He was the one who orchestrated the building of the Tower of Babel. According to the Book of Jasher,[1] Nimrod led a team of three camps, each with a special mission to accomplish with the completion of the Tower. one camp intended to kill God. Another intended to strike Him with bows and spears. The third planned to set up their false gods and worship them in Heaven. So what we see here are the attributes of the first Anti-Christ. He wanted to kill God and set up a one World System, with himself as God. But when God saw all that they intended to do, He decided to do something about it. The first thing we must realize is that the Tower of Babel was not just a tall building. God didn't freak out when we built the World Trade Center buildings. No. Nimrod was building what we might call a "Stargate" today. The Tower of Babel was literally a portal through which Nimrod intended to reach into Heaven. And apparently, this was possible.
From that text it would seem that Nimrod's plan was possible - at least in the sense of "reaching into Heaven." We know that we can't build a building that is high enough to literally enter into the "Third Heaven" where God dwells, therefore something else must be meant by this. Somehow, Nimrod and his people created something that could "bridge" our world and that of the Heavenly realm. But God put a stop to it. He confounded their speech and separated the people of the earth. In the New Living Translation, Deuteronomy 32:8 says,
I chose that translation, because it seems to be more accurate than most other translations that render the last part as, "according to the children of Israel." The NLT seems to draw its translation of this verse from the Septuagint which says, "according to the angels of God." In Barne's Notes on the Bible, the author writes,
King Wells, the author of Ancient Myths and the Bible reinforces this belief on pages 12 and 13 of his book:
The Book of Jasher confirms this idea as well. In chapter 48:43, it describes the throne of Pharaoh as follows.
The narrative goes on to describe the reasons for the seventy steps, stating that they represent the 70 languages of man. Note verses 45b-47:
In the next chapter (of Jasher), we see in the account of Joseph being made second in charge of Egypt, that Pharaoh's officers protested the idea of someone ruling over them who did not know all 70 languages. This would have presented a problem for Joseph if it were not for an angel of the Lord coming to him that night and teaching him all 70 languages (Jasher 49:9-18).
What's the point? The point is simply this: after the confusion of the tongues at the Tower of Babel, men went away talking about the same guy (Nimrod), only now in their new language. Thus Nimrod, the great and mighty warrior-hunter-god-king, became known by many different names throughout the world. With 70 different nations/languages coming out of that one event, it is now easy to understand how Nimrod could be known by at least 70 different names! Earlier, I said I wanted to focus on two names in particular; Gilgamesh and Osiris. Let's start with Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories ever written. Many people have made the connection that Gilgamesh is just one of many names for Nimrod. David Livingston does a good job of making the Nimrod-Gilgamesh connection, and the Internet is literally loaded with information and resources that testify to the two names representing the same individual. He is often depicted as a giant. We can see in the picture to the left that he is holding a lion under his arm! The ancient text also makes the statement that he was "2/3 god and 1/3 man." This would certainly seem to support the "Nephilim genetics" case I'm making regarding the children of Ham. There is much I could write about concerning Gilgamesh, but that's all I will focus on for now. I will return to this character again shortly. Now, let's turn our attention to Osiris. Osiris is a VERY well known character in both history and mythology. He plays a prominent role in secret societies and even in our own government. But more than that, I believe he is the central character we need to look at when it comes to understanding the times we live in and what is to come in the near future. For instance, did you know that Osiris is the only other god of antiquity apart from Yeshua that was known as, "The King of kings and Lord of lords?"
As stated above, Peter Goodgame has done an amazing job of connecting the dots and explaining the Osiris myth, so I won't go over it all here. Please take the time to read Part 2 ofThe Giza Discovery to learn more. There are however a few things that I would like to point out here in order to set the stage for some of the conclusions I will draw later. Osiris' symbol is the ankh, which looks remarkably like a cross. one dominant theory is that the "loop" at the top of the ankh represents resurrection - as in the rebirth of the sun. This would seem to go along with the NUMEROUS dying and resurrecting sun gods born on December 25th that are found in the ancient world. And suffice it to say, it is not by chance, coincidence or accident that the Son of God was crucified on the symbol of the sun god! With that in mind, I feel it is important to note that in Nimrod's incarnation as Osiris, you can truly see a mirror (reversed) image of Jesus. Where Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, Osiris is the exact antithesis. He is the sun god, the false messiah, the ANTI-Christ! This is one of the primary reasons why I believe Christians should have absolutely nothing to do with associating Jesus Christ and the date, December 25th. It was NOT Jesus' birthday.[2] It was the birthday of Nimrod/Osiris/Baal/Mithra. It is not my intent to build a comprehensive case against Christmas in this blog. Click here if you'd like to view more videos on the subject.The bottom line is, in Deuteronomy 18:9, God told the Israelites not to have anything to do with the traditions of other (false) gods. He considers that an abomination. And if our God is "the same yesterday, today and forever" as the Bible claims He is, then I suspect the Word that became flesh on our behalf would give us the same warning. It has been my experience that few if any Christians want to hear this message and will fight you tooth and nail over it. But because I believe I have been shown this truth, I have a responsibility to herald it.
I've sounded the alarm. It is up to you to heed it or ignore it. Needless to say, "Christmas Day" (as defined by December 25th) is not Jesus Christ's birthday, but rather the birthday of the Anti-Christ - the dying and resurrecting sun god of antiquity... who hasn't resurrected yet. Hasn't resurrected yet? What's that about??? In the Book of Revelation, Jesus is repeatedly referred to as "the one who was and is and is to come." That theme carries through the early part of the book, but once you get to chapter 13, you start to read about a "Beast" who is later described (in chapter 17:8-11) as the one who "was and is NOT and yet shall be." More on that later. The other thing I want to point out regarding the Osiris-Nimrod connection is their association with one of the most prominent and easily identifiable constellations in the sky - Orion. Like Gilgamesh and Nimrod, Orion is also known as "the mighty hunter." In The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, the author writes the following (in Chapter 2, Death of the Child)
So, now that we have connected Nimrod with Gilgamesh, Osiris and Orion, I will begin to pull it all together and paint a picture that I believe perfectly illustrates what is to come. Everyone knows the Giza plateau is aligned to the "belt" of the Orion Constellation. The Giza plateau has received a lot of attention throughout history, but never as much as I believe it is now and will in the very near future. In 1999, Zahi Hawass, the current Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, claimed to have found the burial tomb of Osiris below the Giza Plateau.[3]
That was more than ten years ago! Just imagine what they've found under the Giza plateau since then! A few years later, another astonishing (and related) discovery was made, but this time in the desert of Iraq. on Tuesday, the 29th of April, 2003, a BBC news report came out announcing that archeologists had discovered the tomb of Gilgamesh! I have copied the entire article below (because it would not surprise me if it disappears from the original BBC web site soon).
I believe these two incredible discoveries - the tombs of Osiris and Gilgamesh - telegraph the beginning of the End. CLICK HERE to read the next blog: "The First Shall Be The Last" >> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHMYntOu-a7UawuBg_mmnsBvSWT17gM9 The Real Mark of the Beast and Key of David!
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